Vick accepts plea deal *merged*

Chocolate Lab;1597138 said:
That's right.

Know what's ironic? If Mike Vick had a dog -- a real pet, not a gambling/torture object -- and it saw a person trying to hang or drown him, that dog would fight like hell to prevent him from being harmed. Many dogs even give their own lives trying to defend their owners.

Yet Vick and his buddies all stood around and probably got some good laughs as they watched each other maim and kill these creatures.

Which action is more "inhuman"?

Maybe some people really aren't worth as much as some dogs.

Theres a deer that is in a park net to my house. My nephew goes tehre and the deer comes out and seeks to play with my nephew if he falls down he helps them up. Deer have a capacity for compassion as well. Ive seen birds that definitely bond with humans.

Sorry but all animals have a capacity for compassion. The problem is you just chose dogs and ignore the rest.
Draegerman;1596943 said:
To those of you who don't quite understand why the majority of us are so appalled about Vick's actions, I suggest that you watch the latest episode of REAL Sports with Bryant Gumbel this week on HBO. They covered dog fighting in a 15 minute segment and all the horrors associated with it. In fact, it will be on today at 4:45 pm est and re-aired again tonight at midnight.

Just something to consider...

I just watched that segment, and am left feeling that there are a WHOLE lot more people need to be jailed than just Michael Vick. It's fruitless ruminating on depravity and sadism of that magnitude, I guess, and have to agree with the vet interviewed that dogfighters aren't much more than "low life pieces of %$#".

And what about the people whose pets are literally 'dognapped' to provide fodder for the fighters? Their dogs crippled, maimed so they won't put up TOO much of a fight and then thrown into 'the ring', in a twisted twist on words, as "sparring partners'. Or the 'culling' of 'losers' by affixing electrodes to their heads and then 'plugged in".

That segment should have come with a warning - it'll give most folks, and I would guess all children, nightmares. These dog fighters are sick, SICK people.

FuzzyLumpkins;1597132 said:
No it is what YOU find to be right. There is an entire culture in the south that doesnt agree with you. There just isnt as many of them as there are of you. I mean heck why dont we ban burkas here too since you probably find them demeaning to women?

Its not as if its cut and dry man. We have a ton of animal blood on our hands as much as we try to justify the majority of it. We are subjectively picking what animals are okay to kill and what animals are not okay to kill and condemning any culture that disagrees on a particular animal.

I live in the south and every state in the US has outlawed this, is there a group who disagrees? Sure there are also groups like the KKK who think a certain way but the vast majorities do not buy into their sick minds. As for picking and choosing to an extent your right some animals are used to feed this nation others that are domesticated animals are not. Granted in some cultures they will eat dogs but this country has a different set of values I don't think that makes us wrong or right but we as a society overall find this act deplorable
FuzzyLumpkins;1597120 said:
So you would support legislation that gave trophy hunters a year 2 to 5 year prison sentence and up to a $250k fine?

If they hung dear from there necks till they were dead, electircuted them, somehow found a way to fight one another till they were dead, drowned them and just plain mutilated and tortured them, yes I would. I am not in favor of this treatment at all. I do not like how many of the animals we eat are processed either. I would be in favor of changing the laws on how we go about that process as well. However, it's got to be done through a lawful precidents. It is up to us, as a society to change the laws for the better in these regards.
Pats Fan;1597147 said:
I understand what you are saying. Really. But there is a difference. Dogs, have become a part of our family. No one I know living with a deer or cow in their house. Me, with 3 dogs, love them, protect them, treat them with the utmost respect.

But is it true that life is cruel, darn right. We take away the habitat of our wildlife, we treat cattle with complete lack of care. Yes. And we treat our fellow man not much better.

But, you know, if I was a black guy (I am not), I would be looking for ways to make things better. 126 mil I think. How many homes would that build?? What happened in Katrina was a disgrace. It was the poor that were hurt. It put a pit in my stomach.

I do not accept or condone evil. When you make 126 mil a year and are evil, well, what would I say about you???? Throw the bum out and as far as we can throw him.

Well that is the whole point. Its about you and your family and what you think is right. Ive seen domesticated deer that play with children and show concern. We shoot them just like the rest.

Im sorry but becasue you chose to own a dog as a pet does not mean everyone should be forced to. Youre forcing your values onto a culture that doesnt share them.
ABQCOWBOY;1597152 said:
If they hung dear from there necks till they were dead, electircuted them, somehow found a way to fight one another till they were dead, drowned them and just plain mutilated and tortured them, yes I would. I am not in favor of this treatment at all. I do not like how many of the animals we eat are processed either. I would be in favor of changing the laws on how we go about that process as well. However, it's got to be done through a lawful precidents. It is up to us, as a society to change the laws for the better in these regards.

How about you shoot and miss? Perhaps go up and cut its throat and hang it by its hamstrings. Bow hunting is one of my real favorites especially those guys that arent good at it.

Would you rather be shot and then have someone come up and slit your throat or would you rather do gladiatorial combat. I honestly couldnt tell you which one Id rpefer. They both suck.
jdub2k4;1597048 said:
Not understanding your logic there.... What about the deer that have have young fawns to take care of? What about the duck that is trying to provide for her young? What about the salmon that is trying to eat to survive? Because these three animals aren't "intelligent" and don't interact with humans on a daily basis, they deserve to die? You might want to try a different approach.

I hope you strictly, only, and have never eaten anything that pertains to an animal...because if you have eaten a hamburger, a fish sandwich, or a tasty steak, then your logic is all messed up!

ABQCOWBOY;1597144 said:
Perhaps your right. We/they are of no importance. They are only human beings right? Your funny in your attempt to initiate some sort of response. It is of little importance I suppose. In the end, the majority finds this to be acceptable and that is how our society works. It is, of course, within reason to voice your opinion it it. We are, after all, not barbarians but it is done and in the end, it will have to be accepted as such.

Maybe this made more sense in your head.

Doomsday101;1597151 said:
I live in the south and every state in the US has outlawed this, is there a group who disagrees? Sure there are also groups like the KKK who think a certain way but the vast majorities do not buy into their sick minds. As for picking and choosing to an extent your right some animals are used to feed this nation others that are domesticated animals are not. Granted in some cultures they will eat dogs but this country has a different set of values I don't think that makes us wrong or right but we as a society overall find this act deplorable

Yeah there is a group that disagrees go look up some articles from the Atlanta Journal Constitution and it shouldnt be that hard to figure out who that culture is. They are just a minority.
Big Dakota;1597145 said:

We are going to be OK. Not the powerhouses people think, but OK.

Here's BB, don't show much.

Our top guys have not played, maybe a little later, I'm not sure. I am not the coach. Show nothing.

No top running back, no top DB, hide, show nothing. The post season is all that counts. I think BB gets smarter with age. Not sure about me.

I think Maroney, Seymour and Moss will play opening day. But Moss, we love him, he loves us. If that turns out good on the field, great, if not, well, we are still better than last year. We have a "lights out" defense. Serious bad defense. Everyone is talking about our offense potential, but the defense is going to carry the day.
Nav22;1597031 said:
2) That dog in your avatar looks tasty. I'd keep him in the house if I were you. I often crave midnight snacks.Call it what you want. There is great hypocrisy in CRUCIFYING Mike Vick for dog-fighting while the hunters and slaughterhouses get a free pass.

Yeah come on over...see how far you get.

Sounds to me like someone is taking a bath on his Mike Vick collection.
Reverend Al Sharpton said:
When Michael Vick throws a sweet, heaven-kissed touchdown pass to Algie Crumpler, the media does not pay attention. Only when he scrambles like a scared slave running to freedom or when he participates in traditional urban gaming activities does anyone raise a stink.

Am I excusing Mr. Vick’s actions and recasting his horrific cruelty as an issue of race, poverty and crime endemic to marginalized black populations, thrust upon us by the dominant white discourse? Some questions are best left unanswered … but yes, there’s a strong likelihood I am doing that.

Consider this: If the police caught Brett Favre running a dolphin-fighting ring out of his pool, where dolphins with spears attached to their foreheads fought each other, would they bust him? Of course not. They would get his autograph, commend him on his tightly-spiraled forward passes, then bet on one of his dolphins. (Probably the dolphin that can do the most flips — those dolphins would have stronger necks, more skill manipulating their death spears and 3-1 odds.)

This is not real.
jackrussell;1597165 said:
Yeah come on over...see how far you get.

Sounds to me like someone is taking a bath on his Mike Vick collection.

Or his last name is Vick and now he has to go back to McDonalds for a living.
LaTunaNostra;1597150 said:
I just watched that segment, and am left feeling that there are a WHOLE lot more people need to be jailed than just Michael Vick. It's fruitless ruminating on depravity and sadism of that magnitude, I guess, and have to agree with the vet interviewed that dogfighters aren't much more than "low life pieces of %$#".

And what about the people whose pets are literally 'dognapped' to provide fodder for the fighters? Their dogs crippled, maimed so they won't put up TOO much of a fight and then thrown into 'the ring', in a twisted twist on words, as "sparring partners'. Or the 'culling' of 'losers' by affixing electrodes to their heads and then 'plugged in".

That segment should have come with a warning - it'll give most folks, and I would guess all children, nightmares. These dog fighters are sick, SICK people.


Not a very attractive "Sport" when you look at it closely IMO. As an FYI, they also adopt dogs from the pound, or what have you, and use these adopted dogs as training tools. Basically, adopt them to be slaughtered.

There a real credit to society, I agree.
jdub2k4;1597064 said:
Mankind does not have to hunt to live, btw. I see vegans living every day. I don't support that, mind you, because I love some meat. I just think it is funny that someone will get all defensive when a dog is harmed and then go to Hardees and chomp on a burger made from a cow that got brutally killed in a slaughter house, like the cow didn't have the same rights to life as the dog did...and yes, I am well aware that it is legal to kill deer and cows for means of food...That is not my argument.

Would you eat one of the dogs that Vick killed? :cool:
superpunk;1597160 said:
Maybe this made more sense in your head.


I would not respond either SP, were I you. You are in a tough sitution. You are defending a position that is not popular. Good call.
FuzzyLumpkins;1597163 said:
Yeah there is a group that disagrees go look up some articles from the Atlanta Journal Constitution and it shouldnt be that hard to figure out who that culture is. They are just a minority.

I'm sure there are some who disagree there are some who disagreeing with every single law out there. Hell there is a group in the US who thinks having sex with young boys should be legal but we as an overall society strongly disagree. We as a society also find dog fighting and roster fighting as wrong and the activities associated with it.
FuzzyLumpkins;1597154 said:
Well that is the whole point. Its about you and your family and what you think is right. Ive seen domesticated deer that play with children and show concern. We shoot them just like the rest.

Im sorry but becasue you chose to own a dog as a pet does not mean everyone should be forced to. Youre forcing your values onto a culture that doesnt share them.

Your point being??? So you don't own a dog. It is a full time responsibility like a child. You may not have the time, you may not like dogs. That's OK, but I am sure you don't go out a drown one every day.

What is your point???
jackrussell;1597165 said:
Yeah come on over...see how far you get.

Sounds to me like someone is taking a bath on his Mike Vick collection.

sounds to me like someone is too absorbed with dogs. There in your sig and your avatar as if you have a prayer at being objective.
94WARE94;1597066 said: come nobody is talking about the Legal Cockfighting in Louisiana.. isn't that bad to... or are you going to use the excuse that Chickens are unintelligent and not domestic

Cock fighting is illegal in some states I think, and should be illegal in all states.

Next question...

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