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Ahh, the old Fried Pie wars :laugh: I'll sometimes stop by the one here in OKC and get a chocolate or coconut. Also partial to the Chicken/Vegatable.
That Fried Chicken Pot Pie is really good.

You have to be careful and don't let those pies sit to long in the wrapper or box because the grease begins to pool beneath them reminding you this is not a healthy food.

It's kind of like many years ago I was a Slim Jimaholic and used to have them around when I traveled and one day I left one on the front seat while I made a sales call and it was in the summer. I came back out after an hour and witnessed a horror movie scene as this awful looking orange goo streaked with white oozed out of my Slim Jim inside the wrapper and my only thought was 'artery plug, how many of these nasty things have I eaten and how much of that orange crap is still in my body'?

My wife, of course, thought I was a mentally challenged idiot feasting on Slim Jims and pork skins, back when there was only one flavor and they hadn't become Atkins Diet designed food, and suggested I should really live in a mancave. She told me if I'd stop eating that crap, she'd take our life insurance company off speed dial. I never had another Slim Jim because I could not get that mental picture of what's inside it.
I thought Whitney Houston was the all time best singing the National Anthem, but now I don't know. That was pretty awesome. It is a hard song to sing.
Tell me about it. When I was in OK, my radio stations were Texas Motor Speedway affiliates and part of our deal was to have contestants sing the National Anthem to qualify to do that at the track in front of 100K people. They had to sing it a cappella and I still have some of the strangest sounds bouncing around in my head. I think that is the reason for my tinnitus, it was for my mental survival.

However, one day this young woman comes in who was classically trained, with her vocal coach, and stopped the people in the mall dead in their tracks. I could see people rubbing their arms from the goosebumps. She won and won again in Ft. Worth and sang not only on the day before the big race but they brought her back for the big race and she sang for 150,000 people.
moondog pizza
I tried something new yesterday. I made a traditional lasagna but instead of using lasagna pasta making the different layers I used cheese raviolis for the layers.

She reminds me of my mother, except for the salt and the singing. LOL. Seriously, this woman uses a lot of salt. Yes, to the pecorino romano cheese. Much better than parmesan. But it is already salty. So using 2 cups of pecorino adds a lot of salt to the dish. I would try this recipe as is but I suspect it is too salty for me. Still between the peppers, mozzarella and ground meat it may need some salt.

I loved my mom's stuffed peppers and have never been able to replicate the flavor. She didn't use peppers in the stuffing. She used only tomatoes. She also used more tomato sauce which she made herself and cooked the stuffed peppers in it. I suspect the little Italian lady in this video also made her sauce and jarred it for use later. Very few people do that anymore. But what a difference it makes.

I am going to try this recipe one day soon, but I can't get peppers that nice very often in the market here. Maybe Whole Foods will have them.
The best stuffed bell pepper I've ever had was at Cafe Dauphine on Dauphine Street in New Orleans. They stuff theirs with crab meat, shrimp, and ground beef then deep fry the whole thing.​

Coincidentally I am making pasta and meatballs tonight. I use a meatball recipe from the late Dom Delouise's cookbook, "Eat This: It's Good for You!". I recommend it. Dom was obese so I suspect he knew about good food. He says his recipe is actually his mother's. Anyway, I use chopped garlic instead of garlic powder and I add onion which is slightly cooked before I mix it into the chopped meat. I also use a bit of ground pork and a bit of milk. My mother used chunks of bread soaked in milk instead of bread crumbs. Instead of frying the meatballs I cook them in the oven. I know it's sacrilege for most Italians but when I make meatballs I make about 50 of them at once and freeze them for use later. Frying 50 meatballs is a pain in the...They last a long time in the freezer and when I need them I just plop them into the sauce and let them heat up that way.

In this video, grandma still uses a lot of salt. LOL. I add some salt to my sauce but not too much. I also add about 1/4 cop of red wine, a tip I picked up from the movie, The Godfather. It does make a difference, especially if you add meat to the sauce. Sometimes I will fry a couple of hot finger peppers with the onion and garlic. Discard the peppers once they are fried. They leave their heat behind in the oil. The sauce will be spicy - or arrabiata.

This is making me hungry so I am off to start dinner!

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