Week 4: What are your concerns with Washington...


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We have the best talent but remember last year we barely able to beat them in Dallas. It took 4 throws to TO to get that win. It shouldn't have been so hard but Campbell played pretty good as did the rest of their team. The Skins will be psyched for this game cause they hate us so much. Sometimes I think they'd rather beat us then win the SB. So I have no doubt the Skins will give us everything we can handle & you better believe Zorn and that coaching staff will carefully study what the Packers did to us along with the Eagles to see what best works for us. I'm awfully glad that our running game came up really big in this game it will definitely give them pause.
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McCordsville Cowboy;2279108 said:
Santana Moss Deep always scares me....

If Henry is anywhere near him, I will be shaking...

Actually Henry has been good at jamming smaller receivers. I believe Dallas will game plan nicely for Washington with the improved overall corner back play.

Don Corleone

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sago1;2279127 said:
So I have no doubt the Skins will give us everything we can handle & you better believe Zorn and that coaching staff will carefully study what the Packers did to us along with the Eagles to see what best works for us. I'm awfully glad that our running game came up really big in this game it will definitely give them pause.

Well, the film is out there, and neither team won. Aside from that, you have to have players to execute what you scheme from all the film study.


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Don Corleone;2279150 said:
Well, the film is out there, and neither team won. Aside from that, you have to have players to execute what you scheme from all the film study.


QFT !!!!!!!!


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Yeah I am worried
Worried about our Offensive line losing weight
Every time Barber and espcially Jones runs our guys have to jogg way down field to set up.....LOL



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Canadian BoyzFan;2278987 said:
The quick screen passes to Santana Moss.

Moss, Portis and Cooley. Get pressure on Jason, and its game over. If you let Portis control the clock, Cooley get first downs and Moss make big plays, then they can beat you.


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Canadian BoyzFan;2278987 said:
The quick screen passes to Santana Moss.

You don't have to worry about that.... there's nothing "quick" about Taylor's wind-up release!



Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
My concern is having to read all the friggen excuses about how the refs blew the game or Jason Taylor was out, or the other Taylor that died was not there, or this or that, or this or that, or this or that...after they lose to the Cowboys.

The same old crap, year after year after year...when the lose a game.



Kane Ala
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These games are always tough with the Skins. Portis will get some yards. Moss is a thorn in our side. Campbell is a better QB than most here think. We should win. We appear to have the most talent. But I'm not taking it for granted


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My worry is that no matter how bad the Skins are (And they're not as bad as some might think this year, including me even when I'm just harrassing a skin fan) they like to play us as tough as they can.

This will be a very tough game but i think we'll win.

Canadian BoyzFan

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1fisher;2279194 said:
You don't have to worry about that.... there's nothing "quick" about Taylor's wind-up release!


Knock them all you like. I've had to write articles about the last 2 Skins games and I watched/charted them very closely. Moss is looking very elusive in the open field and Campbell was quite efficient at a 73% completion rate. I've found his release much quicker and in time with a traditional West Coast Offense. Portis is gaining big chucks of yards over the left side of his O-line and has to be accounted for. They have an OK secondary and can make some plays.

Take them lightly and they will beat us. I just hope our players will give them more attention and respect then some of the posters in this thread already.

Just my 0.02.


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They always come to play regardless of records and talent

But i'm really not worried, we're the better team period


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Arizona lost in the 4th because of busted plays by the defense They played absolutely horrible the 4th quarter.

But Campbell has played admirably in terms of limiting TOs. He is hitting his WRs deep.

Big D

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thewireman;2279157 said:

One poster there pretty much summed up my feelings on the game:

randomskinsfan; said:
The last time we played them in their house they had only lost one game, to NE, and they played them tough. In fact, JC threw an INT deep in the girls territory to seal the deal.

27-6 when the girls were 13-2 on the final day of the regular season.

It doesn't matter if the boys are 0-15 they will beat the skins
It doesn't matter if the skins are 4-11, they will beat the boys.

It's just the way it plays out. I wouldn't be overly confident if I were a dallas fan. The men still have to play the game, and anything can happen.

To me this is a trap game. I hope the boys aren't eating any cheese this week.



Salty *******
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Big D;2279242 said:
To me this is a trap game.


I was wondering when this BS was going to resurface.

The games where we play a playoff team, we should be afraid because of X, Y and Z.

The games where we play a team that isn't a playoff threat, we should be afraid because they are all "trap games."

In other words, we should be afraid every single week and never be excited about our team and expect them to win the game as we know they are capable of doing.


Da Hammer

The Natural
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my concern like it is now in everygame is mistackling. if we dont tackle Santa Moss, Clinton Portis, Betts, Cooley will kill us because they are great at YAC. Our tackling has been real bad so far this season... if we tackle well this week then we should blow them out. they just dont have the offensive fire power to keep up with us no matchup for T.O and their run D has been horrible, Barber and Jones will have a field day!


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Canadian BoyzFan;2279228 said:
Knock them all you like. I've had to write articles about the last 2 Skins games and I watched/charted them very closely. Moss is looking very elusive in the open field and Campbell was quite efficient at a 73% completion rate. I've found his release much quicker and in time with a traditional West Coast Offense. Portis is gaining big chucks of yards over the left side of his O-line and has to be accounted for. They have an OK secondary and can make some plays.

Take them lightly and they will beat us. I just hope our players will give them more attention and respect then some of the posters in this thread already.

Just my 0.02.

Based on that statement, I assume you want me to change my opinion about the windmill.... Too bad...he still looks like a windmill....

I'd rather spend my time "watching/charting" kudzu grow! :D

I've been watching this team since the mid 70's and I'm fully aware of how this rivalry has gone back and forth. I've been fortunate enough to see them a few times in TX Stadium.