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didn't really want to get dragged into this again (and im away on holiday for a week tommorow so probably won't) but felt the need to make a couple of points.
firstly once again the argument that football is only popular because poor people can afford to do it as the only need a ball. for a very basic game yes you need a ball but the same can be said for american football. obviously that doesn't apply to full contact american football but the argument is that people get hooked as small kids so they're not going to need anymore equipment just a different shaped ball.
secondly the argument that its just running around chasing a ball. the same argument could be made for american football, one guy gets the ball and throws it to another and everyone chases after him. that argument would be rightly shot down as rediculous but it has the same depth of understanding as many are happy to use for "showing how bad soccer is"
thirdly its just for kids who cant play proper sports, it may be treated that way over there but if all the unfit fat kids who were rejected from the football teams in this country played american football would that make it a meaningless sport?
fourthly people complaining about the low scoring. i can understand the argument here but i would counter it by saying that it makes the goals a heck of lot more valuable, also the idea of scoring 90 odd points and losing doesn't appeal to me.

fair enough if you don't like the game but if you're going to try and take it apart then you have to either just admit that you don't like it and don't know a lot about it - plenty of sports i don't like that i don't fully understand (more than likely that plays a part in me not liking them) or actualy have a basic knowledge of the game before you start getting into an argument over its merits. for example my opinion is that soccer is far more enjoyable than baseball but i know next to nothing about baseball so wouldn't start arguing over why it isn't as good. i know a little more about american football though so would be able to argue the merits of each sport before arriving at the outcome of football being a better sport in my opinion. i know most folk here won't agree with that and i wouldn't expect them to.

regarding the original topic the stadium looks great
Great post Daschoo. In regards to the scoring: Football scoring is inflated: whereas a 3-1 outcome in soccer sounds low it is the equivalent of very much accepted 21-7 outcome in football. It is the same amounts of scores.
tecolote;2847918 said:
I love sports, if the stakes and level of competition are high enough I could watch ping pong.

When talking about soccer, you have to put things into perspective, it is not the same thing to watch Mexico-Haiti or an MLS match to watching a champions cup final between Barcelona and Manchester United. It is like comparing the arena league to the NFL, it seems like you are watching an entirely different sport.

And watching your country play live in the world cup is like nothing you could ever experience in sports. It is hard to explain. Yes, goals are hard to come by, that is why I will never forget each of the goals Mexico has scored in the world cup when I was in the stadium, just a breathtaking experience.

Having said all that, the NFL kicks soccer's behind. By a mile.

Couldn’t have said it any better

1. Would Rugby be ok in the new stadium?

2. Is women's soccer played with more honor, do the women refuse
to fake fouls?

3. What are the reaction times for softball and cricket?
AC Milan and Club America had a good game tonight.

AC Milan had a player that just completely blew the game though.

Hopefully they rebound friday night and beat Chelsea.

I hate Drogba and hope Milan wins it.
ka0tic;2847401 said:
its not like soccer is ruining our playing turf. they said the stadium has 5 different playing turfs for any occasion. (college football, soccer, cowboys turf, another PRO football turf, and for other events)

stadium looks amazin. heres a pic. of tha screen...


attendance was about 82,000. largest crowd ever in texas for a soccer game. it pains me but, i doubt the stadium will get as loud as today for the rest of the year.


Someone is gonna hit their head on that screen.. its too big... too low.

CATCH17;2851035 said:
AC Milan and Club America had a good game tonight.

AC Milan had a player that just completely blew the game though.

Hopefully they rebound friday night and beat Chelsea.

I hate Drogba and hope Milan wins it.

sucks that Gooch was caught napping on the first goal. Needs to mark his man tighter. He looked better as the game went on though. Had a nice pass that should have resulted in a goal.

and man, Club America was actually pretty entertaining to watch. Great ball movement and runs. Same can't be said about AC Milan or Inter Milan. Right now, their preseason form has been pretty abysmal. Chelsea already look like they're ready for the season.
Good to hear Club America, fought hard and won the game vs. Milan. Mexican teams seem to play their best football against ''big rivals''. same goes for the national team, they just play like the rival play and that shouldnt be that way.
thekavorka;2851126 said:
sucks that Gooch was caught napping on the first goal. Needs to mark his man tighter. He looked better as the game went on though. Had a nice pass that should have resulted in a goal.

and man, Club America was actually pretty entertaining to watch. Great ball movement and runs. Same can't be said about AC Milan or Inter Milan. Right now, their preseason form has been pretty abysmal. Chelsea already look like they're ready for the season.

Im hoping that AC somehow lands Luis Fabiano but he is wanting way to much money right now.

Losing KaKa hurt us.

Milan will be ok though. They are just letting easy goal opportunities slip by. They are in position so hopefully they will start cashing in.

Ronaldhino looks really good this year so far too so thats a big plus.


lmao those soccer dives are the best. That's just embarassing, that as a sport, they've let it get that way. They need a diving call, like hockey has. If you hit the carpet like that, you get a red card, dummy.
superpunk;2851269 said:
lmao those soccer dives are the best. That's just embarassing, that as a sport, they've let it get that way. They need a diving call, like hockey has. If you hit the carpet like that, you get a red card, dummy.

yeah I agree

there's no way a soccer fan can support that kind of BS that ruins the game. I've seen yellows and reds given for diving before but it doesn't happen as often as it needs to

unfortunately, diving happens in basketball as well

that's why football (NFL) is my #1 sport

as far as reverting back to this diving BS as a way of telling me you don't like soccer, laugh all you want.

Baseball - asteriks by how many players' names now? needles/steroids/fat players that look like my dad

Basketball - worst officiated sport by far

Hockey - lockouts/needed to make a "comeback"/I don't know much about the sport to be honest

Soccer - diving BS from players that should be banned

every sport has its ugly side...
xWraithx;2851275 said:
yeah I agree

there's no way a soccer fan can support that kind of BS that ruins the game. I've seen yellows and reds given for diving before but it doesn't happen as often as it needs to

unfortunately, diving happens in basketball as well

that's why football (NFL) is my #1 sport

as far as reverting back to this diving BS as a way of telling me you don't like soccer, laugh all you want.

Baseball - asteriks by how many players' names now? needles/steroids/fat players that look like my dad

Basketball - worst officiated sport by far

Hockey - lockouts/needed to make a "comeback"/I don't know much about the sport to be honest

Soccer - diving BS from players that should be banned

every sport has its ugly side...
Except apparently by rationalizing that every sport has its issues.

The current racism is by far the worst aspect IMO.
Hostile;2851298 said:
Except apparently by rationalizing that every sport has its issues.

The current racism is by far the worst aspect IMO.

well, just because every sport has issues doesn't mean you can't still be a fan of the game. you don't see me cutting down anyone else's sport, just defending one of my own. fortunately, the majority of players in sports don't fall into the types of "issues" that I outlined.

racism is horrible anywhere in the world, not just in soccer.. but yeah, unfortunately there are stupid people scattered all over the globe. It's not as bad as it used to be and it's basically unheard of now in the English Premier League (the NFL of the soccer world)
racism in soccer is mostly prevalent in Spain and Italy. Way way less in the EPL.

Also, diving has been greatly reduced in the EPL the last couple of years due to giving more yellow cards to divers. And in England, diving is seen as one of the worst possible actions.

Diving is more prevalent in South America, Spain, and Italy.

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