We made the Dallas News and Bleacher Report...

That's absolute bull****. Look at the traffic at this place after a win and look at the traffic after a loss.

That's not earth shattering but that's not what you were referring to. Folks are going to vent after a loss and that's just human nature. You've got a short memory about the eat crow posts, as they were hot and heavy during our 12 and 4 season and some folks gladly ate it in return for a good season. This place, for the most part, has the same regular posters minus a couple who ran last season for the opposite reasons.
If I posted that...I'd be banned for life....yet as being a moderator...you can do or say anything you want without consequence....Which just proves my point.

There is a double standard here.

Can you ban yourself for threatening physical violence?

Keep it real man.....he was joking.
Some of you sure do moan a lot for this being a free-to-use and voluntary service.

The reason CZ has stuck around for so long is because all the BS is weeded out by the volunteer mods. If this place was allowed to just be some sort of unmoderated, free for all, free speech extravaganza, it would cease to exist for more than a year because the majority of the posters would stop coming here and find somewhere less negative to post. Some of us actually just want to talk football, and when discussions start getting insulting, rude, unintelligent, or whiny, we just log off.

Some of us aren't looking for drama. Some of you have some daytime soap opera in your blood that you should really get checked.

I think some of you think being a mod is way cooler than it actually is. I've been a mod/GM for several online games in my life and it has always sucked. Not fun at all.

Simply put, if you don't like CZ, the mods, or the oh-so-restrictive, unconstitutional culture around here, well, log off.
Thanks for the label! Awesome! :D

How about a no holds barred area where permission to enter has to achieved some how.

Unless that already exists and if it does how do I get in.

I know this is a family friendly site but a place like that might help folks be more creative with their negativity
How about a no holds barred area where permission to enter has to achieved some how.

Unless that already exists and if it does how do I get in.

I know this is a family friendly site but a place like that might help folks be more creative with their negativity

Now, that's a place I'd volunteer to moderate. Assuming I don't have to bar my holds, either :)
What forum is that? I happen to be a guitar player with several guitars and of course an amp. (and an (now one as the headstock snapped on the other) acoustic guitar) Of course, the fact that I just troll all the time (though not like most Internet trolls) they may ban me anyhow. I'm okay with that though. Either you like me or bleep you! Peace, love and DIE DIE DIE!!!

Sam we really need for you to back off the sugar Dude.
A board chooses its culture. A successful board sticks with it. Reading 5 pages of random negativity with no actual progess in discussion gets a bit tiring, and Im definitely guilty of pushing that. The thread for the DE we signed was just ridiculous. Page after page or nonsense complaining with little info about the subject for good or bad. If you want to have a sports forum and remain relevent to have to have a board culture you basically exchanging information. Analysis or discusion on players, coaches, games, ect. That gets smothered in " championship" sometimes and kills threads that may have brought alot of discussion.

I was a long time mod at Cowboys-Forum, which at one time rivaled the Zone in terms of members and traffic. In its hayday C-F was practically identical to the Zone in terms of posting. After big hack in 2009, we lost alot of members, but still managed to have a highly trafficked board for a while. Then Josh tried to get creative, changed the board culture too much in an attempt to grow the site the were it was pre hack, and it failed ( there were other reasons, but I won't get into that). Eventually it got to the point to we had like 50 regular posters, 10 or so of which would be on at once and the odds of you posting a thread and having it reach 2 pages was about 1 in 10. This past season C-F litterally ceased to exist. It really sucks to watch a board you put so time time into from posting to moderating slowly die to the point there isnt even a redirect anymore. Which is why I cant really fault the staff for this

/rant. Hoping off my soapbox

It still exists, technically....its part of Dal.247sports.com now and it still re-directs.....But its only gotten worse, if you can believe it.....
When they merged all the members had to re-register. I could be wrong, but I dont think any of the Cowboys Forum content exists anymore

True, Josh had to fight for a special tool that would allow post counts to be updated to what they were at CF...And everyone who had been a staff member,donor or longtime regular member got a "Veterans badge" so theyd stand out from all the longtime 247sports members....
The more I look at the tin man in this pic the more I'm convinced he was attempting his first fart in ages the gleem in his eyes say it all. If he was able to get anything to escape from that rusted can of his it probably sounded like squealing brakes. With all the rust and corrosion that had built up over the years I doubt a few squirts of oil was going to clear the way he very likely needed to be rotor-rooted. He should have asked the Wizard if he could have a drill with a 10 inch bit instead of that heart shaped clock that was going to run down like a heart anyway. The scarecrow could have taken him to a shed and reamed him out causing him to scream louder than when those flying monkeys came on the attack.

If Moderators were to have to be re-voted in every year...I think you would see a very different attitude from the moderators. I could use an analogy to prove my point....but that would be political....and I'd end up being banned for life. It's hard to even have a conversation in this thread for fear of being banned...that's how bad it's gotten here.
Are you kidding me Floaty? When have you ever been muzzled? I find you entertaining, even when you are on your "Kellen Moore" is better than Romo foolishness.
Are you kidding me Floaty? When have you ever been muzzled? I find you entertaining, even when you are on your "Kellen Moore" is better than Romo foolishness.

I can never quite tell if he's serious or not.

Regardless, Floaty's love-hate relationship with forum rules everywhere can hardly go unnoticed.

The guideline re: obvious name calling in particular is one that gets posters into trouble. We've all been there. Some of us more than others.
Good job outing yourself as a former banned member back with a new identity.

You joined in August of 2015. I haven't posted here, except to report sonnyboy's death, in almost a year, and I have not posted here regularly since 2012.

Oh, and for the record, I got in trouble here the same as anyone else. I have been benched one more than one occasion. cbz40 ripped me a new one in the Mod Forums on more than one occasion. Juke99, jterrell, brainpaint, and several others set me straight on multiple occasions. We all have bad days.

I am not on this staff any more. I have no reason to defend them. They are a great group of people who bend over backwards for a lot of fans who don't appreciate the work they do...for free. I said above we all have bad days, I am telling you from personal experience these Mods are good people.

99 times out of 100 the people who get banned, suspended, benched, or infractions have crossed personal lines. Naturally they don't see it that way. Therein lies the rub. In all my time on this site I never saw a Mod go after someone. I saw plenty go after the Mods. At some point enough is enough, but what Reality said about how much he hates to ban people is true. We all hate it. I hated it. I am thrilled I don't have to do that any more.

Good luck. I'll fade back into the shadows again.

To me, Hostile is/was a friend. Keen mind for football. Tolerant (sometimes, in my case, to a fault) and helpful. I hope that the powers that be here could reach out to bring him back on a consistent basis. Squabbles come and go, but some personalities such as Hostile have made this forum a delight. My wish is for everyone to kiss and make up (figuratively, mates, not literally) and rally around the discussions that make our happy little family unique and special. As the old gimme would say, "I must go now, mein tears obscure mein eyes and, besides, "Cops" is on and Miss Busty is gifting me these looks that say "Hey saylor, spend some time wit me."
Rugby broadcast is on the BBC!!!! Bye now.
:laugh:This thread.

I know I make people mad because I write things that rile people up and they get in trouble when they end up flying off the handle. I've been told as much. It's really just the difference between insulting someone and insulting their idea most times but nuance is hard for some.
:laugh:This thread.

I know I make people mad because I write things that rile people up and they get in trouble when they end up flying off the handle. I've been told as much. It's really just the difference between insulting someone and insulting their idea most times but nuance is hard for some.

No, we don't notice them or you.

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