Were the NASA moonwalks staged?

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It's my opinion that the idea that the NASA moonwalks were faked is looney tunes crazy. The fact that there are so many walking among us, feeling free to admit they believe this garbage shows how nuts our society actually is today.
It's my opinion that the idea that the NASA moonwalks were faked is looney tunes crazy. The fact that there are so many walking among us, feeling free to admit they believe this garbage shows how nuts our society actually is today.
Literally THOUSANDS of people would have had to have known it was fake. and you can bet the Russians would know and back then hey they would have cried it loud and clear. And so on, Those that keep spewing this BS truly are pathetic.
Literally THOUSANDS of people would have had to have known it was fake. and you can bet the Russians would know and back then hey they would have cried it loud and clear. And so on, Those that keep spewing this BS truly are pathetic.
Exactly right. We were in the middle of a cold war, and the Russians (and every other country) would've been gleefully excited to tell the world that we faked the moon landing. There's no way they wouldn't have known. Anyone with a telescope could see it.
100% yes they were. No way did NASA land on the moon. They still can't get past the Van Allen belts today. This is why they stay in low earth orbit. Watch a funny thing happened on the way to the moon on youtube. It is a great start.

Nasa are liars.
Huge difference between walking & running while whistling past the grave yard at midnight Keithfan:rolleyes:
If you ''zipper through" this portrayed deadly irradiated zone (kinda like that interrupter gear allowing WW 1 air pilots to shoot thru their propellers?,,,kinda/ maybe?)
As the length or time of exposure is Paramount to the rads suffered,,, SHEESH?
China just sent a rover to the moon, and the US has recently state that they plan to return to the moon as a first step towards colonizing Mars.
That whole "Jade rabbit" casing-liner is kinda trippy
You'll see 'U-tubers' point out the lack of burnt 'retro rocket' burnage from their soft landing and everything else,,, but "planetX" or Niburiu was supposed to have fouled us all up back in 2000 or something like that,,,, lol,,, that 3,600 year orbit cracks me up unless it is GOD's orbital platform:omg:

Sure. Just like fake ones we have of Earth. You know where the continents change size, colors etc. Seen lots of cgi images of these places. They look real good.
Its got an atmosphere and gravity,,,With liquid H2-0,,,bones, constructed ruins& machined parts LAYING THERE.
You see this? That's how it's done Boys. You don't bring a water pistol to a Tank fight. You come with cold, hard hitting, undeniable facts, and you smack em upside the nugget with them. This here's a learning moment Fellas.

Good Job BP.....


(Man!,,, I've gotta start stopping my drinking regime at 3 or 4 in the morning & hanging out around here,,,o_O)
Yeah that and airplanes are poisoning us with their chem-trails :facepalm:

This one always makes me chuckle. Do these people that believe in this ever think about the fact that the people behind this "conspiracy" breathe the exact same air of the people they are supposedly poisoning?
This one always makes me chuckle. Do these people that believe in this ever think about the fact that the people behind this "conspiracy" breathe the exact same air of the people they are supposedly poisoning?

Maybe they got a vaccine before it started or an antidote.;)
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