Vick accepts plea deal *merged*

Pats Fan;1597111 said:
I really don't like "brother" talk. We are all in this together. There are always some people that can find someone to look down on. That's their problem. That is not the majority. It is not worth your time, or a discussion.

Like it or not, we are a country with many different people. Smart, dumb, black, white, etc. Do you realize there are people in Iraq that are fighting over some small religious difference -- that's why they can't move on and get their "****" together.

It is so dumb. Can anyone think outside "the box"???

You claim this and refuse to acknowledge that some people might look on dogs the same as we look on deer or cow. Sorry but if you want to talk about intolerance i think some people nned to look in the mirror.
FuzzyLumpkins;1597114 said:
Like this thread was great to begin with. Get over it and move on.
I think that's GREAT advice for everyone to heed.

Big Dakota;1597107 said:
But we do need to kill, and that includes plants and animals. That's why i don't get some saying we are hypocrites for killing cows and making a fuss about a dog.

So when you do that you torture them?? I really do not need to say more. Look within yourself. Look real hard.
FuzzyLumpkins;1597114 said:
Like this thread was great to begin with. Get over it and move on.

As long as Vick goes to jail...All is fine in the world.

For now.
ABQCOWBOY;1597115 said:
I think that the part of this comparison that is going untouched is the way in which these things happen. I'm not opposed to killing. That may be wrong but it's true. For food or because it is necessary, I understand. However, it does not have to be done in a brutal manner. It does not have to be for sport. It should never be for something like that.

So you would support legislation that gave trophy hunters a year 2 to 5 year prison sentence and up to a $250k fine?
jdub2k4;1597098 said:
The moral of this thread is:
Love dogs because they are intelligent and special. Shoot everything else because it doesn't have the right to life as precious dogs do.


TO should be afraid, VERY AFRAID:laugh2:
FuzzyLumpkins;1597102 said:
i still some people dont grasp the concept of innocent until proven guilty. I find it a good principle to live by in general.
It is a good principle but earlier you've made below comment, as if Pacman was guilty of punching a stripper and having his posse shoot two people. I thought he was only accused as of right now. :confused:
FuzzyLumpkins;1597102 said:
Punching strippers and having your posse shoot two people is worse than dogfighting dont you think?
WV Cowboy;1597021 said:
Have you ever had a deer run to greet you when you come home?
Have you ever had a deer lay his head on your lap when you are sad?
Have you ever had a deer follow you around no matter where you go or how long you stay there?
Have you ever had a deer warn you from danger or protect you from trouble?
Have you ever had a deer choose to nap whereever you choose to nap, no matter where that happens to be in the house?

That is one of the differences. Dogs interact with man like no other animal.

Dogs are such an intelligent, rare animal, that centuries ago man invited them into their homes to live with their families!

Since then other animals have been domesticated as well, (cats, fish, hamsters, etc) but dogs are the No. 1 domesticated animal I am sure.

Whether all like it or not, or if they agree or not, dogs are very special and unique.

So comparing dogs to deer is a very weak argument. If some can't see or understand that, ... I suggest you get to know a dog.

Nooo! That is bad advice for some of these guys!

Think about the might no be safe for it!

Pats Fan;1597118 said:
So when you do that you torture them?? I really do not need to say more. Look within yourself. Look real hard.

Obviously you stepped in at page 10 thinking you have something to contribute.
Doomsday101;1597108 said:
So what do you want a free for all strong lives and the weak die because god forbid that people in this country want laws in place to protect what we find as right.

I always have trouble when someone posts "laws for what we find as right". One's definition of right is not the same as another's. I think dog fighting is disgusting, but not because it is "right" to think that way. I just don't like the idea of turning pets into fighting machines and putting them through similar training that a soldier gets because the dog has no choice in the matter.

The problem one gets into with "right" is that in the west we tend to think our way of thinking is "right" and the rest of the world's is "wrong". To the Taliban say, making women wear full burkas is "right" but we take it upon ourselves to tell them it is not their right to bring in laws they consider "right".

Create laws because you want to do so, but don't say it is because it is "right" because right is a fluid term. Slavery laws were once considered "right" but today no one would agree.
Doomsday101;1597108 said:
So what do you want a free for all strong lives and the weak die because god forbid that people in this country want laws in place to protect what we find as right.

No it is what YOU find to be right. There is an entire culture in the south that doesnt agree with you. There just isnt as many of them as there are of you. I mean heck why dont we ban burkas here too since you probably find them demeaning to women?

Its not as if its cut and dry man. We have a ton of animal blood on our hands as much as we try to justify the majority of it. We are subjectively picking what animals are okay to kill and what animals are not okay to kill and condemning any culture that disagrees on a particular animal.
trickblue;1597047 said:
Cattle are classified as livestock and are raised for largely one thing; food for humans. This area is also home to many farmers and ranchers. The animals are very well cared for and put down humanely and quickly when that time comes.

Sorry.....but you couldn't be more incorrect with that statement.
FuzzyLumpkins;1597120 said:
So you would support legislation that gave trophy hunters a year 2 to 5 year prison sentence and up to a $250k fine?

Actually if you are caught poaching you can face both time and a fine. Hunting is well regulated as is fishing. I would also add hunting serves a humane purpose as well which is to help regulate the population of the heard.
Pats Fan;1597118 said:
So when you do that you torture them?? I really do not need to say more. Look within yourself. Look real hard.

So.... lets change the subject....

I heard Randy Moss has ALREADY become a distractions for the Patriots? What the inside scoop?
WV Cowboy;1597021 said:
Have you ever had a deer run to greet you when you come home?
Have you ever had a deer lay his head on your lap when you are sad?
Have you ever had a deer follow you around no matter where you go or how long you stay there?
Have you ever had a deer warn you from danger or protect you from trouble?
Have you ever had a deer choose to nap whereever you choose to nap, no matter where that happens to be in the house?

That is one of the differences. Dogs interact with man like no other animal.

Dogs are such an intelligent, rare animal, that centuries ago man invited them into their homes to live with their families!

Since then other animals have been domesticated as well, (cats, fish, hamsters, etc) but dogs are the No. 1 domesticated animal I am sure.

Whether all like it or not, or if they agree or not, dogs are very special and unique.

So comparing dogs to deer is a very weak argument. If some can't see or understand that, ... I suggest you get to know a dog.

That's right.

Know what's ironic? If Mike Vick had a dog -- a real pet, not a gambling/torture object -- and it saw a person trying to hang or drown him, that dog would fight like hell to prevent him from being harmed. Many dogs even give their own lives trying to defend their owners.

Yet Vick and his buddies all stood around and probably got some good laughs as they watched each other maim and kill these creatures.

Which action is more "inhuman"?

Maybe some people really aren't worth as much as some dogs.
03EBZ06;1597124 said:
It is a good principle but earlier you've made below comment, as if Pacman was guilty of punching a stripper and having his posse shoot two people. I thought he was only accused as of right now. :confused:

i would agree with that statement unfortunately Goodell does not so my statement still stands.

Goodell suspended Jones with ZERO convictions but that is antoher can of worms.

Point is if Goodell suspended Jones for his reasons then those reason are lesser than what Vick is pleading to.
superpunk;1597105 said:
I don't know. That's up to you. I'm not really interested in discussing every random instance where people might need to hunt for food. Outliers arent of any real importance in a broad discussion like this. If you can't grow enough food to last the winter, by all means kill **** and don't feel hypocritical about it.

Perhaps your right. We/they are of no importance. They are only human beings right? Your funny in your attempt to initiate some sort of response. It is of little importance I suppose. In the end, the majority finds this to be acceptable and that is how our society works. It is, of course, within reason to voice your opinion it it. We are, after all, not barbarians but it is done and in the end, it will have to be accepted as such.
YoMick;1597137 said:
So.... lets change the subject....

I heard Randy Moss has ALREADY become a distractions for the Patriots? What the inside scoop?

trickblue said:
The animals are very well cared for and put down humanely and quickly when that time comes.

Was there a rabbi around?

If not... then its not true :laugh2:
FuzzyLumpkins;1597116 said:
You claim this and refuse to acknowledge that some people might look on dogs the same as we look on deer or cow. Sorry but if you want to talk about intolerance i think some people nned to look in the mirror.

I understand what you are saying. Really. But there is a difference. Dogs, have become a part of our family. No one I know living with a deer or cow in their house. Me, with 3 dogs, love them, protect them, treat them with the utmost respect.

But is it true that life is cruel, darn right. We take away the habitat of our wildlife, we treat cattle with complete lack of care. Yes. And we treat our fellow man not much better.

But, you know, if I was a black guy (I am not), I would be looking for ways to make things better. 126 mil I think. How many homes would that build?? What happened in Katrina was a disgrace. It was the poor that were hurt. It put a pit in my stomach.

I do not accept or condone evil. When you make 126 mil a year and are evil, well, what would I say about you???? Throw the bum out and as far as we can throw him.

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