Was Bobby Carpenter as bad as I'm hearing?

Thanks for the responses everyone.

When will Williams be healthy anyway?

Parcells really screwed up on this one. I recall that day he was drafted the commentary being basically he was taken to high (not crazy, but 5 or 10 spots)...
Carpenter (AKA: Barbie) is too slow, and the Eagles will torch him if they get the opportunity.
cobra;2978868 said:
He made one really embarassing play where he whiffed on a tackle by a couple of yards. Other than that, I did not see him mess up.

But the embarassing play was really obvious, so people are going to act like he made that play every single down. As far as I noticed, it was just once.

I have no love for Bobbie Carpenter, but it is clear for me that he is a favored whipping boy, so the negatives will always be focused on.

I agree. I'm not a fan of him at all either. He had a couple of bad plays in run support and one less than stellar pass defense play that I remember. It's hard to see that position anyway. But his name wasn't called much at all which is good IMO. He seemed to play better although he really sucked on that one draw.

Overall he couldn't be playing as bad as folks here seem to think or we would really suck on defense. He's playing his role 'ok'. I'd still like to see someone more dynamic there but right now he's not killing us.
vlad;2978793 said:
I wasn't able to watch the game all the way through, I'll try tonight.

Was he really as bad as I'm hearing? Right now Bob and Dan on the Ticket are ripping him, been hearing callers rip him. I didn't realize he was getting killed that badly...man, what a waste...

Can someone explain to me what he did (or didn't do)? Was it the same typical stuff - not taking on blocks, being out of position, etc...

How in the world he played well that playoff game in Seattle is beyond me.

Barbie sucks. Wee would do better leaving Brooking in at all times. That is all.
41gy#;2979650 said:
Carpenter (AKA: Barbie) is too slow, and the Eagles will torch him if they get the opportunity.

He may be too slow in reaction time but he's a fast LB.
I don't have much use for him. He's just not a dynamic player. He doesn't make plays. But he doesn't suck as much as some here seem to think. He's just ok in pass defense and I suspect he'll screw up some plays much more than he will make outstanding plays. And he is weak in run support.

However, right now he's not much weaker than Hamlin. Now that's a scary thought.

And the tackling in general is great. Some people in the secondary seem to have faulty technique at times.
Maybe I'm wrong, but on the run by Williams that everyone talks about how bad he whiffed, it looked to me that he was tackled from behind by a Carolina player. Looked like he just dove on the back of Barbie's ankles just as he was breaking towards Williams.
Bobby just doesn't look like he belongs on the field in the NFL. We all played sports with guys like him. You know, the guy who was never at the bottom of the pile yet almost always piled on at the end... the guy who passed the basketball to you when you were covered so that no one would see him miss a layup... the guy who chased the receiver but inside was praying that the ball didn't come his way. Bobby is that guy, the guy who takes up space on the field but is a liability in almost every aspect of the game. The only way he can be successful is if the coaches invent a scheme that only requires 10 men to get the job done so that Bobby can run around out there with the best view in the stadium.

I hate that he is a Cowboy. He is always the worst player on the field. I find it hard to believe that he would be on an NFL roster if he wasn't a first round pick. He is going to get a chance with another team next year, but only because of his former draft status. We don't need to worry about him being a stud or even a serviceable player on another team though... we will however get to chuckle at another team when he runs around like a pansy in pads instead of everyone laughing at us.

p.s. *** ewe Parcells aka Manboobs, I know that you knew Carpenter sucked when you drafted him. Drafting Bobby aka Ferdinand the Bull Carpenter when you knew you were quitting shows your lack of character and class.
He wasnt all that bad... Except for the thing that he was a 1st round pick...

Having that in consideration, he's doing all he can to be kicked out of the team.

If he were a 5th rounder, or lower he would be just fine, but hell, 1st round...
this is really bad and i shouldn't say this but...i hope he gets injured, nothing serious just long enough to see what else we have and move on from him.

BTW the only thing he does is waive his arms to ask the crowd to make noise...seriously the last thing that guy should be thinking about is the crowd. he needs every once of attention he can muster just to diagnose a run late.
1st round pick. 6th round talent. (otherwise known as a classic Cowboys reach)
superpunk;2978835 said:
He waved his arms alot. Before and during the play.


He's basically a 1st round cheerleader who loves to get the crowd involved.

I would think if you suck as bad as he does, I would not want attention called to me. It seems most Ohio St LBs end up being busts.
Then, by all the negative Carp comments, because he remains on the team, can we assume that the defensive guru Wade is stuped to keep him?
I believe Carpenter should get some credit. He's wrapping up and you can mark my words Carpenter is not a bust. He will make plays this year.
RealCowboyfan;2980475 said:
I believe Carpenter should get some credit. He's wrapping up and you can mark my words Carpenter is not a bust. He will make plays this year.

consider them marked

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