but they say they cant right now. here watch this. It also shows that they lost all the telemetry from the Apollo missions which would prove they went.
I don't think the telemetry is really lost though as I am able to think critically.
see what Don Pettit says in the beginning We cant go back.
There is a you tube video out about a salvage/ scrap man getting a call from surviving family members of a NASA technical type, to clean out his basement, he found a wall full of those reel to reel magnetic tape units clearly marked NASA (with those typical black plastic data tags with white lettering,,, ) he called them about finding their clearly marked property & they broke off on him kinda snizzley like,," were not in the bizzness of removing junk!",,,,well,junk man proceeded to relay the fact that there were ALSO about 368 unmarked magnetic tapes that wall of NASA marked junk played down there also!,,, there were TWO government suits over at that residents basement the very next day to retrieve those.
(Check out what that Gene Krantz sez')