Watch out for Werder

dcfanatic;2967112 said:
Wake up.

He owes it to the fans. They are the ones that are using the media to get their info. What do you think Ed Werder asks the questions and then keeps the info to himself?

How many times have we heard about Dalrymple telling Romo he has to keep his media obligations.

This NFL thing is bigger than Ed Werder or Tony Romo.

It's bigger than Romo acting like he's not up to hearing some questions about his poor play last Sunday Night.

And the fact that he went and spoke to the Carolina media is a direct slap to the face of the Dallas media. It will be a story. It will become an issue just like Terrell Owens BS act last year when he kept 'next questioning' Werder.

This isn't the way the 'leader' of the team handles some poor play. Aikman would come out to the media after getting bashed again and again by them and by defenses in that weeks game. He never acted like he couldn't handle the media.

This isn't a good thing at all. And I am positive that Dalrymple has or will be talking to Romo (after he has gotten the directions from Jerry about how to handle this) about this situation.

It's only one loss and we are already going back to the BS we all watched last season where the big bad media is scaring the Cowboys players.

It's annoying.

Jesus, DC. Romo doesn't owe anything to the fans, and he doesn't owe anything to the Dallas media. Nobody is concerned about the local media scaring any players: the local Dallas media is incompetent and can barely do their own jobs.

There's no BS to get back to re: the media intimidating players, so there's nothing for you to be annoyed with. The only onus has been on them to cover stories fairly and accurately which, to date, has been generally beyond them.

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