Update: Texas Dad Beats His Daughter’s Molester to Death *Post 286*

Kingsmith88;4592946 said:
So now everyone else in your community has to live with a bunch of arsonists but that is ok? Following or not following the law when it suits you is wrong. Your "friends" were wrong.

I'd much rather live in a community with those kind of 'arsonists' than one with a fiend.

It's pretty much that simple.
Hostile;4592966 said:
Thanks for sharing this. I have a feeling you will not experience the backlash that I have here or in PMs.

You're welcome. I'm always proud to share that story and I'd only laugh at the people who hated on me for it anyway.

I have always been, and will always be, proud of what he did for his sister. Anyone who doesn't get that I couldn't be bothered to concern myself with their opinion or thoughts anyway.
Doomsday101;4592958 said:
Justice or not he was within his rights. I don't care if it is a man or an animal attack another person I'm stepping and and taking what ever action I need to take to stop this from happening, period

I agree. That's exactly what I was saying.
Kingsmith88;4592962 said:
Stopping the assault and protecting his daughter are just and fine. Hit the guy get him away from your daughter call the police. (from what we have read) He beat the man to death. The danger to his daughter ended after the first blow more than likely. Anything more was overkill.

Your opinion. You attack a mans family get ready to die, if you can't take that then don't mess with a man family.
jnday;4592967 said:
I was just using the term justice or vigilante justice due to the label being used earlier in this thread. The term revenge is a better label. It really doesn't matter, but I agree with the ideal that parents should be able to get their revenge.

Revenge of any sort is wrong even if you're a parent. Revenge is premeditated and isn't even remotely comparable to catching the molester in the act.

Granted, if someone molested my child I don't know what I would do. I might kill the guy. I'd probably just beat him. Then maybe a week later beat him again. If I did kill him I'd expect to go to jail though because it is wrong to take the law into your own hands. We have societal rules or laws for a reason.

Do you guys know what happens to molesters in jail? There is many who might think that is much worse than being killed.
a_minimalist;4592954 said:
The word justice implies you have time to think about it and come up with a plan to get back at the person.

"Instant justice" is what we called in back in the day.
a_minimalist;4592903 said:
Here's a question for those that think it's okay for people to go out killing child molesters. What happens if a couple people they killed were wrongly accused?

It's a horrible idea. If you want to punch them in the face a couple of times, fine.

One of the most ridiculous statements in this thread.

If you walked in on your little girl being raped/molested you should be allowed to defend her. There are many on this forum that have the capability of killing a person in one or two hits. Personally I hope he made the POS suffer before landing the killing blow.

The state of Texas disagrees with your opinion as would any rational person.

Your silly comment really has no bearing on the events we are discussing. No one is talking about hunting someone down after the fact. He defended his daughter just as any real man would. I guess we now know what you would do.
JBond;4593010 said:
One of the most ridiculous statements in this thread.

If you walked in on your little girl being raped/molested you should be allowed to defend her. There are many on this forum that have the capability of killing a person in one or two hits. Personally I hope he made the POS suffer before landing the killing blow.

The state of Texas disagrees with your opinion as would any rational person.

Your silly comment really has no bearing on the events we are discussing. No one is talking about hunting someone down after the fact. He defended his daughter just as any real man would. I guess we now know what you would do.

If you read my posts after that you'd see that I said I was guilty of not reading the article because I didn't care about the death of a pedophile. I saw posts about "vigilante justice" and commented about that. It's semantical but I don't consider walking in on a molester committing the crime "vigilante justice." You're adrenaline is rushing and you're not thinking properly. Killing the guy then is much different than doing it after a day or two.

I do understand that my comment is mostly irrelevant because you guys are talking solely about walking in on it though.
BrAinPaiNt;4592911 said:
I get your general point but if the article is correct...In this case it would be hard to be wrongly accused if the father catches the molester in the act. And if the father sees something like this happening to his daughter...right or wrong is not what is going through his head at that moment.

ScipioCowboy;4593023 said:

The unfortunate image at the forefront of the wrong definition.
Defense isn't the same as vigilance and dad in this story is isn't a vigilante, he was taking care of his business.

Catching someone in the act is the perfect circumstance in a bad situation and saves everybody involved the trouble and kills the argument of 'what if'.

(I know you were being tongue in cheek with Paul K, I was just spouting off.)
a_minimalist;4593019 said:
If you read my posts after that you'd see that I said I was guilty of not reading the article because I didn't care about the death of a pedophile. I saw posts about "vigilante justice" and commented about that. It's semantical but I don't consider walking in on a molester committing the crime "vigilante justice." You're adrenaline is rushing and you're not thinking properly. Killing the guy then is much different than doing it after a day or two.

I do understand that my comment is mostly irrelevant because you guys are talking solely about walking in on it though.

Fair enough min. Sorry to jump on your comments. I know how I would react if I walked in on my little girl and she was being molested. Just the thought of it makes me ache. There is no doubt in my mind the predator would not be walking away.

That is why I was pretty passionate in the Sandusky/McQuery threads. How do you walk away from something like that? Those that do nothing to stop it have no soul.
Kingsmith88;4592962 said:
Stopping the assault and protecting his daughter are just and fine. Hit the guy get him away from your daughter call the police. (from what we have read) He beat the man to death. The danger to his daughter ended after the first blow more than likely. Anything more was overkill.

What do you actually think would have happened? The molester would have been arrested and bonded out within a couple of hours. He would then go to court and get a slap on the wrist and maybe a year or two in jail which would do nothing to repair the harm that the chid and her family have went through. I am sure the father didn't think about any of this before beating the guy to death, but the child doesn't have to fear the molester doing the same thing again.
I would guess from your post that you think the molester has rights and our justice system and laws would have taken care of the problem. I don't.
casmith07;4592603 said:
As abhorrent a crime as child molestation is, the guy should be charged with manslaughter.

We have a justice system for a reason. Vigilante justice is not how we handle crime in this country.

I'll say this though, I'd defend him in his criminal court proceedings. Easy win - heat of passion defense. He'll walk.

:rolleyes: You must be unfamiliar with Texas laws. I posted it on the first page for a reason. Sigh....

Please explain your statement based on your understanding of the laws of the great state of Texas.

Vigilante justice?

Why do people keep making crap up?
I asked my neighbor, who's been a police officer for 25 years, about this situation. He said "he should be good. He used the necessary force to stop a felony assault."

*words from a COP.
He's going before a grand jury, there probably isn't a prosecutor in the state that would want to press charges on the guy. That would be a career killer.
Rynie;4593121 said:
I asked my neighbor, who's been a police officer for 25 years, about this situation. He said "he should be good. He used the necessary force to stop a felony assault."

*words from a COP.

problem is, often they really don't know the law, they think they do but don't.

Tells though how there is a different mindset down there as per up here. I told about 6 people about this story, and none thought it was ok to kill him even after I told them about the law as some here interpret it.

I would love to know what the legislature meant and whether you were allowed in effect to meet out your own justice after you had stopped the assault from occurring.
speedkilz88;4593149 said:
He's going before a grand jury, there probably isn't a prosecutor in the state that would want to press charges on the guy. That would be a career killer.

I'm sure you would be hard pressed to find a Grand Jury who will not no bill this case
Doomsday101;4592987 said:
Your opinion. You attack a mans family get ready to die, if you can't take that then don't mess with a man family.

It isn't that simple but you are welcome to your opinion however misguided I feel it may be. I understand protecting your child and stoping the assault. I have no issue doing what you need to do to stop it. From the info we have in this case I think he went to far. I think it could have been resolved without someone dying. Vengeance isn't justice.
Kingsmith88;4593210 said:
It isn't that simple but you are welcome to your opinion however misguided I feel it may be. I understand protecting your child and stoping the assault. I have no issue doing what you need to do to stop it. From the info we have in this case I think he went to far. I think it could have been resolved without someone dying. Vengeance isn't justice.
Actually a lot of the times it is.

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