UFC 116: Lesnar vs Carwin


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Ren;3452430 said:
If anyone wants to compare him to some of the greats in the sport like you seem to want then 5 wins is not nearly enough, all personal feeling aside.
If/when he gets up to 10-15 fights and is still at the top then it's time to start that debate, until then Brock has a lot to prove if you want to put him next to the all time greats.
That's not me hating on Brock any non fanboy will tell you the exact same thing i am

Especially since he joined UFC's HW division at a time when the old guard like Big Nog, Cro Cop, and Couture are well past their primes, and the new crop of talent like Carwin & Cain are still extremely green. Five years ago Carwin was sitting in a cubicle. It's a far cry from other divisions (and the glory days of the Pride HW division), where you have guys like GSP, Penn, Silva ... guys who have been professional fighters most of their adult lives. Really, the only skilled fighter Brock has faced in his prime is Mir, who he's 1-1 against. (and personally, I've never really like Mir as a fighther ... but that's not here nor there).

Brock's going to get his chance to prove all the doubters wrong as Cain, Carwin and JDS get more skilled and seasoned, and maybe Dana gets Overeem or Fedor to cross over, and the UFC heavyweight talent pool gets a little deeper. But right now it's hard for me to take the division seriously when Roy Nelson is one fight away from competing for the belt.


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Ren;3452457 said:
I haven't seen any improvement in the fights he's had what makes you think that's going to all of a sudden change?

Because he is only 6 fights in and his lack of stand up didn't really get exposed until the Mir fight.

All the guy has to do is learn to move his head and just take Dan Hendersons stand up style and just throw heavy Rights.

Lesnar needs to learn he doesn't always have to be the attacker. Just become a counter striker for now.


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Ren;3452457 said:
I haven't seen any improvement in the fights he's had what makes you think that's going to all of a sudden change?

Wow ...... I cannot believe anyone could say that with a straight face.


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zrinkill;3452910 said:
Wow ...... I cannot believe anyone could say that with a straight face.

You're just blinded by homerism, you honestly watching the fights the rest of us have seen improvement in his standup? against Carwin it actually looked worse partly cause of Carwin and partly cause Brock just isn't very good standing and never have been

enlighten me pleas, how has his stand up has gotten any better?



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Ren;3452935 said:
You're just blinded by homerism, you honestly watching the fights the rest of us have seen improvement in his standup? against Carwin it actually looked worse partly cause of Carwin and partly cause Brock just isn't very good standing and never have been

enlighten me pleas, how has his stand up has gotten any better?

the guy also missed a full year. now find me a guy his size with good standup


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Ren;3452935 said:
You're just blinded by homerism


He lumbered into Mir the first time and got caught in a leg bar.

His balance standing upright is much better now than his fights vs Mir or Couture.

He was dominating upright vs Mir in the second fight ..... and the reason he did worse against Carwin is because he had not fought in a year ..... by the second round he had found his "ring legs" again.

Now say how bad he sucks again while calling others Homers.



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zrinkill;3452949 said:

He lumbered into Mir the first time and got caught in a leg bar.

His balance standing upright is much better now than his fights vs Mir or Couture.

He was dominating upright vs Mir in the second fight ..... and the reason he did worse against Carwin is because he had not fought in a year ..... by the second round he had found his "ring legs" again.

Now say how bad he sucks again while calling others Homers.


he was dominating Mir in the standup in the 2nd fight.....:laugh2:

that might have been part of it regarding the Carwin fight but it mostly has to do with the fact that his standup still is really bad. I'm a huge Lesnar fan but I can atleast admit it.


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Rampage;3452946 said:
the guy also missed a full year. now find me a guy his size with good standup


that was easy


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Rampage;3452952 said:
he was dominating Mir in the standup in the 2nd fight.....:laugh2:

that might have been part of it regarding the Carwin fight but it mostly has to do with the fact that his standup still is really bad. I'm a huge Lesnar fan but I can atleast admit it.

Yes ..... compared to 210 - 240 pounds fighters it is.

But not compared to anyone in his weight range ......

The Guy is a wrestler ........ as long as his standup is good enough to keep him out of trouble (which I think it is) it is good enough.

And I do think he was dominating Mir in that second fight ..... even before he took him down.


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Ren;3452957 said:

that was easy

:laugh2: Semmy is a totally different body type. he's 6'11 and thin. Brock is 270+ of muscle. plus Semmy isn't even an mma fighter anymore. find me a guy with a body like Brock's that is good at standup


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Rampage;3452963 said:
:laugh2: Semmy is a totally different body type. he's 6'11 and thin. Brock is 270+ of muscle. plus Semmy isn't even an mma fighter anymore. find me a guy with a body like Brock's that is good at standup

Schilt is 290, you wanted a guy Brocks size with good stand up i gave you one even bigger so now you're changing the criteria? :lmao2:


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Ren;3452971 said:
Schilt is 290, you wanted a guy Brocks size with good stand up i gave you one even bigger so now you're changing the criteria? :lmao2:
Semmy is 7 feet tall. he's not anywhere near as compact as Brock's body is. there bodies are nothing alike except they are both big guys.


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I wouldn't say Brock dominated Mir standing up in the 2nd fight.

I thought Mirs standup was better.

But I would rather fight Mir standing up than Brock.

That right hand is deadly.


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Ren;3452371 said:
Fedor is much better on his feet then anyone Brock has faced including Carwin if Fedor where to land a clean shot on Brock the fight would be over. Fedor is the most accurate HW in MMA so when you consider that almost every fighter Brock has faced has been able to hit him Fedor wouldn't have to much trouble doing that either. Brock's only shot would be to get on top of Fedor and even then Fedor has proved time and time again he can escape just about anything

Skill wise they're not close at all. Brock is an extremely raw fighter at this point and with his still very glaring weaknesses he doesn't match up well with Fedor at all since it plays right into Fedors strengths

10 years of dominance vs 5 wins should tell you who the better fighter is. Brocks future looks a lot brighter then Fedors does but that has more to do with Fedor carer winding down and Brock just starting out.

As of right now Brock is just another in a long line of UFC champ, he's yet to prove he's any more special the a lot of the champs that came and went before him. it's not like he's re-writing history or anything with his 2 title defenses, many have done that and better before him. If he was to retire today he'd be nothing more then a footnote in MMA history, Brock has A LOT to prove still.

Brock reminds me a lot of Coleman back in the early days, Coleman looked unstoppable he had everyone beat on both size and power and was an excellent wrestler. Then along comes Maurice Smith a guy with a sub .500 carer record and made him look stupid, he was never the same after that.
A lot of people who have followed MMA for a long time are rightfully skeptical of him still because we've seen fighters with a lot of potential come and go before. Brock isn't threading any new ground, lots of fighters have done this before him. And a lot of them looked better then Brock has as well.

It's very hard to judge improvement with Brock because of his style but one thing is very clear, his standup hasn't improved much. That would worry me if i was a Brock fan. I can see him beating Velasquez but someone like Junior Dos Santos would give him a lot of problems.
That's the biggest difference between say a Fedor and Brock, Fedor doesn't really match up poorly with any style Brock does

LOL. I almost thought this was a good post until you compared Coleman to Lesnar. Other than the fact they were both wrestlers there is simply no comparison. Coleman was never, and never will be, the physical presence that Brock is.

It's a terrible comparison.

zrinkill;3452379 said:
It would never be enough for you ..... you predict him to get crushed in every fight.

If he beat Fedor ..... you would come up with another excuse .....

It's not important. Brock could sling off 10 more wins from this point, without losing, and beat everyone whose supposedly going to beat him and there will still be guys saying "Yeah he's not good. Still has tons to prove."

And it's all based off the fact that he did WWE wrestling so that immediately meant he couldn't possibly *gasp* learn to actually fight MMA.

InmanRoshi;3452400 said:
Everyone wants to see Brock/Fedor, I want to see Overreem/Brock. Brock's standup is atrocious and a world class kickboxer like Overreem wouldn't just tire himself out punching Brock's face like Carwin (basically a 1 trick pony and hardly a great overall fighter) did. Overreem just completely manhandled Rogers, who is the same size as Brock.

Rogers might weigh as much as Brock but they're in no way the same size. Rogers doesn't have near the muscle, strength, or athletic ability that Brock does.

That's an even worse comparison than the Coleman one that Ren made earlier. Brock would DESTROY Rogers. It would be a seriously ugly beating for Rogers whose basically a slightly more skilled Kimbo Slice.

Ren;3452957 said:

that was easy

If you can look at that guys body and try and claim that he and Brock are in anyway alike you're either blind or an idiot. I mean it's really that simple.

There is a HUGE difference between being 290 pounds at 7 feet tall and 270 pounds at 6'3".

It's not even a realistic comparison cause it's such a HUGE difference. Brock's chest is about 3 times the size of this.

It's more than about the number on the scale but I'm not surprised that fact was over looked.


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BraveHeartFan;3453253 said:
LOL. I almost thought this was a good post until you compared Coleman to Lesnar. Other than the fact they were both wrestlers there is simply no comparison. Coleman was never, and never will be, the physical presence that Brock is.

It's a terrible comparison.

Coleman never fought anyone his own size back then look it up, look up who he fought and their size compared to him. Size wize he had the same advantage because his opponents where smaller, hence the comparison. Not to mention that the way in which Brock has won his fights has been VERY much the same as the way Coleman won his early fights. Coleman looked like a freak next to his opponents, remind you of anyone?

BraveHeartFan;3453253 said:
If you can look at that guys body and try and claim that he and Brock are in anyway alike you're either blind or an idiot. I mean it's really that simple.

This is as much as i bothered to read, I was asked to name someone as big as Brock who was a good striker and i did, you denying that?
Adding new criteria to the question after it has been answered doesn't make the original answer to the original question any less correct and you're an idiot if you think that's how it works

Where in that question do you see anything about body type, point it out to me pleas... can't do it can you?


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Ren;3453339 said:
This is as much as i bothered to read, I was asked to name someone as big as Brock who was a good striker and i did, you denying that?
Adding new criteria to the question after it has been answered doesn't make the original answer to the original question any less correct and you're an idiot if you think that's how it works

Where in that question do you see anything about body type, point it out to me pleas... can't do it can you?
right below in the post you didn't respond too.
Rampage;3452984 said:
Semmy is 7 feet tall. he's not anywhere near as compact as Brock's body is. there bodies are nothing alike except they are both big guys.


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BraveHeartFan;3452314 said:
Cain won't be able to keep it off the ground. He'll basically have the exact same trouble Mir did in keeping it off the ground, which is to say he can't.

Lets not act as if Brock is completely untouchable as a wrestler.

You can go back to his WWE days. Brock and Kurt Angle talked trash about who was the better wrestler. One day they finally decided to find out backstage, and by most every account, Kurt completely tooled Brock. Mind you, this was a roided up 300lbs+ version of Brock against a 220lbs man in Angle.

Lets remember something - Cain is a 2x All-American at Arizona State and a JUCO National Champ. Cain has some outstanding amateur credentials.

Even more, he trains daily at AKA with the likes of Koscheck, Fitch, and more importantly, Daniel Cormier. If you do not know who Daniel Cormier is, I suggest a Google search rather quickly.

From the sound of it, this fight will not happen for quite a while. Which means even if you think Cain is that much below Brock in wrestling, that Cain will be able to train with a huge Olympian like Daniel Cormier for many months.

Do not oversell Brock here while undercutting Cain.

BraveHeartFan;3452314 said:
I get what you're saying but is that whole post intended to point out that Lesnar has flaws? I mean every fighter has flaws that can make them vulnerable and get them beat.

That fight with Randleman and Fedor was sick though. I've always thought that was pretty tough of Fedor to comeback from that slam and just quickly submit Randleman. That was impressive.

As for Tim and Arlovski you can count me out of the group that was ever impressed by them, especially Tim. I always, always, always thought Tim was a product of an extremely weak division at the time he was champ in UFC. He's an average, at best, fighter.

It's why I don't give Fedor much credit for those two wins. I wouldn't have given him much if he'd beaten either one of those two in their prime runs in UFC cause they were both extremely over-rated and average.

Tim even more so now is nothing so Fedor beating him just isn't impressive to me at this point.

The point of my post was to more point out that Brock isn't 'The Terminator' and he isn't some fighter who cannot be stopped. If you read quite a few posts in this thread, and throughout the internet, alot of people are convinced that since Carwin's unmatched power cannot stop Brock, how can he be?

My simple point is - in MMA, if you have flaws, you are beatable. In Brock's case, he is nowhere close to even being a well rounded fighter. He is a huge brute with great wrestling and little else. Until he becomes more well rounded, he is very vulnerable as a fighter. Shane Carwin proved that.

With the rest of your post - I agree about Sylvia. Not so much Arlovski. If you watched the UFC version of Arlovski throughout those years, he really was a well rounded fighter. He actually had a slick ground game. But now he is convinced he is a fantastic striker, while ignoring the fact he has a matchstick chin.

In any case, the UFC marketed those guys as the top of the sport in the HW division. Within just a couple years, Dana was calling them out as bums and telling the world they had no business in the UFC.

It's the flavor of the week in the UFC. It happens quite often.

Still waiting on Phillipe Nover to become Anderson Silva. :D


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Rampage;3453413 said:
right below in the post you didn't respond too.

this was your question, don't try and change it now

now find me a guy his size with good standup
I shouldn't have to explain to you how this works, the original answer was before you decided to redefine the question, yes or no?


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I hate Cain Velasquez almost as much as I hate Frank Mir...So just like in the Brock/Frank fight:
