Update: Texas Dad Beats His Daughter’s Molester to Death *Post 286*

BrAinPaiNt;4592852 said:
I don't think many here could control their anger or actions if something like this happened to them. I don't think many fathers, relatives or even if you are just good friends of the family and see it happening to one of their children would be able to control their actions in this type of situation.

For this very reason I think most agree that the guy will never serve time for this situation and will be innocent of any charges. I doubt there is anyone here who believes a jury will find this man guilty.

Now with that said...it does not mean there should not be an investigation, arrest if need be, trial if need be.

And just because someone says that there should be an investigation, arrest or possible trial...it does not mean they support rapists and molestation and saying that is silly.

Nor does it mean that just because they think there should be an investigation, arrest or trial that they think the guy should be put in prison for doing what he did or that they don't think they would do the same.

Sometimes people just believe the law should be followed and sometimes following the law means going through some processes that eventually will result in one being found not guilty.

Just something to consider that just because someone thinks the process of the law should be followed it does not mean they think rapist and child molestation is OK.


BP shaved his head and now all this knowledge is coming out of both ears. ;)
StevenOtero;4593518 said:
Has the race of the pedophile been released?

If it turns out he's anything other than the Father's race, you'll find people calling it a hate crime. I can already hear some twits saying "He only beat him to death because he was such and such."

Nobody will care, pedophiles are at the rock bottom of the criminal/immoral foodchain.
Kingsmith88;4593355 said:
I just saw this on the interweb

Deadly Force in Defense of a Person
  • According to section 9.32 of the Texas Penal Code, any person can use deadly force for the reasons covered in section 9.31 (Self-Defense). This means that the individual may use deadly force to protect himself or another person only if he reasonably believes that the individual posing a threat will not retreat and that deadly force is the only means to protect himself or another person. An individual can also use deadly force to protect himself or others from aggravated kidnapping, murder, aggravated robbery, robbery, aggravated sexual assault and sexual assault. Section 9.33 similarly states that an individual may use deadly force in defense of a third person if the individual reasonably believes that the third person is in immediate danger and the intervention by use of deadly force is the only way to protect the third person.
Now we don't know for certain that it wasn't, but this Texas penal code on use of deadly force, and an argument can be made, the Dad went to far.

An argument can be made, but he won't serve any time.

Like I said before, easiest criminal defense ever. Heat of passion. He'd walk a free man, and deservedly so.

No premeditation, no malice -- he was blinded by the rage of the moment.

Sicko pedophile picked the wrong day and wrong kid to get squirrely.
Doomsday101;4593508 said:
There are laws I disagree with if I break them I'm likely getting fined or jailed. Yes you are taking 2 extream instance. For the most part you can't just break laws because you don't like the law or agree with the law. A guy who thinks bringing drugs into the country can say how much he disagrees with the law but he is still in a boat load of trouble.

i agree, i was just pointing out that what you said isn't necessarily true, there are instances even today of this happening just on a smaller scale.
casmith07;4593586 said:
An argument can be made, but he won't serve any time.

Like I said before, easiest criminal defense ever. Heat of passion. He'd walk a free man, and deservedly so.

No premeditation, no malice -- he was blinded by the rage of the moment.

Sicko pedophile picked the wrong day and wrong kid to get squirrely.

Up here we call that that automaton defence, he went temporarily "nuts"
Cowboys&LakersFan;4592686 said:
This. I fully understand why he killed him, but at the same time you cannot take the law into your own hands.

Wasn't but a couple of months ago that you were calling the criminal justice system a joke because of how long it took to sentence someone.
Hoofbite;4593730 said:
Wasn't but a couple of months ago that you were calling the criminal justice system a joke because of how long it took to sentence someone.

Completely different situation. I never said I wanted to kill my uncle's killers. Just wanted them to be sentenced earlier. It's been nearly 5 years.
Cowboys&LakersFan;4593734 said:
Completely different situation. I never said I wanted to kill my uncle's killers. Just wanted them to be sentenced earlier. It's been nearly 5 years.

What's it matter?

The same system you called a "joke" is the same system that says "vigilante justice" shouldn't be tolerated.
Cowboys&LakersFan;4593734 said:
Completely different situation. I never said I wanted to kill my uncle's killers. Just wanted them to be sentenced earlier. It's been nearly 5 years.
If you caught them in the act would you have?
CanadianCowboysFan;4593156 said:
Tells though how there is a different mindset down there as per up here. I told about 6 people about this story, and none thought it was ok to kill him even after I told them about the law as some here interpret it.

I brought it up at work today and the 11 guys I talked to had no problem with it.
jnday;4593285 said:
My opinion of Canada has hit an all time low, and I was never a Canada hater.

Rude. What if based my opinion of Americans on all the trolls that come through this forum:p:
Hoofbite;4593782 said:
What's it matter?

The same system you called a "joke" is the same system that says "vigilante justice" shouldn't be tolerated.

I guess he prefers a lose/lose system
Rynie;4593261 said:
A caveat to this post for the Canadian who loves molesters, robbers, and murderers. In Texas, if someone is breaking into your car AT NIGHT, it's perfectly legal to KILL THEM. "At night" is defined by 30 minutes after sunset, and 30 minutes before sunrise.

I'll add a story to this post as well. My father, in college, knew a girl that was raped. A guy snuck in her window, raped her, and left. After this incident, the girl's father slept in her bed each night with a shotgun. She slept in a bed with her mother. The guy actually came back. The father, awakened by the noise of the window opening, waited until the perp was in the room entirely. The father rose up, and blasted dude's head clean off. He wasn't even charged.

I don't have kids, but how anyone can say "uh, well dude doesn't deserve to be killed, or blah blah blah vigalante justice" is just.....DUMB.

Well, of course that's justifiable homicide. He breeched the interior of a home where the law is clear about no retreat. If he stuck his head inside a car it would be the same thing.

First we don't have all the facts so there is no need to rush to judgment one way or another. Let the process work.

Second my earlier post is correct. There is no legal defense for vengeful killing. He is within his rights to stop a felony assault and aggravated sexual assault on a young minor. There are multiple sides of this one being what is legal and the other what is ethical as well as what a jury would ask themselves....what would I have done in this instance which is going to be outside any consideration of what is and isn't legal.

This offense is one of the most heinous crimes a person can commit. Of course it evokes basic and fierce emotions in all of us. Would many of us kill the guy if we could? You better believe it. I'd kill that SOB and try like hell to make it look like I only intended to stop him. And you'd better believe not many investigators would ask many questions.

We don't know the facts or what the father reported. Until then rant all you want one side or the other but its highly likely this case will proceed the way it legally should irregardless of anyone's emotions.

And no one said he didn't deserve to die. If I had my way he'd be castrated then hung upside down over a fire and slowly roasted. But if we don't abide by our laws then we slide a slippery slope towards anarchy. Either trust the system or change it.

Finally I'll bet you all the money you have that no one is going to press the issue of prosecuting this guy even if all they care about is taking advantage of every opportunity to get ahead. If this heads to trial it will be a reluctant prosecution and/or a very stupid lawyer.
CanadianCowboysFan;4594018 said:
they seem to think I care if they hate this country or me.
Dude he was joking. There are things about Canada (and things that you and others say) that I don't understand at all and I still like you guys.

I kind of consider you guys our little brother.;)
Kingsmith88;4593499 said:
I was going to bow out of this thread but did say I would respond if questioned about this post.

It is one single act, that is why I'd have less issue with it. Same way I'd be ok if it was or two punches and the guy died. He was attempting to stop the assault. He was packing, and he pulled his gun and shot the guy. (once)

Beating someone to death doesn't seem the same to me. The same would be true if he shot the guy more than once. Hope that helps.

Fair enough.

Kingsmith88;4593501 said:
1) if found guilty yes, I do think there should be an investigation. I don't believe he will see the inside of a jail cell.
2) I think everyone has a right to life, the unborn and even horrible people. I don't agree with the death penalty or abortion. Life is precious.

Now I am done

On your point 2...

I agree life is precious.

When people are monsters and rape people, especially when it's children, or kill people just because they want to kill someone they forfiet any right they had to life or anything else.

When they decide to steal the innocence or life of someone else, who they obviously had no regard for that persons right to life, they don't deserve to keep theirs either.

CanadianCowboysFan;4594016 said:
well Nova Scotia is kind of backward.

The only thing backwards in this whole situation is anyone who would honestly try and make a case that a pedophile was treated unfairly in this situation.

It's pretty pathetic when even the worlds worst criminals, murders and sadistic freaks, in prison still have more morals and value of children then supposedly good, sane, people.
If you don't have kids, you probably don't understand why so many look at this and say, drive on.

Not to say that you can't understand if you don't have kids but in order to understand what might drive that completely, I think you have to have children. JMO
Double Trouble;4592027 said:
I recall when I was a kid seeing a video of a man shooting the man who had kidnapped and molested his son. They showed it on the evening news, the whole video. Molester is being escorted through the airport by the fbi, the father is hidden, pretending to be someone talking on a payphone, and as they walk by, he puts one in the molesters head.

It's on youtube, I believe.
The father did some time for that, but not a ton of it.
If he had caught him in the act, I suspect he would have done no time.

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