Was Lawrence a difference maker in the playoffs?


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Yeah so anyway, his strategy failed because he couldn't get the deal done last year negotiating off of his career year. Which then forced him into playing with one arm and taking a step back in 2018. Backing up 2017 with a similar season in 2018 could have gotten him a bigger deal.

Thinking it worked is laughable. He was going to sign a long term deal eventually. That's not a victory. The question was when and how much. His decision to play injured did not help him in any way.

He got 20 mil last year playing on a tag and got exactly what he wanted this offseason. There was never a guarantee he would be signed, there are no guarantees. There is no debate here, the Jones knew there was a right time to sign him due to his injuries and got it done just in time. Now Lawrence is one of the highest paid DE's at his position.

And he didn't require surgery last offseason anyways.

Redball Express

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Was Lawrence a difference maker in the playoffs? In the 4th quarter did Lawrence make a play to help us win vs the Rams?
We should be over spending on the best coaches available. They do not count against the salary cap and great coaches can put their average to above average players in position to make big plays. See NE’s defense vs the Rams second ranked offense.

Coaching Matters a lot. We are screwed until Garrett is gone. Also, Richards and Marinelli failed big time vs the Rams. Look what NE’s average D with great coaching did to the Rams!
I am still foggy about that Rams game.

I sort of decided we were just tired and the Seattle game was too emotional to recover from in a week.

It did not help Richard spent part of the week looking for his new job and not getting better prepared.

Coaching for Seattle he had played the Rams plenty of times and should have been much better prepared to play them than we were.

I thought he really spit the bit on that.

But Linehan had no clues on offense, either. Horrible gameplay.

So yeah about the coaching.

Hopefully Moore will be better but to me he is a very big gamble.

And in preseason he is not going to show the real offense..

so it will be almost October before we really know if he knows what he is doing.

Hope we all do not throw our lunch before then.



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Well, Crashed Captain#34 ( BTW,,,I've missed yer' genuine camaraderie & true extended fellowship from amongst the LEGION FANDOM,,therefore without further delay, since the mere trivialities of forum formalities having been thusly dispensed with)

#90 Damn sure was of no viable difference maker in that first WASHINGTON Commanders-game #1 defeat of "18",,, of which YOU! In apparently that of obvious gleefully evil design, Immediately created such a torturously fomented THREAD of such long standing page 0ne established existence,,, I was beginning to develop a downright genuine inclination of dislike vectored towards yer' A.O. Bro!:rolleyes:

*_just saying so,just so you know there,,,er,,,ya know?o_O

Does this mean you disagree with my post? Maybe you’ll agree with my next post.


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This still doesn't explain why you believe, stupidly, a player should be thinking about "the team" when he's in a personal contract talk. You get the most you can before leaving the league. Period.

No other player is thinking about how they can help the team with the cap. "Hometown discount" is always BS and always has something built into it to make up for that "discount".
Brady has been doing it for the past 3-5 years, but you will say he doesn’t count. When the Niners stopped us from 3 peating they had 3-4 Free Agents( Gary Plummer, Deon Sanders, the LB from NO’s)give them discounts. They had a stacked team because guys gave up money to play for them for that 1 year.

Why would you call me stupid on an Internet forum?


I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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Does this mean you disagree with my post? Maybe you’ll agree with my next post.
That wholly remains dependent upon the corresponding number of 'likes' You be slapping down on all my participating thread posts,,,:lmao:


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Was Lawrence a difference maker in the playoffs? In the 4th quarter did Lawrence make a play to help us win vs the Rams?
We should be over spending on the best coaches available. They do not count against the salary cap and great coaches can put their average to above average players in position to make big plays. See NE’s defense vs the Rams second ranked offense.

Coaching Matters a lot. We are screwed until Garrett is gone. Also, Richards and Marinelli failed big time vs the Rams. Look what NE’s average D with great coaching did to the Rams!
Was DLaw playing with a torn labrum in the playoffs?


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He was definitely hurt.. you can almost tell when it happened during the season because his play fell off tremendously..


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Was Lawrence a difference maker in the playoffs? In the 4th quarter did Lawrence make a play to help us win vs the Rams?
We should be over spending on the best coaches available. They do not count against the salary cap and great coaches can put their average to above average players in position to make big plays. See NE’s defense vs the Rams second ranked offense.

Coaching Matters a lot. We are screwed until Garrett is gone. Also, Richards and Marinelli failed big time vs the Rams. Look what NE’s average D with great coaching did to the Rams!
I agree with you to a certain point not to make excuses but Lawrence was hurt still playing mine too but the rest of the defense took a crap that day very hard for one person to take over a defense I would say it was more of the scheme that day and the defense taking a crap but it also could be said but our defense was not capable of playing a difference scheme, as far as paying at the Players money I think they're all overpaid all over the league I do agree with you on the coaches hopefully Jerry Jones will see the light after this year cuz I'm figuring jg will screw it up somehow unless Marinelli and Kellen Moore can to prove to be successful to override him, along with Kris Richard


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Brady has been doing it for the past 3-5 years, but you will say he doesn’t count. When the Niners stopped us from 3 peating they had 3-4 Free Agents( Gary Plummer, Deon Sanders, the LB from NO’s)give them discounts. They had a stacked team because guys gave up money to play for them for that 1 year.

Why would you call me stupid on an Internet forum?

Brady is often brought up here, my guess is, you never actually looked at his contract. Brady is still getting the money he deserves, one way or another.

And LOL at going back 2 decades to prove your point. Bud, no one goes into contract talks thinking about the team. They are thinking about their financial future.

Risen Star

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He got 20 mil last year playing on a tag and got exactly what he wanted this offseason.

He didn't get the surgery last year to avoid playing on the tag.

There was never a guarantee he would be signed, there are no guarantees. There is no debate here, the Jones knew there was a right time to sign him due to his injuries and got it done just in time. Now Lawrence is one of the highest paid DE's at his position.

And he didn't require surgery last offseason anyways.

This is a serious take? There's no guarantee he was ever getting a 2nd contract in the NFL?

I agree. There is no debate here. Lawrence's decision to not get surgery last offseason and this one to this point failed him. Because it did not get him his long term deal last year negotiating off of a career year and left him to negotiate this year off of a lesser season than in 2017. The fact that he's signed an extension only impresses the window lickers. That was a foregone conclusion but when and how much shows you his completely over the line stunt, which you apparently agree with, failed. It did not benefit him whatsoever and more than likely cost him money in the long run. If he could have backed up 2017 with a similar 2018 he has a much stronger case to be the highest paid DE in the league. Playing with one arm cost him that chance.


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Was Lawrence a difference maker in the playoffs? In the 4th quarter did Lawrence make a play to help us win vs the Rams?
We should be over spending on the best coaches available. They do not count against the salary cap and great coaches can put their average to above average players in position to make big plays. See NE’s defense vs the Rams second ranked offense.

Coaching Matters a lot. We are screwed until Garrett is gone. Also, Richards and Marinelli failed big time vs the Rams. Look what NE’s average D with great coaching did to the Rams!



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Was Lawrence a difference maker in the playoffs? In the 4th quarter did Lawrence make a play to help us win vs the Rams?
We should be over spending on the best coaches available. They do not count against the salary cap and great coaches can put their average to above average players in position to make big plays. See NE’s defense vs the Rams second ranked offense.

Coaching Matters a lot. We are screwed until Garrett is gone. Also, Richards and Marinelli failed big time vs the Rams. Look what NE’s average D with great coaching did to the Rams!

Agreed on spending on coaches. Not a part of cap. Jerry and Steven have decided to go for stability and longetivity at the HC position for a long time now - and perhaps are loyal to a fault - but they aren't cheap and do make an effort to attract coaching talent. A valid concern would be whether they go for promote "yes men" - but it is tough to have the independence of a Parcells etc - without skins on the wall - and Jerry and Co are hands on types - just the way it is, and not likely to change - and I don't think Steven is THAT much different from his Father - just that Father still dominates the limelight and likes the attention and scrutiny a bit more, good or bad.

Lawrence had a bum shoulder for latter part of the year and seemed to tire out as he has a bit before (prior year the sacks ebbed too). That being said, he was still motoring and making plays in run game and applying pressure and being a positive leader - playing hard and playing hurt and not doing stupid crap off the field, while being upbeat and positive on field and sideline and locker-room. Spell him a bit more and with more solid depth and help inside, so that can be relied on consistently. AND have a game plan against a team like the Rams where a number of players DON'T say they knew exactly what the defense was going to do - and maybe the playoff production for entire defense is different. We got out-coached and out-schemed and out-prepared in the Ram's playoff game.

We like to see what NE does so well to be so consistently good without overpaying veterans and making a lot of player changes - we also know Belicheck and Brady are the two constants - no other team has those - so no other team in last decade+ has anywhere near the same success.

IMHO in a game of inches and milliseconds and where momentum and confidence also play such a key role, the fact the Rams Offense KNEW by how our guys lined up what we were doing on the Dline - changed the entire Rams playoff game. Our Young LBers got shell-shocked when, for first time in the year really, the Dline was unable to really do anything. We didn't adjust. Didn't bounce back. Woods was playing hurt too I believe. Instead of our LBers finishing plays a short distance from LOS we were chasing or hitting rb's with momentum and room/speed 5-8 yards forward. That is probably how other teams feel when Martin and our Oline open a hole for Zeke 3 yards from LOS and he has 2 more to start accelerating and finish the play falling forward..... Tough to stop. All the Ram's oline had to do was seal guys off and lever them into a position that would open a hole, since they apparently knew where our DT's and DE's were heading already...would make that a lot easier to open holes or to delay rushes/stunts, etc - enough time to throw or RB to get through line and gather speed and power.

That worries me more than the Cowboys Defensive line or players sucking all of a sudden after a SUPER solid regular season. Gregory hit a bit of a wall for me in playoffs - and that has to have a little to do with inexperience and not playing at that top level very often - and not being totally focussed or developed as a player at this point yet. Taco was sulking and not there yet. Crawford gets moved all over and seems to wear down at end of year and in playoffs also. LBers are super raw still - and no major previous playoff experience - Sean Lee rusty and recovering from injury and older and not in rhythm yet. Lots of "excuses" and reasons for D looking bad in that Ram's loss - but it is a team game and Lawrence was not only one ineffective or quiet that game, that is for sure - and any offensive line that says they "knew" what the D was doing has an ENORMOUS advantage on every play- even if they are just right a bit more than average - the Rams O and run game played with calm and confidence - our guys got shell-shocked pretty quickly and I honestly don't feel it had anything to do with talent or effort - it was prep work and scheme that we got beaten on mainly.

Just my thoughts - I like Marinelli, and think Richards brings attitude and swagger and toughness. They both can be quite stubborn in there ways as much as any other coaches - possibly why we didn't adjust our defensive play calling and "tells" in prep for a playoff game to mix it up a bit. Marinellie does a lot with often lower levels of money/picks on Dline - and a lot of "RiSky" depth - injured guys, always suspended guys, head cases, tweeners, re-treads, etc - but that might be of his own making sometimes. Richards likes guys his size/style - which means talented guys we had recently drafted might not get a shot - like Lewis - just based on measurables - a bit frustrating - but one does see Richard's and Marinelli's historic success as position coaches - they do have a lot of individual success in those roles and get a lot out of certain players. They don't always have a lot of control over the players they have on field or the ones they inherit, are signed as free-agents, or are drafted. BUT, the scheme and prep for the Rams game has to partially fall on them I think - and I hope that mistake is never repeated.
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The only difference maker on the field for us in the playoffs was Michael Gallup.

Otherwise the entire strength(s) of the team were outmatched, out muscled, and out played.


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You obviously hope for your impact players to show up on the biggest stage, but in one and done situations it’s not always the best way to evaluate

If it were, cj Anderson wouldn’t have hit FA, or at the very least would have had a very robust market.

Khalil Mack had a negligible impact in the Eagles game, I don’t think Donald had a single sack in three playoff games etc.
Jimmie Jones and Leon Lett were always making plays late in games and in playoff games while the opposing team doubled and tripled and chipped Haley. That's the way it works.


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I agree. I still don’t understand how you don’t put a 3rd LB on the field when a team is running all over you.

Take your chances in the passing game but you need to go “big” with your personnel package if you’re getting run over like that.
We don't have "big" on the roster.


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Jimmie Jones and Leon Lett were always making plays late in games and in playoff games while the opposing team doubled and tripled and chipped Haley. That's the way it works.

Oh for sure. I agree, I’m just saying when it doesn’t happen in one game it’s hard to say it never will. But yeah I get it


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Oh for sure. I agree, I’m just saying when it doesn’t happen in one game it’s hard to say it never will. But yeah I get it
A one game sample means pretty much nothing in the NFL, and often unheralded players make plays because the big dawgs are getting the attention.

I think I'm agreeing w/ you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Was Lawrence a difference maker in the playoffs? In the 4th quarter did Lawrence make a play to help us win vs the Rams?
We should be over spending on the best coaches available. They do not count against the salary cap and great coaches can put their average to above average players in position to make big plays. See NE’s defense vs the Rams second ranked offense.

Coaching Matters a lot. We are screwed until Garrett is gone. Also, Richards and Marinelli failed big time vs the Rams. Look what NE’s average D with great coaching did to the Rams!

You are making too much sense. They often do the opposite in Dallas. Lawrence is a good player. Somehow he is being lumped in with Donald and Mack. He is no where close to those guys.