Was Lawrence a difference maker in the playoffs?


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Was Lawrence a difference maker in the playoffs? In the 4th quarter did Lawrence make a play to help us win vs the Rams?
We should be over spending on the best coaches available. They do not count against the salary cap and great coaches can put their average to above average players in position to make big plays. See NE’s defense vs the Rams second ranked offense.

Coaching Matters a lot. We are screwed until Garrett is gone. Also, Richards and Marinelli failed big time vs the Rams. Look what NE’s average D with great coaching did to the Rams!

Yes for the Rams


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The Rams debacle was all on Marinellie. That was the worst game plan ever conceived....nobody was gonna have success w/ the way we were lining up. We did stuff in that game we didn't do all season...defensive formations...that just invited a beatdown. Still boggles my mind no one on the defensive staff got run after that BS.:mad:

We like our guys

Especially the stupid underperforming ones


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
I’ll agree with you that this franchise certainly isn’t the franchise I grew up with but Jerry is still front and center. And until he steps down is still pursuing credit.

As always throughout the Jerry era we see better decisions when those he listens to convince him to go against his instincts.

Fans just want to believe he isn’t as involved because it provides them more hope.
Stephen is the acting GM.

For a guy with a big ego like Jerry, the only people he brags on more than himself are his kids/grandkids. It makes sense that his son is the only person Jerry was going to empower as the acting GM.

Stephen's title is CEO and Executive Vice President/Director of Player Personnel.

Jerry's other kids run the stadium business, marketing, cheerleaders, etc. Only Stephen is involved in the football operations.

S.Jones morphed onto being the acting GM with no specific date on when it really happened.

There have been multiple issues where Stephen and Jerry expressed different preferences/opinions to the media (both do weekly radio interviews during the season). Stephen appears to have gotten his way on all of those differing preferences the past few years. The last time Jerry appears to have over-ruled him was when they caved in and gave Dez the big contract. Stephen wanted to play hardball and probably would forced Dez to play on the Franchise Tag or taken way less guaranteed money in the contract.

When they ended up cutting Dez last year, Jerry expressed that he preferred to keep him. Garrett also appeared to want to keep Dez. Cutting Dez was a decision by S.Jones. It was a clear indication that he is the acting GM and that Jerry is not over-ruling him.

In the draft Stephen and McClay run the show. Garrett has input and they get input from the coach or coaches specific to the position of the player(s) being drafted.

Jerry would have drafted Manziel and would have traded up for Paxton Lynch if Stephen was not the acting GM. Jerry said that himself.

Jerry is the tie breaker on decisions (i.e. see Frederick instead of Floyd).

Jerry appears to be more involved if it's a player with character issues. Jerry's statement when deciding to draft Randy Gregory "It's on me if he fails" meaning Jerry won't hold it against employees if Gregory fails.

After Jimmy and before Parcells Jerry's top talent evaluator was Larry Lacewell. Jerry and Lacewell were drinking buddies. Lacewell was a disaster and most of his decisions appear to have been made while he was boozing it up with Jerry.

Parcells fired Lacewell AND scout Bryan Broaddus.

When Parcells departed the top talent evaluator was Tom Ciskowski. As just a talent evaluator Ciskowski was very knowledgable; however, he didn't have the personality to be in charge or to make high pressure decisions. He had no ability to steer Jerry away from seat of the pants decisions. He also had minimal communications with the coaching staff to get their input on building the draft board.

Ciskowski's influence started to decline after the 2009 draft. The 2013 draft when they had the DT Floyd highly rated but Marinelli stepped in and said he does not fit the scheme was the final straw. After that Will McClay became the top talent evaluator and Stephen/Garrett appeared to be the ones that pushed for McClay's promotion. . I copied and pasted this from another person I did not initially write this. But I believe it totally


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The Rams debacle was all on Marinellie. That was the worst game plan ever conceived....nobody was gonna have success w/ the way we were lining up. We did stuff in that game we didn't do all season...defensive formations...that just invited a beatdown. Still boggles my mind no one on the defensive staff got run after that BS.:mad:

Which formations did we run in the rams game that we hadn't all year long?


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Stephen is the acting GM.

For a guy with a big ego like Jerry, the only people he brags on more than himself are his kids/grandkids. It makes sense that his son is the only person Jerry was going to empower as the acting GM.

Stephen's title is CEO and Executive Vice President/Director of Player Personnel.

Jerry's other kids run the stadium business, marketing, cheerleaders, etc. Only Stephen is involved in the football operations.

S.Jones morphed onto being the acting GM with no specific date on when it really happened.

There have been multiple issues where Stephen and Jerry expressed different preferences/opinions to the media (both do weekly radio interviews during the season). Stephen appears to have gotten his way on all of those differing preferences the past few years. The last time Jerry appears to have over-ruled him was when they caved in and gave Dez the big contract. Stephen wanted to play hardball and probably would forced Dez to play on the Franchise Tag or taken way less guaranteed money in the contract.

When they ended up cutting Dez last year, Jerry expressed that he preferred to keep him. Garrett also appeared to want to keep Dez. Cutting Dez was a decision by S.Jones. It was a clear indication that he is the acting GM and that Jerry is not over-ruling him.

In the draft Stephen and McClay run the show. Garrett has input and they get input from the coach or coaches specific to the position of the player(s) being drafted.

Jerry would have drafted Manziel and would have traded up for Paxton Lynch if Stephen was not the acting GM. Jerry said that himself.

Jerry is the tie breaker on decisions (i.e. see Frederick instead of Floyd).

Jerry appears to be more involved if it's a player with character issues. Jerry's statement when deciding to draft Randy Gregory "It's on me if he fails" meaning Jerry won't hold it against employees if Gregory fails.

After Jimmy and before Parcells Jerry's top talent evaluator was Larry Lacewell. Jerry and Lacewell were drinking buddies. Lacewell was a disaster and most of his decisions appear to have been made while he was boozing it up with Jerry.

Parcells fired Lacewell AND scout Bryan Broaddus.

When Parcells departed the top talent evaluator was Tom Ciskowski. As just a talent evaluator Ciskowski was very knowledgable; however, he didn't have the personality to be in charge or to make high pressure decisions. He had no ability to steer Jerry away from seat of the pants decisions. He also had minimal communications with the coaching staff to get their input on building the draft board.

Ciskowski's influence started to decline after the 2009 draft. The 2013 draft when they had the DT Floyd highly rated but Marinelli stepped in and said he does not fit the scheme was the final straw. After that Will McClay became the top talent evaluator and Stephen/Garrett appeared to be the ones that pushed for McClay's promotion. . I copied and pasted this from another person I did not initially write this. But I believe it totally
There’s been no official announcement Stephen is the acting GM, this is something fans have manufactured.

As always those around Jerry simply have to convince him to go against his instincts.

Believe what you will but opinion is not fact no matter how much you believe it to be true.


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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Was Lawrence a difference maker in the playoffs? In the 4th quarter did Lawrence make a play to help us win vs the Rams?
We should be over spending on the best coaches available. They do not count against the salary cap and great coaches can put their average to above average players in position to make big plays. See NE’s defense vs the Rams second ranked offense.

Coaching Matters a lot. We are screwed until Garrett is gone. Also, Richards and Marinelli failed big time vs the Rams. Look what NE’s average D with great coaching did to the Rams!

The problem against the Rams wasn't Lawrence. The Rams ran away from him and doubled him to take him out of the game. When a team does that, it opens up opportunities for other players and no one was up to the task. LA's whole game plan on offense was to negate Lawrence. When that happens, others have to take advantage of their one-on-one or one-on-none opportunities. We didn't do that.

Risen Star

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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Bigger contract? What? Haha, he wasn't going to get more than what he got. He's a 4-3 DE, he was never going to get paid like Mack and Donald. Wasn't going to happen.

Him holding off on getting surgery was nothing but a benefit for him in negotiations. You really believe Jones didn't want to get this deal done before the 8-12 week healing time didn't impact his time at the start of the season? It was a factor, the guy got paid like he's the best 4-3 DE in the league.

Yeah so anyway, his strategy failed because he couldn't get the deal done last year negotiating off of his career year. Which then forced him into playing with one arm and taking a step back in 2018. Backing up 2017 with a similar season in 2018 could have gotten him a bigger deal.

Thinking it worked is laughable. He was going to sign a long term deal eventually. That's not a victory. The question was when and how much. His decision to play injured did not help him in any way.


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Lawrence chose to still have the torn labrum. That matters more.

Most torn labrums respond to rehab and don't need surgery. That's the most common treatment.

He was recovering fine but reinjured it in the Houston game.

He could have chosen to end this season then but instead gutted it out for the rest of the year.

So yeah, he chose to not have mid season surgery. What a jerk!

Risen Star

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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Most torn labrums respond to rehab and don't need surgery. That's the most common treatment.

He was recovering fine but reinjured it in the Houston game.

He could have chosen to end this season then but instead gutted it out for the rest of the year.

So yeah, he chose to not have mid season surgery. What a jerk!

Yeah everything you said here isn't true.

But Go Cowboys, bro.


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The problem against the Rams wasn't Lawrence. The Rams ran away from him and doubled him to take him out of the game. When a team does that, it opens up opportunities for other players and no one was up to the task. LA's whole game plan on offense was to negate Lawrence. When that happens, others have to take advantage of their one-on-one or one-on-none opportunities. We didn't do that.
Coaches didn’t move him around or put guys in position to make plays vs the Rams


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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Coaches didn’t move him around or put guys in position to make plays vs the Rams

There was a lot wrong with the defensive plan that day. I don't know if Richard being distracted by head coach interviews made a difference. To me, they should not let those interviews be conducted while teams are in the playoffs. Coaches do a lot of study and preparation outside of normal work hours to get ready for games.


I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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Well, Crashed Captain#34 ( BTW,,,I've missed yer' genuine camaraderie & true extended fellowship from amongst the LEGION FANDOM,,therefore without further delay, since the mere trivialities of forum formalities having been thusly dispensed with)

#90 Damn sure was of no viable difference maker in that first WASHINGTON Commanders-game #1 defeat of "18",,, of which YOU! In apparently that of obvious gleefully evil design, Immediately created such a torturously fomented THREAD of such long standing page 0ne established existence,,, I was beginning to develop a downright genuine inclination of dislike vectored towards yer' A.O. Bro!:rolleyes:

*_just saying so,just so you know there,,,er,,,ya know?o_O



I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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Even good coaches need good players.
It's been proven Alchemy doesn't work.
*sez' another failed alchemist in his life long quested endeavors for attaining possession of the fabled ( yet factual) philosophers stone,,,o_O



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DLaw had a torn labrum along with Antwaun Woods. That matters.

DLaw has had that torn labrum for 2 years.
Woods' injury likely mattered, but if your biggest problem on an nfl sunday is the loss of Antwaun Woods, you're lucky.


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The problem against the Rams wasn't Lawrence. The Rams ran away from him and doubled him to take him out of the game. When a team does that, it opens up opportunities for other players and no one was up to the task. LA's whole game plan on offense was to negate Lawrence. When that happens, others have to take advantage of their one-on-one or one-on-none opportunities. We didn't do that.

Quinn should help


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Why would any player take a home team discount? Because there will be more money on the salary cap to get better players around you.

This still doesn't explain why you believe, stupidly, a player should be thinking about "the team" when he's in a personal contract talk. You get the most you can before leaving the league. Period.

No other player is thinking about how they can help the team with the cap. "Hometown discount" is always BS and always has something built into it to make up for that "discount".