Vick accepts plea deal *merged*

Sarge;1597050 said:
The NFL only cares about how they are perceived. The dog killing is NOT good for that. They will hang their hat on the gambling to BAN him but in reality, they are only concerned with their image.

Either way. Vick is done in the NFL.

I would tend to agree with the former statement. The fact it was dog killing made the crime seem worse to many observers because for the most part, we love dogs and they are part of our families. We wouldn't set up child fighting rings either. Dogs are the only thing on the planet that love you more than themselves. They are always happy to see you, and always make you feel loved.

Had he been involved in cock fighting, many of the people very grossed out by the allegations would not have had the same reaction.

Dogs are special and unique. I mean many of us will forgo something for ourselves in order to get our dog the medicine he needs.
iceberg;1597075 said:
then get off a board and go save the world. i'll thank you in the am. but *telling* me how passionate you are is pretty worthless.

go do something about it if you want people to believe you're really passionate about it.

Well, I don't have the hammer, but darn, right on. There is no excuse, no explanation, nothing. I hang, electrocute, drown a animal that does not perform. And WHO in here says that is right?????

What is done to the human race in many cases is not as bad, but still bad. It is up to everyone to make it better. It takes a village. Do your part. That is about all you can, unless you cross the line and become MLK.
I wonder if inept Pointdexter will still proceed with filing state charges against Ookie.
94WARE94;1597066 said: come nobody is talking about the Legal Cockfighting in Louisiana.. isn't that bad to... or are you going to use the excuse that Chickens are unintelligent and not domestic

Nope I have no desire it was legal in OK for years not sure if it still is. I have no understanding of why it is and I have no desire to watch it.

I know a few people in Texas over the years have been busted for it and have spent time in Jail over it.
Big Dakota;1597078 said:
IF they exist? WoW. The Inuit depend on game nearly as much as they always have. Many many tribes of aboriginal people all over the world depend on hunting for survival. Small though they may be, they do exhist and i'm guessing you are smart enough to know that.

I think when we're talking about whether mankind needs to hunt for survival, it can be pretty well accepted that we're not talking about tiny tribes of aboriginees.
Thank God, i'm so tired of this being a topic of conversation on talk radio, ESPN, etc. Dont think i could have endured a trial.

He needs to go away for a while!!
superpunk;1597035 said:
This is incorrect. Maybe back in the day the Indians had to hunt during the winter, but it's not necessity anymore.

We just do it because we like it. :D

I still have people who hunt to put food on the table. It is probably not what many of you would consider food but I still have family that eat Coon and Rabbit and Squirrel. They are fewer and fewer but it still happens in my family. I was raised on this and I still do enjoy eating a good stew. Am I a hypocrite?

Perhaps I am. I don't know. However, I do know this. We eat what we hunt. We don't hunt for sport. We don't hang heads on our walls or stuff animals so that we can put them in the Library.
This has been fun, but it's 5:00 now in the East and I have to go home and feed my pet deer Bambi, my pet duck Donald, and my pet Salmon Sam.

Kangaroo;1597067 said:
Actually killing a deer can be illegal it is called poaching and people lose cars house etc for doing it. There are laws around even hunting so it not like I get to go out and get the deer right away there is a season. So even hunting is controlled in the population this is to prevent over hunting of animals and it also prevents the spread of disease; starvation etc of animals from over population.

Then if its okay to kill deer for over population and famine why is it that we frown on killing humans for the same reason? I can think of some regions of the third world where a good cull would probably help justas much for as it does the deer.

If its wrong its wrong.

What i see here is one culture that doesnt share the same view of dogs as another culture in the south. Becuase the former culture is larger in population that means they can force their values on dogs onto the other culture and still be able to kill and torture the animlas they dont have an emotional attachment too.

You can sti there and justify killing deer or cows or whatever but the fact is they look on dogs the same way you look at deer.

Unfortunately, this particular culture is fond of forcing their values on anyone they can. i personally see it as a leftover mentality from old British imperialism. Its also a big reason why the majority of the worlds population does not like the US.
Y'all were all whining about how he was innocent and being unjustly accused . Now that he has plead guilty y'all need to take off those rose colored glasses and see " Ookie" for what he is................ a criminal.
The moral of this thread is:
Love dogs because they are intelligent and special. Shoot everything else because it doesn't have the right to life as precious dogs do.

i still some people dont grasp the concept of innocent until proven guilty. I find it a good principle to live by in general.
FuzzyLumpkins;1597102 said:
i still some people dont grasp the concept of innocent until proven guilty. I find it a good principle to live by in general.

You are right.

The fact he ultimately will plead guilty does not detract from the fact many here wanted him guillotined just because he was charged.
jdub2k4;1597098 said:
The moral of this thread is:
Love dogs because they are intelligent and special. Shoot everything else because it doesn't have the right to life as precious dogs do.


What took you so long to get it?
ABQCOWBOY;1597093 said:
I still have people who hunt to put food on the table. It is probably not what many of you would consider food but I still have family that eat Coon and Rabbit and Squirrel. They are fewer and fewer but it still happens in my family. I was raised on this and I still do enjoy eating a good stew. Am I a hypocrite?

I don't know. That's up to you. I'm not really interested in discussing every random instance where people might need to hunt for food. Outliers arent of any real importance in a broad discussion like this. If you can't grow enough food to last the winter, by all means kill **** and don't feel hypocritical about it.
superpunk;1597087 said:
I think when we're talking about whether mankind needs to hunt for survival, it can be pretty well accepted that we're not talking about tiny tribes of aboriginees.

But we do need to kill, and that includes plants and animals. That's why i don't get some saying we are hypocrites for killing cows and making a fuss about a dog.
FuzzyLumpkins;1597095 said:
Then if its okay to kill deer for over population and famine why is it that we frown on killing humans for the same reason? I can think of some regions of the third world where a good cull would probably help justas much for as it does the deer.

If its wrong its wrong.

What i see here is one culture that doesnt share the same view of dogs as another culture in the south. Becuase the former culture is larger in population that means they can force their values on dogs onto the other culture and still be able to kill and torture the animlas they dont have an emotional attachment too.

You can sti there and justify killing deer or cows or whatever but the fact is they look on dogs the same way you look at deer.

Unfortunately, this particular culture is fond of forcing their values on anyone they can. i personally see it as a leftover mentality from old British imperialism. Its also a big reason why the majority of the worlds population does not like the US.

So what do you want a free for all strong lives and the weak die because god forbid that people in this country want laws in place to protect what we find as right.
There's always one like you that has to ruin a thread and get it closed.

Hopefully they'll ban you first.
ConcordCowboy;1597109 said:
There's always one like you that has to ruin a thread and get it closed.

Hopefully they'll ban you first.

Like this thread was great to begin with. Get over it and move on.
FuzzyLumpkins;1597095 said:
Then if its okay to kill deer for over population and famine why is it that we frown on killing humans for the same reason? I can think of some regions of the third world where a good cull would probably help justas much for as it does the deer.

If its wrong its wrong.

What i see here is one culture that doesnt share the same view of dogs as another culture in the south. Becuase the former culture is larger in population that means they can force their values on dogs onto the other culture and still be able to kill and torture the animlas they dont have an emotional attachment too.

You can sti there and justify killing deer or cows or whatever but the fact is they look on dogs the same way you look at deer.

Unfortunately, this particular culture is fond of forcing their values on anyone they can. i personally see it as a leftover mentality from old British imperialism. Its also a big reason why the majority of the worlds population does not like the US.

I think that the part of this comparison that is going untouched is the way in which these things happen. I'm not opposed to killing. That may be wrong but it's true. For food or because it is necessary, I understand. However, it does not have to be done in a brutal manner. It does not have to be for sport. It should never be for something like that.

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