Update: Texas Dad Beats His Daughter’s Molester to Death *Post 286*

Kingsmith88;4593210 said:
Vengeance isn't justice.

In this case it is. It's biased justice for the man and his family, which society really has no say in. His daughter was being victimized and so was he by extension and he certainly deserves retribution.

Apart from hazy hypotheticals of the future, the incident is entirely wrapped up on it's own conditions and need not be judged by anything else.

The idea that this slob should now be wallowing on the taxpayer dime for a great amount of time, probably only to be released in the future isn't justice to anyone - society or the family, in any way shape or form. It forms no logic and if the letter of mans law say's any such thing, then it should be recognized as severely flawed.
CanadianCowboysFan;4593156 said:
problem is, often they really don't know the law, they think they do but don't.

Tells though how there is a different mindset down there as per up here. I told about 6 people about this story, and none thought it was ok to kill him even after I told them about the law as some here interpret it.

I would love to know what the legislature meant and whether you were allowed in effect to meet out your own justice after you had stopped the assault from occurring.
No wonder we think you're a country full of *******. <----- nickname for cats.
Kingsmith88;4593210 said:
It isn't that simple but you are welcome to your opinion however misguided I feel it may be. I understand protecting your child and stoping the assault. I have no issue doing what you need to do to stop it. From the info we have in this case I think he went to far. I think it could have been resolved without someone dying. Vengeance isn't justice.

Call it what you want I call it the Law in Texas, You think he over did it fine. He did not track this guy down or hold him captive and then kill him. He rescued his daughter from a sick person who was attacked her.

We have a right to protect our person or property with deadly force in this state. Many of us live here have no issue with it
Doomsday101;4593247 said:
Call it what you want I call it the Law in Texas, You think he over did it fine. He did not track this guy down or hold him captive and then kill him. He rescued his daughter from a sick person who was attacked her.

We have a right to protect our person or property with deadly force in this state. Many of us live here have no issue with it
CanadianCowboysFan;4593156 said:
problem is, often they really don't know the law, they think they do but don't.

Tells though how there is a different mindset down there as per up here. I told about 6 people about this story, and none thought it was ok to kill him even after I told them about the law as some here interpret it.

I would love to know what the legislature meant and whether you were allowed in effect to meet out your own justice after you had stopped the assault from occurring.

:rolleyes: Sounds familiar.

What type of attorney are you? Good grief. Talk about taking the known facts and twisting them to meet some weird agenda. Oh well. I guess that is what you do up there.

Do you know what he hit him with? Did you know it is possible to kill a person with one shot? Are you privy to facts the rest of us do not have?
Doomsday101;4593247 said:
Call it what you want I call it the Law in Texas, You think he over did it fine. He did not track this guy down or hold him captive and then kill him. He rescued his daughter from a sick person who was attacked her.

We have a right to protect our person or property with deadly force in this state. Many of us live here have no issue with it

A caveat to this post for the Canadian who loves molesters, robbers, and murderers. In Texas, if someone is breaking into your car AT NIGHT, it's perfectly legal to KILL THEM. "At night" is defined by 30 minutes after sunset, and 30 minutes before sunrise.

I'll add a story to this post as well. My father, in college, knew a girl that was raped. A guy snuck in her window, raped her, and left. After this incident, the girl's father slept in her bed each night with a shotgun. She slept in a bed with her mother. The guy actually came back. The father, awakened by the noise of the window opening, waited until the perp was in the room entirely. The father rose up, and blasted dude's head clean off. He wasn't even charged.

I don't have kids, but how anyone can say "uh, well dude doesn't deserve to be killed, or blah blah blah vigalante justice" is just.....DUMB.
Kingsmith88;4593210 said:
It isn't that simple but you are welcome to your opinion however misguided I feel it may be. I understand protecting your child and stoping the assault. I have no issue doing what you need to do to stop it. From the info we have in this case I think he went to far. I think it could have been resolved without someone dying. Vengeance isn't justice.
Vengeance is premeditated...this wasn't
Rynie;4593261 said:
A caveat to this post for the Canadian who loves molesters, robbers, and murderers. In Texas, if someone is breaking into your car AT NIGHT, it's perfectly legal to KILL THEM. "At night" is defined by 30 minutes after sunset, and 30 minutes before sunrise.

I'll add a story to this post as well. My father, in college, knew a girl that was raped. A guy snuck in her window, raped her, and left. After this incident, the girl's father slept in her bed each night with a shotgun. She slept in a bed with her mother. The guy actually came back. The father, awakened by the noise of the window opening, waited until the perp was in the room entirely. The father rose up, and blasted dude's head clean off. He wasn't even charged.

I don't have kids, but how anyone can say "uh, well dude doesn't deserve to be killed, or blah blah blah vigalante justice" is just.....DUMB.

I'm trying to figure out why they deserve to live? :laugh2:

People control their own actions, you break into a person home or business you are likely to get killed. You rape or harm my family and you will meet your maker. I don't know nor care how things are done in Canada or else where in the US. The people of Texas choose the right to defend what is ours and to protect ourselfs from those who would do harm to us or our family as well as giving aid to someone else who is being attacked.

I agree that when a person goes out hunting for someone being accused of a crime or takes deadly action well after the fact then you are crossing the line of what the law allows
Kingsmith88;4593210 said:
It isn't that simple but you are welcome to your opinion however misguided I feel it may be. I understand protecting your child and stoping the assault. I have no issue doing what you need to do to stop it. From the info we have in this case I think he went to far. I think it could have been resolved without someone dying. Vengeance isn't justice.

Do you value the life of a child molester? I have the feeling that you valuebthe molester's life as much as the victim. A child molester is subhuman. Studies have been done that reported very little chance that a child molester's behaviour will ever change. Should our tax dollars be used to feed and clothe such a person? I understand valuing human life. A child molester is not human. His crimes should call for the death penalty.
It is hard enough for society to run well with everyone doing their best to do what is right.

Therefore we do not need anyone that is capable of raping our women or molesting our children walking around free.

This guy simply got what he brought on himself, .. like standing in front of an oncoming train.

Many times after we hear of a child being molested, .. it is by a repeat offender. Why should another child have to live through something like that?

That won't happen in this case.

Well done Dad.
CanadianCowboysFan;4593156 said:
problem is, often they really don't know the law, they think they do but don't.

Tells though how there is a different mindset down there as per up here. I told about 6 people about this story, and none thought it was ok to kill him even after I told them about the law as some here interpret it.

I would love to know what the legislature meant and whether you were allowed in effect to meet out your own justice after you had stopped the assault from occurring.

Every one of your post reminds me how pround I am to be an American. I take even more pride in being from the South. My opinion of Canada has hit an all time low, and I was never a Canada hater.
jnday;4593285 said:
Every one of your post reminds me how pround I am to be an American. I take even more pride in being from the South. My opinion of Canada has hit an all time low, and I was never a Canada hater.
Sounds like a shortage of testosterone up north
JoseyWales;4592458 said:
They absolutely do. What they don't do is teach martial arts during basic training.

But, back to topic. If this guy is indicted, I'd hope he walks. Seeing his daughter going through this had to be a terrible thing for his mind to comprehend. I don't blame him a bit.

I actually commend him for it. At least he did it when it occurred. Otherwise, they can deem it as premeditated, and he goes to prison for murder.
Hoofbite;4592659 said:
Give me "vigilante justice" any day of the week over systematic injustice, which is far too common under the current system we have.

This isn't even a case of "vigilante justice". It's not some random guy who's out trying to fight crime like he's a superhero. This is a guy who witnessed his daughter being molested and stopped the guy in the act.

Haven't agreed with you much lately, but spot on here.
Doomsday101;4593247 said:
Call it what you want I call it the Law in Texas, You think he over did it fine. He did not track this guy down or hold him captive and then kill him. He rescued his daughter from a sick person who was attacked her.

We have a right to protect our person or property with deadly force in this state. Many of us live here have no issue with it
I just saw this on the interweb

Deadly Force in Defense of a Person
  • According to section 9.32 of the Texas Penal Code, any person can use deadly force for the reasons covered in section 9.31 (Self-Defense). This means that the individual may use deadly force to protect himself or another person only if he reasonably believes that the individual posing a threat will not retreat and that deadly force is the only means to protect himself or another person. An individual can also use deadly force to protect himself or others from aggravated kidnapping, murder, aggravated robbery, robbery, aggravated sexual assault and sexual assault. Section 9.33 similarly states that an individual may use deadly force in defense of a third person if the individual reasonably believes that the third person is in immediate danger and the intervention by use of deadly force is the only way to protect the third person.
Now we don't know for certain that it wasn't, but this Texas penal code on use of deadly force, and an argument can be made, the Dad went to far.
jnday;4592851 said:
In today's justice system the criminal often seems to have more rights than the victim. In this case the father made sure that the molester could not hide behind a legal system that could very well have let him go free. I no longer trust the legal system to deal out justice.

Rynie;4593261 said:
A caveat to this post for the Canadian who loves molesters, robbers, and murderers. In Texas, if someone is breaking into your car AT NIGHT, it's perfectly legal to KILL THEM. "At night" is defined by 30 minutes after sunset, and 30 minutes before sunrise.

I'll add a story to this post as well. My father, in college, knew a girl that was raped. A guy snuck in her window, raped her, and left. After this incident, the girl's father slept in her bed each night with a shotgun. She slept in a bed with her mother. The guy actually came back. The father, awakened by the noise of the window opening, waited until the perp was in the room entirely. The father rose up, and blasted dude's head clean off. He wasn't even charged.

I don't have kids, but how anyone can say "uh, well dude doesn't deserve to be killed, or blah blah blah vigalante justice" is just.....DUMB.

Texas Penal Code
Deadly force is only justified when the individual reasonably believes that deadly force is immediately necessary to stop the other individual's unlawful actions, which include aggravated robbery, arson, burglary, criminal mischief during the night or theft at night. Deadly force may also be used to prevent the person who has committed the criminal act from fleeing with the property. The individual who uses deadly force must reasonably believe, however, that the land or property cannot be protected or recovered by any other means except by the use of deadly force.

If you could stop them without killing them, whether it is after dark or not. You can't kill them.
n individual can also use deadly force to protect himself or others from aggravated kidnapping, murder, aggravated robbery, robbery, aggravated sexual assault and sexual assault.

You missed the important part... the dad didn't cross any line. What he did was legal, imo.
CowboyMcCoy;4593361 said:
You missed the important part... the dad didn't cross any line. What he did was legal, imo.
You missed the part where it said, that deadly force had to be the only option to protect the third person. I bolded it.

Again we don't know that it wasn't, from what we have been told. But if the accounts of what happened are all that we see, then I think a case can be made the Dad went too far. I don't think he sees one day in jail, and I don't think he will be convicted. But I could see him be indicted and put on trial.
Kingsmith88;4593355 said:
Deadly Force in Defense of a Person
  • According to section 9.32 of the Texas Penal Code, any person can use deadly force for the reasons covered in section 9.31 (Self-Defense). This means that the individual may use deadly force to protect himself or another person only if he reasonably believes that the individual posing a threat will not retreat and that deadly force is the only means to protect himself or another person. An individual can also use deadly force to protect himself or others from aggravated kidnapping, murder, aggravated robbery, robbery, aggravated sexual assault and sexual assault. Section 9.33 similarly states that an individual may use deadly force in defense of a third person if the individual reasonably believes that the third person is in immediate danger and theintervention by use of deadly force is the only way to protect the third person.
Now we don't know for certain that it wasn't, but this Texas penal code on use of deadly force, and an argument can be made, the Dad went to far.

or not ...

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