OK, but BOTH the Vick/Eagle signing, and the T.O/Eagle & Dallas matchings were/are "Deals with the devil" any way you slice it.
Hell, T.O. going to Buffalo is a Faustian deal for the Bills too. I haven't taken the time, but I'll betcha' every NFL team, at one time or another has said "Ok, he's got a pretty scary down-side to him, but he brings enough to the table to bring him on board". Or, they stick with a "problem child" they drafted, who's developed into a real pain in the *** and a distraction, because the game they bring ON THE FIELD is worth the price of admission.
Niners - Ricky Watters
Miami - Ricky Williams
Bengals - Chad Ocho Cinco Johnson
Patriots - Randy Moss
Giants - Jeremy Shawkey, Plaxico Burress
Browns - Kellen Winslow Jr. (now in Tampa)
Ravens - Ray Lewis
Dallas - Almost a yearly thing.
Raiders - The obvious poster child...............
Just to name a few.................I'm sure many around here can add to this list. Mike Vick is just the latest example of a franchise willing to play the prostitute/*****, and wager that THIS TIME, he'll maybe be worth all the hassle it otherwise takes to keep this guy around.
Nothing upsets me more, in 2009, than when I hear someone say "Yeah, well, they BOUGHT a Championshp". That baby went out with the bath water back in the mid-70's and George Steinbrenner. It's been THREE DECADES where, you DON'T GET a Trophy unless you "BUY IT" in one way, shape form or another. It's the "motis operenda'" in professional sports with the advent of free agency, salary caps, etc............. "Buying a championship???" OF COURSE they BOUGHT the Championship!! Is there any other way??
That's all the Beagles are doing. The same as anyone else would do. No matter what the cost, the money, the hit to the franchise, the "image", their standing with PETA, the politics, etc................doesn't matter. It'a all about winning a championship...................of which the Eagles never will.