Update: Texas Dad Beats His Daughter’s Molester to Death *Post 286*

Kingsmith88;4593431 said:
I never said that, I said I think he went to far with whatwe are being told. You interpreted wrong, because I posted it too. There is apart that specifically addresses "intervention by use of deadly force isthe only way to protect the third person" We don't know for certain atthis time that it was or wasn't. I would wager it wasn't, and if not the Dadwent to far.

You can say I am protecting the child molester all you want,it is a childish attempt at poking a hole in my argument by impugning mycredibility with our fellow emotional "Kill em ALL" Zealots. Itdoesn't make you anymore right, or sound anymore intelligent.

we don't know but you assume he went to far? The rest of us assume he caught the man in the act and did what any other would do in this instance. If that is too far in your mind and makes us bad people so be it.
Kingsmith88;4593436 said:
You didn't read the penal code I posted, or the link. Go ahead read it and come back to me.

I did read it and you are making assumption he went to far, living in Texas working here at the County Courts no he did not go to far. I read the penal code and understand it well.
Kingsmith88;4593401 said:
Convenient you gloss over the most important part that could destroy your argument

No, you have.

In Section 9.32, the first part says .. "This means that
the individual may use deadly force to protect himself or another person only
if he reasonably believes that the individual posing a threat will not retreat
and that deadly force is the only means to protect himself or another

That does not fit this Dad's scenario.

The second part of 9.32 gives an entirely different reason that a person could use deadly force, seperate from the reasons already given.

"An individual can also use deadly force to protect himself or
others from aggravated kidnapping, murder, aggravated robbery, robbery,
aggravated sexual assault and sexual assault."

This was this Dad's experience.

And then it references 9.33 with an entirely different reason that a person could use deadly force.

Each are different.
Kingsmith88;4593368 said:
You missed the part where it said, that deadly force had to be the only option to protect the third person. I bolded it.

Again we don't know that it wasn't, from what we have been told. But if the accounts of what happened are all that we see, then I think a case can be made the Dad went too far. I don't think he sees one day in jail, and I don't think he will be convicted. But I could see him be indicted and put on trial.

He saved his daughter and no doubt countless other children in the future from this type of harm.

I'm not an expert, by any means, but I've never heard of a pedophile who suddenly stopped after they'd gone to jail.

If this guy goes to jail so what? He's out in, what, 5 or 10 years at best? If the world is lucky he's in there that long or even better if they're lucky the inmates some how find out why he's in jail and take care of it themselves.

If not then he gets out and guess what? He does it again. Only he'll be smarter now having gone to prison and he'll do a better job of not getting caught.

Then he does it again.

And again.

And again.

But, hey, lets not worry about that. Lets make sure that the poor pedophile didn't have too much force used against him when he was caught in the act of destroying the innocence of a 4 year old little girl.

I'm sorry if it comes off as harsh toward you. I'm not trying to take issue with you personally because you seem like a reasonable and sensible man. I see where you're coming from here and I respect the side of the argument you're attempting to bring here.

It's just that this is one of those cases where anything that marks this father as a bad person, or in the wrong, just seems very dirty and vile.

I'm sorry but there is NO response to catching a person sexually assualting your child that falls under the "to much force" catagory.

As Dolph would say...."If he dies. He dies."

cowboy_ron;4593412 said:
This is rather disturbing that a few seem to defend the pedophile more than the dad protecting his 4 y/o daughter....this world is going to the crapper

Going to the crapper? It went there a long time ago brother.

The fact that there are honestly people out there who would stand up for, in any form or fashion, this monster is disgusting beyond belief. The fact that there are honestly people out there who think what the father did was too much, out of line, or wrong, is one of the most telling and sad things about this world.
Kingsmith88;4593435 said:
Honestly, that would make a huge difference to me.

I would like to see the explanation to this.

I don't mean that in a confrontational or snotty way either. I'm genuinely interested in why shooting him makes it different for you.
Kingsmith88;4593368 said:
You missed the part where it said, that deadly force had to be the only option to protect the third person. I bolded it.

Again we don't know that it wasn't, from what we have been told. But if the accounts of what happened are all that we see, then I think a case can be made the Dad went too far. I don't think he sees one day in jail, and I don't think he will be convicted. But I could see him be indicted and put on trial.

Just to clarify your position, do you think the father should serve time? Do you have a problem with the death of a child molester? The reason I ask is because you have backed yourself in a corner and I wouldn't want to see you labeled. You seem to have bleeding heart views and are taking the position that the molester was mistreated. I don't want to think that you are defending the molester in any way unless you actually are. To most people a molester doesn't deserve to be treated with any compassion or sympathy. You are taking the stance that people should actually care about the death of this guy.
BraveHeartFan;4593449 said:
He saved his daughter and no doubt countless other children in the future from this type of harm.

I'm not an expert, by any means, but I've never heard of a pedophile who suddenly stopped after they'd gone to jail.

If this guy goes to jail so what? He's out in, what, 5 or 10 years at best? If the world is lucky he's in there that long or even better if they're lucky the inmates some how find out why he's in jail and take care of it themselves.

If not then he gets out and guess what? He does it again. Only he'll be smarter now having gone to prison and he'll do a better job of not getting caught.

Then he does it again.

And again.

And again.

But, hey, lets not worry about that. Lets make sure that the poor pedophile didn't have too much force used against him when he was caught in the act of destroying the innocence of a 4 year old little girl.

I'm sorry if it comes off as harsh toward you. I'm not trying to take issue with you personally because you seem like a reasonable and sensible man. I see where you're coming from here and I respect the side of the argument you're attempting to bring here.

It's just that this is one of those cases where anything that marks this father as a bad person, or in the wrong, just seems very dirty and vile.

I'm sorry but there is NO response to catching a person sexually assualting your child that falls under the "to much force" catagory.

As Dolph would say...."If he dies. He dies."

Going to the crapper? It went there a long time ago brother.

The fact that there are honestly people out there who would stand up for, in any form or fashion, this monster is disgusting beyond belief. The fact that there are honestly people out there who think what the father did was too much, out of line, or wrong, is one of the most telling and sad things about this world.
Yea, I was trying to phrase it in such a way to leave politics out of it

but I've never heard of a pedophile who suddenly stopped after they'd gone to jail.

Good point...even the juducial system don't believe they can be rehabilitated or they wouldn't have to register as a sex offender for the rest of their life
Doomsday101;4593438 said:
I did read it and you are making assumption he went to far, living in Texas working here at the County Courts no he did not go to far. I read the penal code and understand it well.

If the father had buried the body or dismembered the body, I might would say he went too far. As it stands I think the father's actions were just right.
jnday;4593470 said:
If the father had buried the body or dismembered the body, I might would say he went too far. As it stands I think the father's actions were just right.

I think if this was a case where the perpetrator was accused and the father went after him and killed him then he would be in jail and I think most would call that taking the law into his own hands. In this case you hear your daughter screaming and you find a man sexually assaulting her? Have mercy on your soul because you will get no mercy from me.
jnday;4593470 said:
If the father had buried the body or dismembered the body, I might would say he went too far. As it stands I think the father's actions were just right.

i think you just made a very very good point and it speaks to his innocence. he had no reason to hide it because he was defending his son/daughter (didn't read the article). had he tried to cover it up then his guilt might be slightly in question. even if he had tried to cover it up I doubt he would be severely punished.

let's not forget what happens to pedophiles in jail though. if you don't know just watch one of those behind bars documentaries. they have it the worst by far, and rightly so.
Doomsday101;4592888 said:
If it is a law regardless if you think it is just or not you will still pay the penalty for your own actions. There are laws I don't agree with but abide by the law. In this case the law gives you the right to use deadly force

unless the court system rules in your favor that the law you dispute is unjust, specifically this happened with the fugitive slave act in the 1800s and still happens today
rkell87;4593483 said:
unless the court system rules in your favor that the law you dispute is unjust, specifically this happened with the fugitive slave act in the 1800s and still happens today

Courts can overturn a law. What I'm saying just because you don't like a law does not mean you will not pay the price when you break the law.
BraveHeartFan;4593451 said:
I would like to see the explanation to this.

I don't mean that in a confrontational or snotty way either. I'm genuinely interested in why shooting him makes it different for you.

I was going to bow out of this thread but did say I would respond if questioned about this post.

It is one single act, that is why I'd have less issue with it. Same way I'd be ok if it was or two punches and the guy died. He was attempting to stop the assault. He was packing, and he pulled his gun and shot the guy. (once)

Beating someone to death doesn't seem the same to me. The same would be true if he shot the guy more than once. Hope that helps.
jnday;4593457 said:
Just to clarify your position, do you think the father should serve time? Do you have a problem with the death of a child molester? The reason I ask is because you have backed yourself in a corner and I wouldn't want to see you labeled. You seem to have bleeding heart views and are taking the position that the molester was mistreated. I don't want to think that you are defending the molester in any way unless you actually are. To most people a molester doesn't deserve to be treated with any compassion or sympathy. You are taking the stance that people should actually care about the death of this guy.

1) if found guilty yes, I do think there should be an investigation. I don't believe he will see the inside of a jail cell.
2) I think everyone has a right to life, the unborn and even horrible people. I don't agree with the death penalty or abortion. Life is precious.

Now I am done
Doomsday101;4593493 said:
Courts can overturn a law. What I'm saying just because you don't like a law does not mean you will not pay the price when you break the law.

and i'm saying that you won't pay the price if you break an unjust law, or even a law that a vast majority disagree with. In the 1800s lots of slaves caught on their underground railroad travels were acquitted even though they were clearly and plainly guilty under the fugitive slave act that was in effect at that time. As much as 60% of cases during prohibition were acquitted though prohibition laws were clearly violated in those cases.

I use those two because one is obviously an unjust law, and the other was just an unpopular law that wasn't really unjust, yet in both cases enough people were on the same page about them that people that were clearly guilty walked free
rkell87;4593502 said:
and i'm saying that you won't pay the price if you break an unjust law, or even a law that a vast majority disagree with. In the 1800s lots of slaves caught on their underground railroad travels were acquitted even though they were clearly and plainly guilty under the fugitive slave act that was in effect at that time. As much as 60% of cases during prohibition were acquitted though prohibition laws were clearly violated in those cases.

I use those two because one is obviously an unjust law, and the other was just an unpopular law that wasn't really unjust, yet in both cases enough people were on the same page about them that people that were clearly guilty walked free

There are laws I disagree with if I break them I'm likely getting fined or jailed. Yes you are taking 2 extream instance. For the most part you can't just break laws because you don't like the law or agree with the law. A guy who thinks bringing drugs into the country can say how much he disagrees with the law but he is still in a boat load of trouble.
Has the race of the pedophile been released?

If it turns out he's anything other than the Father's race, you'll find people calling it a hate crime. I can already hear some twits saying "He only beat him to death because he was such and such."
Child abuse is very sickening but also it is an overlooked statistic. As you never want your children to be abused whether it be sexually, physically, emotionally, or mentally abused.

According to Childhelp USA the nation's leader in child abuse prevention, nearly three million children a year are abused. Sad and sickening is beyond!:( :mad:
All of this talk is irrelevant, since he'll either a) never be charged, or b) will be charged but will never be convicted.

The ONLY thing you MIGHT be able to get him on is involuntary manslaughter, and he'd walk away with probation.
StevenOtero;4593518 said:
Has the race of the pedophile been released?

If it turns out he's anything other than the Father's race, you'll find people calling it a hate crime. I can already hear some twits saying "He only beat him to death because he was such and such."

Nobody will care. Nobody likes pedophiles, and anyone that attempts to marginalize the molestation by calling it a hate crime I wouldn't hesitate to call them a pedophile themselves.

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