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Nav22;2848478 said:
Soccer, like football, is the epitome of a team sport.

Tap dancing is an individual activity, not a team sport.
Baseball is a 1-on-1 game (pitcher vs. batter), not a team sport.

Soccer is a 1-on-1 game (striker vs. goalie). See? I can be moronic too.

Get 30 steroid-abusing pansies to stand around chewing tobacco while someone tap-dances, and voila: baseball.Soccer is more entertaining and has more integrity. And its players are infinitely more athletic and talented. And the sport takes a much greater toll physically.

So they have stamina. In the words of Archie Bunker, "Whoop-dee-doo." BTW, so do marathoners and Tour de France cyclists. That doesn't make their exploits watchable.

Baseball's advantage? The fat and lazy can play it.

Then you're in luck.

Of course little boys and girls play soccer. We want our kids to exercise and be healthy. If I wanted my kid to sit on his butt chewing sunflower seeds, I'd tell him to stay in his room and play video games.

So soccer is "egalitarian"? If so, you're not helping your cause.
I think I can end this... should I just go ahead and post a picture of my bare ***?
Soccer is a 1-on-1 game (striker vs. goalie).
It's only 1-on-1 in a penalty kick situation. Baseball is 1-on-1 for 9 innings.

Nothing "moronic" about that... sadly, there's much truth to it.
So they have stamina. In the words of Archie Bunker, "Whoop-dee-doo." BTW, so do marathoners and Tour de France cyclists. That doesn't make their exploits watchable.
If you think baseball is watchable compared to soccer, I'll swing by your house and slap on a fresh coat of paint. You'll have a blast watching it dry for hours.
Then you're in luck.
Ha. I take it you do crunches and jumping jacks in between your... what is that, 16,000+ posts?
So soccer is "egalitarian"?
Takes athletic ability.

The fattest, laziest kid in my high school was an all-district catcher. Only in baseball!
baseball and soccer both suck

I will admit that soccer is not an easy sport to play, it's taxing as hell
I apologise but I feel the need to post this picture.

Nav22;2848614 said:
It's only 1-on-1 in a penalty kick situation. Baseball is 1-on-1 for 9 innings.

1 on 1? So what happens if the batter doesn't swing? Does the ball roll all the way to the backstop? Or is it caught by his teammate?

Nothing "moronic" about that... sadly, there's much truth to it.If you think baseball is watchable compared to soccer, I'll swing by your house and slap on a fresh coat of paint. You'll have a blast watching it dry for hours

I'll get the turpentine ready.

Ha. I take it you do crunches and jumping jacks in between your... what is that, 16,000+ posts?Takes athletic ability.

Yes, I'm sure those 82,000 "futball" fans last night were poster children for good health and sensible diets.

The fattest, laziest kid in my high school was an all-district catcher. Only in baseball!

We get it. You like aerobic activities that masquerade as real sports. Just drape yourself in spandex already.
If you guys have watched couple of Premier League or La Liga matches and still hate soccer, that's fine.

But if you haven't, then it's like only watching terrible high school football and saying football sucks.
bbgun;2848654 said:
1 on 1? So what happens if the batter doesn't swing? Does the ball roll all the way to the backstop? Or is it caught by his teammate?

I'll get the turpentine ready.

Yes, I'm sure those 82,000 "futball" fans last night were poster children for good health and sensible diets.

We get it. You like aerobic activities that masquerade as real sports. Just drape yourself in spandex already.

I have to admit, this cracked me the hell up
1 on 1? So what happens if the batter doesn't swing? Does the ball roll all the way to the backstop? Or is it caught by his teammate?
Oops, I forgot about the masked fatty catching the ball behind the plate. I get him and the umpire confused sometimes, since their jobs are equally taxing physically.

Catcher: baseball's answer to the NFL's holder!
Just drape yourself in spandex already.
Will do. I'll have a nice workout.

Pick yourself up a nice bib with "Hot Dog King" on the front. Way more "macho" than soccer.
i rather do this than try to convince NFL fans to watch football soccer or football soccer fans to like NFL :banghead: . It's useless.

But say what ever you want about soccer, the dallas cowboy stadium was the loudest it may ever be this past weekend, i just hope im wrong.....
Does the stadium have an retractable field? Haven't heard much about it.
Nav22;2848445 said:
Baseball fans ripping soccer... it doesn't get any funnier.

I found a dirty needle on the ground the other day and got excited... which MLB star was in town!?!? Could've been any of them! Or ALL of them!!!

That's funny, I saw a murder investigation going on and found 14 of them in the last two years in Brazil alone, all directly tied to soccer violence.

But why go into history? Let's look at the present day and what a great sport soccer really is:

There was the soccer player in Columbia who killed a fan who called him "crappy".


Or this nice little incident in Nigeria where four were killed after a soccer match.


Read on in that little article above about how there were "only" two stabbings in Italy with regards to a soccer match.

Not to mention this murder in England over a Premier League game:


Then there's this little peach where a man was beaten to death by soccer thugs:


Oh, let's be sure to not forget the mini-riot at Reliant in the last few days:


The worst part about all of this???? It only covers May and beginning of June of 2009.

For sure players who used steroids in a sport that turned a blind eye to it are much more villainous than the expected murder, rape, stabbings, brutal beatings, and riots that are commonplace with soccer matches.

Someone said they'd pay anyone else to take their place at a World Cup game? Better get them some life insurance while your at it and get an injury waiver signed.
xWraithx;2848587 said:
I think I can end this... should I just go ahead and post a picture of my bare ***?

Why? We already know your a soccer fan. Showing your bare *** would kinda be redundant. :rolleyes:
MWILL;2848710 said:
Interesting. I'll have to take the tour this week.

Ahh, found some information.. say its a removable roll up turf system. And 1 is for pro football, the other for college football, and the third for other sports such as football (soccer). So theres 3 field conversions that can be made.
That's funny, I saw a murder investigation going on and found 14 of them in the last two years in Brazil alone, all directly tied to soccer violence.
Who cares? That has nothing to do with the sport itself...

Can't be a good sign for baseball when its fans avoid the topic of "what does the SPORT itself have to offer" like the plague.

I don't care about the "atmosphere". I don't care about the relaxation of sitting in the ballpark. It's an unathletic sport that takes very little physical effort to play (compared to every other major American sport).

On top of THAT, the MLB is loaded with cheaters. Playing the least taxing sport wasn't enough... Bonds, McGwire, Canseco, etc. needed to make things even EASIER. You don't get more pansie than that.

And some of you baseball fans have the nerve to question soccer players' manhood. Hilarious.
Soccer sucks and I take comfort in knowing that it will never be as big in the US as it is elsewhere.

Not that I really hate soccer but it doesn't compare to the other 3 sports. There are only three major sports. Football, Basketball, and Baseball. Hockey is fun to watch in person because of the massive amount of contact but soccer can't even offer that. Instead, players have to fake being hit.

Sorry, soccer just isn't on part with the other 3 and is less appealing than Hockey. It might as well be competitive knitting.
Nav22;2848690 said:
Oops, I forgot about the masked fatty catching the ball behind the plate. I get him and the umpire confused sometimes, since their jobs are equally taxing physically.

Catcher: baseball's answer to the NFL's holder!Will do. I'll have a nice workout.

Pick yourself up a nice bib with "Hot Dog King" on the front. Way more "macho" than soccer.

One of the most ignorant things I've ever read on this board. Just proves you don't have a clue about baseball. If you don't like it, that's one thing.. but don't pretend like you know anything about it. It's painfully obvious you don't.

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