What Does Reaching my 3,000th Post Here at the Zone Mean?!

Tio said:
yup, you can never slip one past me. Uhm I haven't been on all offseason, just starting it back up again. So, i see your still extremely awkward ;)

and i seee you still have the big fat man in the armchair :D
lspain1 said:
A high post count on Cowboyszone as an Eagles fan declares that you are the following (tongue inserted in cheek):

1. Socially inept...too ugly or otherwise unable to engage in face to face conversation with people. However, in recognition that most Eagles fans are either socially inept, ugly, or both, we must make allowances. PT...it is true you look like a million dollars...all green and wrinkled!

2. Mentally challenged....to come on here and continually take the abuse meted out here requires a certain 'lack' . However, in recognition that Eagles fans are mentally challenged in order to be Eagles fans at all, we must make allowances. The fact that you are here to be bathed in the intellectual stimulation, engaging conversation, sage advice, and unrelenting modesty here on Cowboyszone says that there is indeed some hope for you.

3. Not all there....PT it is clear with a post count this high, like the mods around here, your reality check has bounced! You are a few fries short of a happy meal!

4. Not a vegetarian....because PT we can all see that you are so full of baloney!:p:

Thanks ...lspain1. Dayam it feels good to be here!:rolleyes:
Joe Rod said:
It means you have a lot more time on your hands than I do! (I'll never reach 3,000 posts on a cowboys board, much less one for an an opposing team!)

I probably would have said the same thing a year or two ago, and my goal was definitely not to have 3,000 posts.

Perhaps reach for a short term milestone first. You'd be surprised how fast posts accumulate. I'll be busting you out over your 1,000th post In no time at all.

I can't wait!:rolleyes:
Funxva said:

3000 posts is nothing to laugh about.

Unfortunately, the fact that you belong to the fanbase that is a member of the "Trilogy of Suck" club is. While you are in the minority of the splinter faction of that club:

:disseags: :choke: :trophy:


If you meant Trilogy of Sack ...I accept!

Phoenix-Talon said:
If you meant Trilogy of Sack ...I accept!


Ok, I'll change my typo if you change your Sig to reflect your obvious mistake as well. I'll give you my "u" in exchange for your "a".

Fair enough?

Phoenix-Talon said:
You both should be On Comedy Central ...I'll manage you guys.:rolleyes:

That was funny!

We tried.

But the loss of Torrin Tucker was too much....
Phoenix-Talon said:
If you meant Trilogy of Sack ...I accept!


A few years ago, when Kearse and Howard were legitimate - that comeback would have been sooooooo good.

And relevant.

Too bad Philly's best sack machine plays for the Raiders now. I'm sure HE would have come in handy last year. But, you know how the Eagles are about paying their players.....
Phoenix-Talon said:
You both should be On Comedy Central ...I'll manage you guys.:rolleyes:

That was funny!

If by "manage" you mean "worship", then I accept.
It means I only have about 2400 posts to go before I'm considered just as loopey as Phoenix Talon

j/k bro
TobiasEagle77 said:
It means I only have about 2400 posts to go before I'm considered just as loopey as Phoenix Talon

j/k bro
Liar :cool: :p:

To me its says that you are not really an eagle fan.

Make it official! Jump on the bandwagon we've got plenty of room.

What Does Reaching my 3,000th Post Here at the Zone Mean?!

It means you're becoming a Cowboys fan! Welcome to the good guys' side! :D

Now say it with me: "Eagles suck. Eagles suck. Eagles suck."
dargonking999 said:
and i seee you still have the big fat man in the armchair :D
oh, i'll never leave him, him and me are one...always and forever ;)

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