Before reading this know that I've not been fond of Keith Davis playing safety all season long .. in fact, I was adament about it as far back as pre-season that we needed a different safety. He's a great special teams player and a good backup safety but he doesn't need to be starting. Also, when I watched the game, I blamed Davis for this play and I have posted more than once since then saying it wasn't Newman's fault, it was Davis' fault. Now, all of that being said, consider this analysis.
Note: Download and watch the video of the play BEFORE viewing these images if possible because what I'm showing is a lot more evident in the full motion video.
The play is just getting started. Newman is lined up playing man. Keep in mind, of all the defensive backs on the team, Newman is the ONE player you would trust in man-to-man single coverage.
In this image, something shows up that I missed watching the game. Now, keep in mind, that Davis doesn't have this view, he only has his viewpoint to consider. From his viewpoint, Newman has the outside receiver and the player (I can't tell who it is .. so I'm going to refer to him as LostPlayer) that is up around the 45 yard line appears to be heading to cover what I assume is the tight-end or full-back running to the right side toward the first down marker. Davis sees LostPlayer facing forward while the other receiver goes past him.
In this image, Davis sees a linebacker (I assume Bradie James) chasing the receiver going downfield and he sees Newman facing Kennison who he appears to be covering. Now, look at LostPlayer .. he's running toward the KC player running the out pattern.
Now, for some reason, LostPlayer stops his pursuit, and proceeds to stand still. Newman, realizing this, has a choice to make .. cover Kennison and give up the first down or cover the short route and hope Davis is in position to cover him. So, Newman chooses to cover the short route.
The ball is thrown to Kennison while LostPlayer is completely out of the area to cover either Kennison or the short route. In other words, LostPlayer has found the only spot on the field with no one to cover and decided to stand there.
In this image, Kennison is catching the pass and has moved 5 more yards down field in the time it took LostPlayer to gain 2.5 yards running full speed.
Now, was Davis at fault here? Possibly, but safeties are taught to help linebackers covering deep routes before helping conerbacks. To me, the real fault of this play falls squarely on the shoulders of LostPlayer. Watch the video and you will see it more plainly than even these images though.
I really like to know who LostPlayer is.