Was there a reason why Kellen was so predictable?

This isn’t news. This is the same offense we’ve ran essentially for 15 years straight. Not that hard to scout us. Occasionally he would pull out new ideas like Tampa, but the majority of the time it was the same thing we’ve ran forever.
This is basically the same offense that Norv Turner ran in the 90's. Unfortunately, those players have all retired. Talent matters.
If that happens you should instead be wondering how many times he called a run and someone, not naming names, audibled out of it. I personally think there was quite a bit of that going on.
That is also what I suspect.
If the NFL was simple, any of us goofball internet fans could draw up plays. Over reliance on Dak and the wheels falling off Zeke has hurt.
Regarding Zeke, it’s not the wheels falling off that hurt us………it was the refusal to cut his snaps AFTER the wheels fell off that peeved so many of us.
The issue was not just Moore, at least 2 plays are called by the OC the QB has the "freedom" to change the play based on the pre snap read the QB sees, Kill, Kill usually is signal that it is a change to one of the other plays called in. We as fans have no idea what the play call was once Kill, Kill is used. There may have been a situation like when Romo would call whateverr play he wanted when Linehan was OC, or we have an issue where Moore was inept and called bad plays, or a combination of both, or the Qb is the problem.
All calls by the OC are predictable. It's not rocket science.
The reason is simple.. Moore inherited Garrett's "paint by numbers" approach to play calling. They have a formula for certain plays in certain down and distances against certain defensive looks and they stick to it .. Ray Lewis and his bunch were the first to tell us back in 2008 when they closed down Texas Stadium.. They knew what we were doing based on the looks they gave us and the formations we would come out in based on situations. It has been a recurring theme ever since. The only time it wasn't was 2014-2016 because in those first two seasons Romo reached the point where he would audible out of anything stupid that was sent in and get us into a play tailor made to make the defense wrong. Then in 2016 they had to run a completely different offense to fit a rookie QB. Now we still see it.. DBs standing in the exact spot our receivers are trying to get to before they ever even get out of their breaks. We seen linebackers dropping right into the passing lanes we want to throw in. On running plays defenses are in our backfield so fast at times you would think our line never got out of their stances.

I have said many times that in order for this offense to succeed against a really good defense and a really good coordinator Dak has to get to that level of command of the offense that Romo reached at the end of 2013 heading into 2014. He's not there yet. Some will chime in that he will never get there and maybe he won't. But I am not about to declare that Dak is somehow dumber than Romo. Romo took until year 10 to get to that point in his command of the offense. So Dak still has three years left. Right now there are a few DCs who are smarter than both Dak and Moore and those guys get the better of the matchup. Giving Dak a new OC should really help him against those guys. Even if the OC is not as "brilliant" as Moore.. He will be different.. and hopefully he, unlike Moore, will have a better gut for calling plays. He will attack matchups from the jump instead of playing hunt and peck against the defense early in games. If a starting DB goes out he will call a 9 route against his replacement every time. He will continue to run the ball even if it's not tearing it up because he will understand the need to stay balanced especially in a tight defensive battle where one mistake .. one tipped ball INT, one bad read, one sack fumble can lose you the game. He will be satisfied to play field position in those games.. and we will win more of them with the defense we have.

P.S. And the new OC will hopefully get rid of that damn delay draw up the middle with no one blocking the DE.
Preach RonnieT24 preach!!
Was there a reason why we were so predictable, was there a reason why Kellen didn't call certain plays for dak, have dak throw it deep more, why we use so many curl routes, etc etc? We have a lot to say about him, but is there a reason why he was so limited in doing what he did? Please give your thoughts!
he wanted out so he pulled the plug
You really think people are going to care what the Chargers do next year? I mean I may watch them from time to time if only to see if Moore has actually learned anything. LIke I said at the outset.. I wish Moore well. I have nothing against him personally and will be happy for him if he succeeds. Though full disclosure I will be pissed if he goes to SD and starts actually using the running game for more than just a place holder for his next brilliant series of pass plays in big games. People look at the Cowboys pass/run distribution over the course of the season and conclude that they were somewhat balanced. In reality they weren't. They were just so good in some games that they blew teams out and spend the entire 4th quarter handing off and just trying to get out of the game without any injuries. The pass/run distribution in tight games would be more telling I think. Especially in losses.

I think it also bears stating that sometimes it takes getting fired for guys to see the light. It took getting canned in Cleveland for Hoodie to figure it out in New England. Some guys are just better on their second try. For Moore's sake I hope he's one of them because if he can't get the Chargers over the hump his career as an OC will be over. If he screws up that QB and that group of receivers his name will be mud around the league.
You posted all this bs but don’t care? Expletive outta here
This is basically the same offense that Norv Turner ran in the 90's. Unfortunately, those players have all retired. Talent matters.
Talent as well as lack of talent in the opposition, because Jerry could afford to buy it at that time
You posted all this bs but don’t care? Expletive outta here
Don't get mad a me cause I type faster and better than you. I can generate a couple of paragraphs in under a minute. It's easy enough to do that yes I can do it without really caring. You don't like it? That's a YOU problem.
Don't get mad a me cause I type faster and better than you. I can generate a couple of paragraphs in under a minute. It's easy enough to do that yes I can do it without really caring. You don't like it? That's a YOU problem.
You are back finally... was concerned. I knew you wouldn't hide from the inevitable s storm that Dak would receive. Right?
Flim don't lie......failure of in-game adjustments......scheme forced on talent or lack thereof on the field. Offense and OC overated.
Put up a lot a points the last few years. This year we were 4th in points per game in the best division in football even with Dak being out 5 games. Hard to call that overrated.
Don't get mad a me cause I type faster and better than you. I can generate a couple of paragraphs in under a minute. It's easy enough to do that yes I can do it without really caring. You don't like it? That's a YOU problem.
What’s with more stereotypical high school mean girl babble from you? Zo hype about being a stenographer smdh. Just admit I was right and stop all this bs babble of yours.

He was groomed by Linehan and Garrett so his roots are in an ineffective, antiquated offense.
He was anointed; immediately getting a QB Coach position at the NFL level and subsequently promoted to OC.
His boss immediately called him a young, offensive genius, so no assistant coach in Dallas was going to call him on his performance and/or demand he improve at his many, glaring weaknesses?

He also sucks and the Chargers are about to find out how badly. Kellen is a fraud.
Put up a lot a points the last few years. This year we were 4th in points per game in the best division in football even with Dak being out 5 games. Hard to call that overrated.
"Empty calories"......it's used for Dak, therefore, it's used for OC.
The meltdowns and "I told you so's" will be fun when Dallas loses a game.
Put up a lot a points the last few years. This year we were 4th in points per game in the best division in football even with Dak being out 5 games. Hard to call that overrated.
We were nearly last when Dak was out those 5 games.

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