Wells Conclusion: Guilty

As a previous poster said it sure is funny the findings come put the week after the draft. They should have to give up draft picks at the very least as this is the second scandal they have been involved in.
As a previous poster said it sure is funny the findings come put the week after the draft. They should have to give up draft picks at the very least as this is the second scandal they have been involved in.
It was never going to impact this year's draft. They punished the Falcons in March and it was for 2016.
100k fine and BB has to do 20 hours of community service, at a place of his choice to be completed by 2028. :lmao2:
The k-balls thing is determined to be not at fault of the Patriots.

Yes, I saw that...although I never even knew that the K-Balls were in question.
It says Belichick had no knowledge. Blame is on Brady and that McNally guy and that Jastremski guy.
It was never going to impact this year's draft. They punished the Falcons in March and it was for 2016.

That's a valid point. If draft picks were/are on the table for punishment, guilty or not, it would have been unfair to take away a pick(s) that close to the draft.
It says Belichick had no knowledge. Blame is on Brady and that McNally guy and that Jastremski guy.

Yea, I don't buy that for a second. It may not have been his idea, but he knew in some way.
That's a valid point. If draft picks were/are on the table for punishment, guilty or not, it would have been unfair to take away a pick(s) that close to the draft.

I find it funny that those that were not Patriot fans only thought they were guilty because they were jealous and angry.

Only a patriot fan could feel they were innocent especially with their past transgressions.
Sean Payton got a year suspension. Seems about right here.
Sean Payton got a year suspension. Seems about right here.

They will not suspend Bill. He would have to be caught red handed on video before they would suspend him...and even then they would probably not suspend him.

They will probably get a fine and might lose a 7th round comp pick or something.
I find it funny that those that were not Patriot fans only thought they were guilty because they were jealous and angry.

Only a patriot fan could feel they were innocent especially with their past transgressions.

They do have a history, don't they?!
It would be tough to punish Belichick when the Report concludes he knew nothing about this.

Punishing Brady will be tough since he has a union defending him. I expect a fine but a suspension will be tough.

(Still reading it all....)
Mr Krafty told Roger how the Wells Report was to read. Yes the Cheatriots are guilty, but lets have it worded as "probable" and with the time that has lapsed with the drag it out strategy it can just go away. Essentially another slap on the wrist or under the carpet sweep it will go.
Sounds as if since no one talked, he had to use the Sherlock Holmes method of coming to a conclusion, 'When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." From the beginning, it was obvious that the only explanation for what happened was that someone physically let air out of the balls. Common sense tells you without a shred of doubt that Brady and Belicheat knew it was happening because it would be ridiculous to think low level attendants are taking it upon themselves to manipulate the balls outside of league rules. So now every single Patriots superbowl victory is tainted by obvious cheating. they have probably been doing this since the last scandal. They lost their edge and had to find a new one.
Brady refused to submit his emails, texts or phone messages...

(Still reading...)
Laughing at the fact that know it all Bill, genius of all geniuses didn't know anything. You have to be a complete buffoon to think that a trainer would unilaterally do something without Bill's consent.
Ted Wells released his "DeflateGate" report Wednesday and found that it's "more probable than not" that the Patriots manipulated the footballs in the AFC Championship game.
"It is more probable than not that Patriots personnel participated in violations of the Playing Rules and were involved in a deliberate effort to circumvent the rules," Wells concluded. "In particular, we have concluded that it is more probable than not that Jim McNally [the Officials Locker Room attendant for the Patriots] and John Jastremski [an equipment assistant for the Patriots] participated in a deliberate effort to release air from Patriots game balls after the balls were examined by the referee. Based on the evidence, it also is our view that it is more probable than not that Tom Brady was at least generally aware of the inappropriate activities." Brady doesn't come out well in the 243-page report, but Patriots higher-ups like coach Bill Belichick and owner Robert Kraft may have been unaware of the wrongdoings. It's now up to the NFL to hand out discipline.

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