The only thing that matters are the Ws and Ls. As Parcells said, you are what you’re record says you are.
That said, there are no shortage of variables that goes into a particular record, not the least if which is scheduling and the schedules aren’t equal.
The Cowboys played Seattle at home; they play that game in Seattle and Seattle probably wins.
The Eagles played Seattle on the road, they play ghat game at home and Philly probably wins.
Dallas played the Bills and Dolphins on the road. The Bills probably still win if the game was in Dallas, but Dallas probably beats Miami if the game was at home.
Conversely, the Eagles played the Bills and Dolphins at home. Had those games been on the road, the Eagles probably lose to the Bills and a greater chance (maybe not as much as a probable) they lose to the Dolphins.
Where the Bills and Dolphin games were played likely is the difference whether Dallas or Philly wins the Division.