Was Lawrence a difference maker in the playoffs?


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Oh my god.
It’s oh my gosh!

Of course you would not like this thread. You are the one person who actually thinks Garrett is a god.

Bigger mistake over paying Lawrence or keeping Garrett? A thousand times over, keeping Garrett.


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Was Lawrence a difference maker in the playoffs? In the 4th quarter did Lawrence make a play to help us win vs the Rams?
We should be over spending on the best coaches available. They do not count against the salary cap and great coaches can put their average to above average players in position to make big plays. See NE’s defense vs the Rams second ranked offense.

Coaching Matters a lot. We are screwed until Garrett is gone. Also, Richards and Marinelli failed big time vs the Rams. Look what NE’s average D with great coaching did to the Rams!
Who are the best coaches available? If JG and all the coaches on his staff are the problem.....then who are the replacements?


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In the Rams game, was anybody a difference maker?


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The Rams debacle was all on Marinellie. That was the worst game plan ever conceived....nobody was gonna have success w/ the way we were lining up. We did stuff in that game we didn't do all season...defensive formations...that just invited a beatdown. Still boggles my mind no one on the defensive staff got run after that BS.:mad:
I agree, but as bad as the defensive coaching was we still had a chance to win that game in the 4th quarter, if the offensive coaches would have showed up. Let’s run the ball up the middle time after time vs Suh and Donald, with backups at Center and Guard, especially on 4th down late in the game. Cooper is lined up vs a backup for a series and we run the ball, don’t even try to exploit the mismatch. Garrett and Linehan probably never even noticed. They never noticed when Dak got sacked 6 times vs a JAG at Atlanta!
Coaching Matters a lot!!


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Was Lawrence a difference maker in the playoffs? In the 4th quarter did Lawrence make a play to help us win vs the Rams?
We should be over spending on the best coaches available. They do not count against the salary cap and great coaches can put their average to above average players in position to make big plays. See NE’s defense vs the Rams second ranked offense.

Coaching Matters a lot. We are screwed until Garrett is gone. Also, Richards and Marinelli failed big time vs the Rams. Look what NE’s average D with great coaching did to the Rams!
Of course but coaching isn’t a priority with the Jone$.


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We’ve been a talent dependent team this entire era. Regardless who’s coaching us with the possible exception of Bill.

It’s amazing we even put together a playoff team. Last year was amazing . About as good as it gets with this dysfunctional organization.


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Coaching Matters and so does the Salary Cap! Over paying for a few players effects your depth. See NE. They don’t do it.
Comparing this dysfunctional organization to the Patriots is laughable. Why would we do that?

I’d still like someone explain how these football idiots have put together a playoff caliber team? Lol


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I’m not sure I do but it is what it is and contracts for the most part are not about what you did it’s about what you are going to do. The boys are hitching they’re wagons to DLaw so now I am as well I only hope he doesn’t disappoint
Now that he is getting huge money hopefully he will start finishing seasons like he starts them.


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The rest of the league should be ashamed.

They actually have legit front offices and coaching staffs but most of them can’t put together a better team than we have. Lol

In the NFC alone there were 12 teams who couldnt muster a better team than these football idiots. How do we account for this?


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Comparing this dysfunctional organization to the Patriots is laughable. Why would we do that?

I’d still like someone explain how these football idiots have put together a playoff caliber team? Lol
Smart people look at what other smart people do and emulate it. NE does so many simple but smart things that few teams emulate. Just one prime example: the QB sneak. Brady successfully converts a 3rd or 4th and 1, around 90% of the time on QB sneaks. Last year, Zek converted 3rd or 4th and 1 around 50% of the time!! Against the Rams, when Zek got stuffed on 4th and 1 late in the game, the QB sneak was WIDE open to the left of the Center. We have a big strong QB that only needs to find a small crease, but we decide to have him hand off to Zek 5 yards deep in the backfield, when the defense is waiting for it. What happens? As good as Zek is the backup Guard and Center could not hold their blocks long enough against Suh and Donald. Do I blame them? No. I blame Garrett and Linehan for a ridiculously stupid play call.

Coaching Matters a lot!!


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Do the Cowboys actually have the best Football Idiots money can buy?

Is Garrett the best Puppet in the history of the game?

How did they finish in top 4 in NFC?


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
He definitely was when we played the Detroit Lions. Can you repeat that absolutely why not. It's about careers. Can't single out any particular game


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
I think the main problem against the Rams was coaching, just like you said...………...it was just down right embarrassing how bad McVeigh outcoached Clappy in that game with all the misdirection and motion on offense. Notice how none of that crap worked against the Pats, that is because Hoody doesn't fall for gimmic chit like that.

As for DLaw, I think its a fair contract for a player that has had his overall production. Be it sacks, Qb hits, pressures, forced fumbles, ect...he is in the top 10 in virtually every category over the past several years. So taking his full body of work into account, I think its a fair deal for both him and the team.
I think it was Men playing against boys in the pits. We will the youngest starting team in the league third-youngest overall. If we had the ball last we very well may win that game. It was no underlined secret with coaching why we lost. We just got pushed around like we weren't even there


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Smart people look at what other smart people do and emulate it. NE does so many simple but smart things that few teams emulate. Just one prime example: the QB sneak. Brady successfully converts a 3rd or 4th and 1, around 90% of the time on QB sneaks. Last year, Zek converted 3rd or 4th and 1 around 50% of the time!! Against the Rams, when Zek got stuffed on 4th and 1 late in the game, the QB sneak was WIDE open to the left of the Center. We have a big strong QB that only needs to find a small crease, but we decide to have him hand off to Zek 5 yards deep in the backfield, when the defense is waiting for it. What happens? As good as Zek is the backup Guard and Center could not hold their blocks long enough against Suh and Donald. Do I blame them? No. I blame Garrett and Linehan for a ridiculously stupid play call.

Coaching Matters a lot!!
We aren’t a smart franchise . We are Football Idiots. And I might argue the greatest Football Idiots in the history of the league.

The rest of the NFL is actually trying to win placing their best people in front office and coaching.

Cowboys are proving that a great front office and coaching doesn’t actually matter that much. It’s truly remarkable Cowboy fans!!!