Were the NASA moonwalks staged?

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While it makes for a good dinner table discussion the answer is no.
Ditto for the 9/11 conspiracy nonsense
Ditto for the Challenger accident never happened and those people are still alive.
well now we know who to ignore. anyone that buys this BS would buy the Brooklyn bridge
Swing and a Miss Again!!! We can't answer so we put them on ignore. Yeah PAY NO ATTENTION TO THE MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN!!! Classic we can't answer and everyone should know that they person who questions needs to be avoided,hang with me I'm the cool popular person not the conspiracy guy. When people want you censored they can't answer what you show them. You guys want me to show you faults in 911????? How about WACO???? JFK????? The Business Plot??? Basically if you believe in one conspiracy you are open to believe others. Yes I know what comes next the Bigfoot ,Lochness Monster,Matauk Monster,and Aliens smear.... Yes tin foil is on my head,whatever!!!!
You might want to walk away now… nay… run away.

Now that THEY know that you know… THEY will be after you to silence you.

After all we all know that THEY don't want the "truth" out there so THEY will try to get you.
Swing and a Miss Again!!! We can't answer so we put them on ignore. Yeah PAY NO ATTENTION TO THE MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN!!! Classic we can't answer and everyone should know that they person who questions needs to be avoided,hang with me I'm the cool popular person not the conspiracy guy. When people want you censored they can't answer what you show them. You guys want me to show you faults in 911????? How about WACO???? JFK????? The Business Plot??? Basically if you believe in one conspiracy you are open to believe others. Yes I know what comes next the Bigfoot ,Lochness Monster,Matauk Monster,and Aliens smear.... Yes tin foil is on my head,whatever!!!!

not tin foil but 3/4 inch metal plate. Shined and polished.
I've been somewhat disappointed in the amount of coverage the Apollo 1 tragedy has received over the years as compared to the space shuttle accidents.
Well it happened on the ground so that is part of it. And sadly it is now so long ago to far too many to think about. The spectacular deaths of Challenger and what happened to Columbia are far more interesting to those that write about such.
That is a swing and a miss. C'mon Batter Batter Batter!!!
We watched it LIVE and the guys that went up came back in the same ship with pictures, video, rocks, data and other REAL evidence

It really isn't that complicated........it is just Rocket Science

/end thread
You can never reason with a conspiracy theorists.

No matter how much you debunk them they will just say the conspiracy goes deeper.

We are sheeple and they have an elitist mindset that they are privy to information you don't have.

They brag about doing the research but their research comes from other conspiracy theorists

They tend to listen to Alex Jones.
You can never reason with a conspiracy theorists.

No matter how much you debunk them they will just say the conspiracy goes deeper.

We are sheeple and they have an elitist mindset that they are privy to information you don't have.

They brag about doing the research but their research comes from other conspiracy theorists

They tend to listen to Alex Jones.
"They're turning the sewer frogs gay!!!"
100% yes they were. No way did NASA land on the moon. They still can't get past the Van Allen belts today. This is why they stay in low earth orbit. Watch a funny thing happened on the way to the moon on youtube. It is a great start.

Nasa are liars.

Maybe they stay in low orbit because there's no reason to travel further away if you don't have a destination. Practicality and such.
We watched it LIVE and the guys that went up came back in the same ship with pictures, video, rocks, data and other REAL evidence

It really isn't that complicated........it is just Rocket Science

/end thread

There are also reflectors on the moon that you can bounce a laser off of. Why would NASA ever say they were going to take those reflectors if they weren't? People outside of NASA can readily disprove their existence, but it doesn't seem as though it has been done.
I wasnt born yet when we went the first time...so I missed out on seeing it as it happened.
I cant wait til we go back...watch it in hi-def...gonna be INCREDIBLE.

Amazing what those guys accomplished.
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