What do people say to you when you wear your Dallas Cowboys jersey in public?

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So, I wore my dark blue Dez Bryant jersey to Sam's this morning.
I'm loading groceries into the trunk and a guy a few cars down says, "The Cowboys have got to get rid of Dak Prescott."
I respond, "Don't get me started."
We both laugh, and he wishes me a nice day.

I go back into the store because I forgot to purchase an item.
I'm exiting the store and an older gentleman behind me says, "Still crying?"
I laugh, then this older woman says, something to the effect of "You have to lose sometimes."

I'm just curious what are some of the comments you hear when wearing your Cowboys paraphernalia?
I'm an adult. I don't wear jerseys of any kind.

I'm a grown-up


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So, I wore my dark blue Dez Bryant jersey to Sam's this morning.
I'm loading groceries into the trunk and a guy a few cars down says, "The Cowboys have got to get rid of Dak Prescott."
I respond, "Don't get me started."
We both laugh, and he wishes me a nice day.

I go back into the store because I forgot to purchase an item.
I'm exiting the store and an older gentleman behind me says, "Still crying?"
I laugh, then this older woman says, something to the effect of "You have to lose sometimes."

I'm just curious what are some of the comments you hear when wearing your Cowboys paraphernalia?
I stopped wearing and buying Dallas stuff years ago. I used to wear Cowboys gear/jerseys on game day. I would put my Cowboys flag out. Not anymore. They are playing the Panthers this year, not going. Unfortunately, the let downs have taken a toll. And after the other night, it doesn’t appear this year will be any different.

And trust me, people talk crap all the time when you wear Cowboys stuff.


Well-Known Member
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Jesus. So you’re like 90 now?
To me wearing a jersey is like getting a tattoo, in that no one cares.
Tattoos have meaning to the one sporting it, but to others...meh.
Have you ever notice that when there's a fight in a crowd of fans, it always involves fans wearing a team jersey?


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I Dont talk football with people at all no one even knows I watch football

john van brocklin

Captain Comeback
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So, I wore my dark blue Dez Bryant jersey to Sam's this morning.
I'm loading groceries into the trunk and a guy a few cars down says, "The Cowboys have got to get rid of Dak Prescott."
I respond, "Don't get me started."
We both laugh, and he wishes me a nice day.

I go back into the store because I forgot to purchase an item.
I'm exiting the store and an older gentleman behind me says, "Still crying?"
I laugh, then this older woman says, something to the effect of "You have to lose sometimes."

I'm just curious what are some of the comments you hear when wearing your Cowboys paraphernalia?
You poor soul.
What can I do to help?


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I still wear mine occasionally, usually to the sports bar when the Cowboys are blocked on TV here. Usually, I don't get much of a response, especially from the Browns fans. If anything, it's usually mutual respect to each other's teams. It seems that Browns fans are very warm to Cowboys fans since I moved here. That said, I do get the occasional Eagles or Steelers fan who will pipe up. But, for the most part, I don't get much of a reaction here in Cleveland.

Similar when I go to Chicago for the convention that I attend annually. Then again, when I'm in suit, the main Cowboys stuff is the blue stars on my cheeks and shoulders. Or, if I'm only wearing the head and hand hoofs, I do wear my jersey then. Usually, there's not much reaction. Especially since the Cowboys are a huge part of my character.


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I don't wear sports jerseys. I grew up about 20 years ago.
But I bet you wear Nike Logos, drive a car with a Chevy or Nissan on it. You probably display your Apple product, make sure people see you have a Yetti cooler, and your buddies know you shoot a PSE or a Glock. Wearing a jersey is just displaying a logo, nothing wrong with it.


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gear. lol...smh.. ever who invented that crap is a billionaire now. Get your gear so you can pretend to be an 8-year-old kid running around in your backyard like the pros. gear..


Since 1971
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I'm trying to remember when I last wore Cowboys swag in public outside of attending a game. I think I was in Middle School, about 50 years ago.


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I refuse to buy nfl merch period. If I wasn’t a lifer cowboy fan I wouldn’t pay any attention to the nfl at all.


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Don’t have any Cowboys gear.

Had the old throwback white baseball hat with the blue D on it many years ago.

It’s great for young fans. Not a retired guy.


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Like Queen Cercei on game of thrones as she walked naked through the streets. Shame!Shame!Shame!Shame!Shame


Well-Known Member
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So, I wore my dark blue Dez Bryant jersey to Sam's this morning.
I'm loading groceries into the trunk and a guy a few cars down says, "The Cowboys have got to get rid of Dak Prescott."
I respond, "Don't get me started."
We both laugh, and he wishes me a nice day.

I go back into the store because I forgot to purchase an item.
I'm exiting the store and an older gentleman behind me says, "Still crying?"
I laugh, then this older woman says, something to the effect of "You have to lose sometimes."

I'm just curious what are some of the comments you hear when wearing your Cowboys paraphernalia?
Nobody comments here in Texas with open carry. Lol


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You still see a few wearing the colors down here in Florida. Nothing like the days of old when Jimmy Johnson, Irvin, Emmett, Dieon and the other Florida guys were winning big. A lot of folks now call themselves "long suffering" Cowboy fans. And most everyone will express their dislike for Jerry Jones. That is the current state of affairs.

When I am back home in Texas it is different. I get the feeling that most wear Cowboy items in spite of Jones and the long running lack of success. They are and will always support the team....just not the Joneses.

Bottom line most everyone is really tired of losing. It is OLD.

Gangsta Spanksta

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So, I wore my dark blue Dez Bryant jersey to Sam's this morning.
I'm loading groceries into the trunk and a guy a few cars down says, "The Cowboys have got to get rid of Dak Prescott."
I respond, "Don't get me started."
We both laugh, and he wishes me a nice day.

I go back into the store because I forgot to purchase an item.
I'm exiting the store and an older gentleman behind me says, "Still crying?"
I laugh, then this older woman says, something to the effect of "You have to lose sometimes."

I'm just curious what are some of the comments you hear when wearing your Cowboys paraphernalia?
I live in the Dallas area, which is filled with some of the toughest Dallas Cowboys fans. Basically, they day after a loss, especially one like this, nobody wears their Jersey or you will get ribbed. Any other day, nobody will say anything about it, because well it is Dallas and it is common to wear Cowboys gear. I did have a Boss one time who moved from DC and was a Commanders fan. He was upset to see me in Cowboys gear, and I was thinking "Dude do you know what City you're in?" :)

Gangsta Spanksta

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Nobody comments here in Texas with open carry. Lol
In Texas people also respect that other people like other teams. Nobody will say anything to someone for wearing another Team's jersey either. Not like Philly where it was in the news once that a girl got her face sliced for wearing a Cowboy's Jersey.