Let's review:
TO neglects to tell Jerry that he has a book coming out. Misunderstood! -
Since when does TO have to tell Jerry that he's writing a book. This point makes no sense.
TO spends most of training camp on a bike. Misunderstood! -
That's what someone does when he's injured...
TO brings in his own trainers and oxygen tanks. Misunderstood! -
Did anyone take any offense to this? No? Ok.
TO tells Bill that "No practice, no play" is outdated and unnecessary. Misunderstood! -
when does he say this?
TO drops balls left and right. Misunderstood! -
uhm, how is this an "offense"? Were Bledsoe's INT's an offense? No? Ok.
TO overdoses and conducts perhaps the worst press conference in team history. Misunderstood! -
His overdose is not an "offense", as it in no way affected the team.
TO is late for meetings and falls asleep in them. Misunderstood! -
ok, agreed
TO childishly refuses to speak to his position coach. Misunderstood! -
yet he talked to him a few days later...so where's the real offense?
TO throws Bled under the bus after the Philly game. Misunderstood! -
Who's fault was it for that Philly game? And i doubt that he straight up threw him under the bus.
TO throws b-day bash for himself in LA days before a game. Misunderstood! -
Do you work 24/7? No? Ok.
TO undercuts Bill by questioning Vandy's release. Misunderstood! -
Did this affect the team? No? Ok.
TO spits in the face of an opponent. Misunderstood! -
Yes, this was something that he should not have done, but did it affect the team? No?
TO admits in an ESPN interview that he doesn't always try hard. Misunderstood! -
and obviously he CAN be an idiot.
TO runs lazy routes in the Seattle game and has to be told where to line up. Misunderstood! -
I'm interested to see where this is written..?
I can't
wait to see what 2007 will bring. Probably more "misunderstandings."