We made the Dallas News and Bleacher Report...

No place that I know of. :)

But I can tell you that if there are several threads concerning the same topic at or near the same point in time– merging goes on.
A board chooses its culture. A successful board sticks with it. Reading 5 pages of random negativity with no actual progess in discussion gets a bit tiring, and Im definitely guilty of pushing that. The thread for the DE we signed was just ridiculous. Page after page or nonsense complaining with little info about the subject for good or bad. If you want to have a sports forum and remain relevent to have to have a board culture you basically exchanging information. Analysis or discusion on players, coaches, games, ect. That gets smothered in " championship" sometimes and kills threads that may have brought alot of discussion.

I was a long time mod at Cowboys-Forum, which at one time rivaled the Zone in terms of members and traffic. In its hayday C-F was practically identical to the Zone in terms of posting. After big hack in 2009, we lost alot of members, but still managed to have a highly trafficked board for a while. Then Josh tried to get creative, changed the board culture too much in an attempt to grow the site the were it was pre hack, and it failed ( there were other reasons, but I won't get into that). Eventually it got to the point to we had like 50 regular posters, 10 or so of which would be on at once and the odds of you posting a thread and having it reach 2 pages was about 1 in 10. This past season C-F litterally ceased to exist. It really sucks to watch a board you put so time time into from posting to moderating slowly die to the point there isnt even a redirect anymore. Which is why I cant really fault the staff for this

/rant. Hoping off my soapbox
Rather be a true fan that gets sick to their stomach when our team loses than a homer cheerleader that just waves pom poms no matter what they do. THAT would be embarrassing. That is a "casual fan". I do envy it to a point because it has to be a way less stressful existence. Just don't have that in me.

Cognitive distortion of all or nothing or black and white thinking. No grey; you're either one of us or one of them. If you don't piss and moan in a righteous manner then you are waving pom poms. Or have I mischaracterized your statement?
You couldn't be more wrong. Folks gave props to JJ for the off-season and some solid play from FA's that led to 12 and 4 and a playoff win. No one disappeared, until last season.

That's absolute ********. Look at the traffic at this place after a win and look at the traffic after a loss. It's a 2 to 1 ratio after a loss. The majority of the Summer's Eve crew is nowhere to be found when we are having measured success. That's not to say that ALL posters avoided the place (I still remember the "eat crow" threads).
Jerry has forgot more about football than anyone on here...and I mean that in a positive way...as to what he still knows is still more than what most knows...
I would challenge anyone on here to have a sit down talk / debate with Jerry about football....my bet is on Jerry that wins it....
We have many of "experts" on "everything" so I bet Jerry would hang right there on salary cap, X's & O's, player positions and what it means, and how they are used.

problem is, he's not competing against people who post on internet forums so that doesn't do him much good when he has to go up against folks who have devoted their lives to the game starting at the bottom and working their way up until they get their shot at the big time, working daily to find every edge possible to make their teams winners and hold on to the job they've worked so hard to obtain.

I think there is something to be said for that kind of experience and the pressure to keep a job in the NFL, its not a perfect scenario without peril, but definitely one I'd prefer because you'll never squeeze blood from a turnip
Say that to my face again and I'll clean your clock.

If I posted that...I'd be banned for life....yet as being a moderator...you can do or say anything you want without consequence....Which just proves my point.

There is a double standard here.

Can you ban yourself for threatening physical violence?
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I respect you...

But you know damn well that is not how the power is being directed.

It's not about controlling the posters who walk around saying the same thing in every thread. It's about stopping anyone from saying anything negative about the team, that maybe some sensitive posters can't handle.

Some can't handle the truth.

If it was about saying the same thing over and over. I Bet you, if I walked into every thread saying Romo is the best, and the cowboys are the best. Even if the topic is about Ham and Cheese, you all would not have a problem with it. It would be ignored.

That is all.

You're wrong. The restrictions around negativity mostly have to do with repetitive negativity. And then we're mostly moving those sentiments into the right forums for those posts.

As for repetitive off-topic positive posts...it's a problem I'd love to see the staff have to discuss. Somehow, it's never been a problem.
If Moderators were to have to be re-voted in every year...I think you would see a very different attitude from the moderators. I could use an analogy to prove my point....but that would be political....and I'd end up being banned for life. It's hard to even have a conversation in this thread for fear of being banned...that's how bad it's gotten here.


A board chooses its culture. A successful board sticks with it. Reading 5 pages of random negativity with no actual progess in discussion gets a bit tiring, and Im definitely guilty of pushing that. The thread for the DE we signed was just ridiculous. Page after page or nonsense complaining with little info about the subject for good or bad. If you want to have a sports forum and remain relevent to have to have a board culture you basically exchanging information. Analysis or discusion on players, coaches, games, ect. That gets smothered in " championship" sometimes and kills threads that may have brought alot of discussion.

I was a long time mod at Cowboys-Forum, which at one time rivaled the Zone in terms of members and traffic. In its hayday C-F was practically identical to the Zone in terms of posting. After big hack in 2009, we lost alot of members, but still managed to have a highly trafficked board for a while. Then Josh tried to get creative, changed the board culture too much in an attempt to grow the site the were it was pre hack, and it failed ( there were other reasons, but I won't get into that). Eventually it got to the point to we had like 50 regular posters, 10 or so of which would be on at once and the odds of you posting a thread and having it reach 2 pages was about 1 in 10. This past season C-F litterally ceased to exist. It really sucks to watch a board you put so time time into from posting to moderating slowly die to the point there isnt even a redirect anymore. Which is why I cant really fault the staff for this

/rant. Hoping off my soapbox

I never really pay attn to other sites now (life stuff) and didn't know that it was no longer up.

Unfortunate.. it's good for ppl to have options for where they choose to discuss Cowboys.
Yikes. Not a good look.

The problem with the overt censorship and threats of benching (and actual benching), as I see it (I'm a First Amendment lawyer) is that it creates what are called "chilling effects" in the first amendment lexicon. In an open debate, you don't want people "pulling punches" so to speak. But that I believe is exactly what happens routinely in situations where people believe they can be punished for speech, whether that happens in the universities, or on Cowboys' message boards. The solution, as I see it, is something Justice Brandeis said in his concurring opinion in Whitney v. California: “If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence [emphasis added].”

Heavens knows we have the time to expose the fallacies through more speech here. That would be my suggested approach.

The problem is there is no free speech on this site after a point. You may not post political, racial or hate speech nor attack others and well, you can read the rules. The former two are covered under the 1st and the latter only up to a point. So your premise is rejected. And many here aren't interested in bringing their POV to the site in a fair and friendly way. So there goes utopia.

Some of you need to be on the staff for a time just to see how difficult it is to keep the site running while trying to avoid censorship as you put it. There is not one staff member who doesn't care deeply about the site and try to respect what 'rights' the membership has.

The site is run as well as possible and is tweaked periodically in attempts to improve it. If people can't stay within the guidelines then they will lose their privileges to post period or perhaps in certain forums. If members can't play by the rules which apply to all the members equally perhaps they would be happier elsewhere.

BTW, warning someone to stop doing something is not a threat. It is a warning. If those who object to being warned will PM the staff and instead of deleting their posts which violate the guidelines or warning them, we can just start benching them for every infraction. It's much less work on our part.

There are sites like this one all over the internet. They provide the opportunity to come and post about a favorite topic in a family friendly atmosphere where not everything goes.

That's all I have to say.
There is no other site in all sports that compares.
I come here every day for Cowboys and discussions.

The only thing they 'censor' is vulgarity, politics and spam.

Even personal arguments can go on for pages before a moderator steps in.
That article is a pretty silly. They didn't interview anyone or even find out we have a "RantZone"
I will be glad to create a Romo Zone if you and enough users will commit to post in it :)

Reality, I have never committed to posting in the Jerry is Satan forum.

Yet I find my posts there many times during the season.

No taxation without representation!
Reality, I have never committed to posting in the Jerry is Satan forum.

Yet I find my posts there many times during the season.

No taxation without representation!
You're just really special, TD :D

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