Watkins: Jones should extend Garrett now

Negative. How bout accomplish something first.
You can see it right now, the next coach here is going to get all kinds of crap from the media. They love their little Jason.

Why wouldn't they? He's good for a few epic collapse/coaching blunders every year. Plenty to write about this clown.
Ron Rivera was a lame duck if I'm not mistaken and was totally on the hot seat at the beginning of the season. If JG can turn the team around as Rivera did, then I'm all for a Rex Ryan extension.

problem is, we migth think boy wonder has turned it around, then he will clap and smile his way to blowing a division lead in December 2014. If we extend too early, we might screw ourselves, if we wait until season is over, he really is a lame duck.
If having only one more year on his contract renders him a lame duck coach and thereby curtails his ability to perform, it makes sense to give him an extension now.

Mind you, I'm not saying he deserves an extension based on results, just on creating the best atmosphere possible.
something tells me Jerry has no problem with undermining a coach's authority,,, one more indignation added to the dozens before it shouldn't hurt, eh?
(article continues at link)


lame duck
1. a person or thing that is disabled or ineffectual

5. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) (modifier) US designating a term of office after which the officeholder will not run for re-election
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003

I take issue with the notion that Garrett is made ineffectual with the lack of a contract extension right now. If the team can't play hard for a coach, regardless of contract, then that is on the coach. And in that case, he SHOULD be replaced.

I want to see Garrett earn his extension. So far, he has not.
(article continues at link)


lame duck
1. a person or thing that is disabled or ineffectual

5. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) (modifier) US designating a term of office after which the officeholder will not run for re-election
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003

I take issue with the notion that Garrett is made ineffectual with the lack of a contract extension right now. If the team can't play hard for a coach, regardless of contract, then that is on the coach. And in that case, he SHOULD be replaced.

I want to see Garrett earn his extension. So far, he has not.

Watkins is a nut.

I hope Jerry has learned his lesson after extending Wade for three years then canning him midseason. If he extends JG and then cans him, JG most likely will not be able to find a job so then Jerry's on the hook for the contract.
Wth is up with Watkins Garrett love, is he the one that saved him from Ratliff?
Love it when local Dallas trash journalists take their turns drumming up debate and attention. Something tells me he has a book coming out soon.

My apologies to Cowboy nation for referring to this as journalism btw.