Watkins: Jones should extend Garrett now

Calvin Watkins spent an eternity bashing Wade and praising Garrett to no end. The guy has gone Jerry Jones and is trying everything in his power to make himself look like he knows what he's talking about.

So true. Honestly when you read his work ot hear him speak it is obvious he has barely a very basic understanding of sports period. It is almost embarrassing.
Watkins needs to lay off of the crack and paint chips..

Possibly stop waking up every morning and eating a bowl of stupid as well.
By not giving Garrett an extension, Jones can blow the entire thing up and find a new coaching staff for 2015 if the Cowboys miss the postseason again.

Jerry can do that even with giving him a new deal. If any coach is actually put at ease by Jason having a longterm deal then that coach is an idiot.
Ron Rivera was a lame duck if I'm not mistaken and was totally on the hot seat at the beginning of the season. If JG can turn the team around as Rivera did, then I'm all for a Rex Ryan extension.

I think Garrett is an awful HC but saying that I agree with WG, but he not only needs to get into the playoffs, he needs to do something in January or at the very least have an excellent regular season and finish 2nd in the NFC like Rivera just did, unfortunately I don't see that happening, I see our arrow pointing down, I hope I'm wrong.
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lame duck
1. a person or thing that is disabled or ineffectual

5. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) (modifier) US designating a term of office after which the officeholder will not run for re-election
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003

I take issue with the notion that Garrett is made ineffectual with the lack of a contract extension right now. If the team can't play hard for a coach, regardless of contract, then that is on the coach. And in that case, he SHOULD be replaced.

I want to see Garrett earn his extension. So far, he has not.
He didn't give Parcells an extension because he didn't feel that over 4 years one was earned. He reached the playoffs twice.

I don't think Garrett justifies one yet.

I never got the impression Parcells wanted to stay in coaching..

Therefore..he moved on.

Had little to do with extensions.
If Jerry thinks he should be the head coach, then fine extend him, but damn if it goes as badly next year as many believe, then he is basically just gifting the boy wonder a few extra million to sit at home in 2015 as he will be canned.

This has just gotten out of hand.

Let's just go ahead and name Jerry Jones as Head Coach..



President of Talent

Chief Financial Officer..

Ultimate Poobah of the Kingdom..

Must every thread turn into this?

if you are asking if a thread about extending the HC should include conversation about decisons the owner/head of football operations/GM makes, then the answer shuld be yes

who else is going to make that decision?
in that context, why is it wrong to talk about other decisions he has made?

I could see him bringing a mirror to press conferences and saying, "it's not my fault, it's this guy, see him, in the mirror"?


This is funny.

I can easily see Jerry Jones every morning saying into the mirror..

'Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the greatest owner of all?'

I can see this happening..seriously.


This is funny.

I can easily see Jerry Jones every morning saying into the mirror..

'Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the greatest owner of all?'

I can see this happening..seriously.


Funny and disappointing at the same time.

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