Wells Conclusion: Guilty

Brady's legendary accuracy and deflatgate will be forever entwined. Everyone says it is a minor offense and deserves only a slap on the wrist and get over it BUT the Patriots clearly created an unfair advantage especially in adverse weather. Only Brady and Pats were playing with a football that was more catch-able and throw-able.

I believe they also have the least turnovers the last couple of years. Another advantage from deflated balls.
Chairman and CEO Robert Kraft on the Wells Report
Wednesday, May 06, 2015 12:55 PM EDT
By New England Patriots
“When I addressed the media at the Super Bowl on January 26 – over 14 weeks ago – I stated that I unconditionally believed that the New England Patriots had done nothing inappropriate in this process or in violation of the NFL rules and that I was disappointed in the way the league handled the initial investigation. That sentiment has not changed.
“I was convinced that Ted Wells’ investigation would find the same factual evidence supported by both scientific formula and independent research as we did and would ultimately exonerate the Patriots. Based on the explanations I have heard and the studies that have been done, I don’t know how the science of atmospheric conditions can be refuted or how conclusions to the contrary can be drawn without some definitive evidence.
“What is not highlighted in the text of the report is that three of the Colts’ four footballs measured by at least one official were under the required psi level. As far as we are aware, there is no comparable data available from any other game because, in the history of the NFL, psi levels of footballs have never been measured at halftime, in any climate. If they had been, based on what we now know, it is safe to assume that every cold-weather game was played with under inflated footballs. As compelling a case as the Wells Report may try to make, I am going to rely on the factual evidence of numerous scientists and engineers rather than inferences from circumstantial evidence.
“Throughout the process of this nearly four-month investigation, we have cooperated and patiently awaited its outcome. To say we are disappointed in its findings, which do not include any incontrovertible or hard evidence of deliberate deflation of footballs at the AFC Championship game, would be a gross understatement. In addition, given our level of cooperation throughout the process, I was offended by the comments made in the Wells Report in reference to not making an individual available for a follow-up interview. What the report fails to mention is that he had already been interviewed four times and we felt the fifth request for access was excessive for a part-time game day employee who has a full-time job with another employer.
“While I respect the independent process of the investigation, the time, effort and resources expended to reach this conclusion are incomprehensible to me. Knowing that there is no real recourse available, fighting the league and extending this debate would prove to be futile. We understand and greatly respect the responsibility of being one of 32 in this league and, on that basis, we will accept the findings of the report and take the appropriate actions based on those findings as well as any discipline levied by the league.”
McNally and Jaszinski look like real idiots.

(Still reading...)
As I said, Brady and Belicheat (that's officially his name, now) were bad liars and if you have family that works in law enforcement, particularly in the detective work....it was pretty easy to see.

Brady just flat out lied about the subject, claiming that he doesn't even touch the footballs. Every NFL QB out there knew it was a lie because basically from Tuesday thru Sunday they are making sure that the footballs feel to their preference. It's a common mistake that liars make...trying to steer clear from the blame so much that they overdo it and are lying about common facts.

Belicheat put the blame on Brady (something that lying criminals often do...blame their co-hort) and then claimed that he was an expert in football and gaseous properties. It was pretty apparent that he had studied gaseous properties within a football...but, the fact that he played dumb to start with is something that lying criminals often do when they are smart to a subject....make themselves look dumb so we can't derive a connection. Then when the matter persists, use your expertise to spin the story in your favor.

I say taking away their championship should be part of the punishment exacted.
There's a report in PDF of the investigation.
Just google Wells Report...
Brady knew....
Most likely basis for Brady suspension: Lying to investigators....

(Still reading...)
Take their Superbowl away.....and their birthday for good measure.
Let them have the superbowl

Just suspended brady the first four games please
Yep the NFL is going to come down on them big time with their history and all !!!!

does anyone really believe that ? lol
Interesting side note about game memorabilia and the authenticity of balls and equipment on display in Hall of Fames and stuff like that and how sometimes those balls on display aren't the ones they claim to be.
They're saying, in essence, the only parties involved in this incident didn't say they did it, but it's hard to believe that they had no knowledge of it and didn't participate seeing that they all would have known if anything had happened to the balls.

That's what I've said all along. I don't think Kraft or Belichick necessarily knew. But it's contradicts logic and common sense that Brady, McNally and Jastremski didn't know. Unless, of course, an angel entered the room and touched the balls, thus deflating them. And even then, such a miraculous encounter would defy logic and common sense too.

Of course Bill knew.

He wrote a physics book about footballs.

Nobody farts in Foxboro until Bill gives the ok.
This organization is a repeat offender, take away first round draft picks and suspend Brady and Billicheat for 6 games and heavy fines for the organization...

Peyton got suspended for a year.. Not the same, but repeat offenders should be punished more. 1 year for BB. a fine is nothing, these are billion dollar teams.
If players can get suspended for smoking weed, then repeat blatant cheaters should get suspended even more severely.

One is an individual smoking something that is legal in some states. The other is undermining the integrity of the game.

Don't be a hypocrite, Goodell.
"Probably" was the same standard of guilt the NFL used to suspend Hardy 10 games. I'm not equating the "crimes", but the standard of guilt.

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