What Does Reaching my 3,000th Post Here at the Zone Mean?!

Phoenix-Talon said:
An Eagles fan reaching a milestone ...3,000 threads/posts here at the Zone is probably a trivial thing for some of you, but it is a big thing for me! With all of the hazing, heckling, and flamming that I get, it's worth it to know when I get a PM or someone says "you are alright PT ...even though you are an Eagles fan!"

Sure, I don't agree with you, more often than not, I'll argue a point (especially, when it's against my team), but I know when to fold-em. I've been checked for pushing the envelope, or for saying something too strong to a troller (regardless of their fandom affiliation), but the bottom Line is I've respected the rules of the Zone.

I have learned a tremendous amount of information here, by being baptized by fire, than I have on any Other board (except the Eagles board). I realize too that there are some hardcore football savvy fans; who just happen to be Cowboy fans.

While I'm sure some will disagree, I think that one of the ways to mesaure the worth of a MB is it shows through the frequency with which opponent fans engages, and interacts with the host fandom. I can get football savvy as needed, and I can take it where you want to go (as long as it's within the policy guidelines ...otherwise I'll just let it go).

Anyway, I'd like to say thank you to those classy fans (both of you ...just kidding), all the moderators, and the "boss" ...Reality, for your gracious hospitality. I think I'll stay for another 3,000 posts!:rolleyes:

Go Eagles!

Quite simply, it means you crave attention. Having Cowboys fans(representing the only TRUE NFL franchise) respond and school you with undeniable logic is what you crave.

It seems to be working for you. Congrats on 3,000.

Look at us as the "Sun".... ever read Flight of Icarus....
Dont get too close to it or you will get burned and come crashing down to the reality.... reality being... there is only one America's Team and its NOT the Eagles...
Congrats--PT --Its OK to come out of the closet and wear the:star:
Funxva said:
Ok, I'll change my typo if you change your Sig to reflect your obvious mistake as well. I'll give you my "u" in exchange for your "a".

Fair enough?


Give us back the "A" ...take a "C" Philadelphia SAK Exchange....
TobiasEagle77 said:
It means I only have about 2400 posts to go before I'm considered just as loopey as Phoenix Talon j/k bro

Somebody had to take AJM 1316's place:) What happened to him anyway ...did he reach 4.999 posts?
Big D said:
To me its says that you are not really an eagle fan.

Make it official! Jump on the bandwagon we've got plenty of room.

There's a better chance that TO becomes a Cowboys fan ...:rolleyes:
Phoenix-Talon said:
An Eagles fan reaching a milestone ...3,000 threads/posts here at the Zone is probably a trivial thing for some of you, but it is a big thing for me! With all of the hazing, heckling, and flamming that I get, it's worth it to know when I get a PM or someone says "you are alright PT ...even though you are an Eagles fan!"

Sure, I don't agree with you, more often than not, I'll argue a point (especially, when it's against my team), but I know when to fold-em. I've been checked for pushing the envelope, or for saying something too strong to a troller (regardless of their fandom affiliation), but the bottom Line is I've respected the rules of the Zone.

I have learned a tremendous amount of information here, by being baptized by fire, than I have on any Other board (except the Eagles board). I realize too that there are some hardcore football savvy fans; who just happen to be Cowboy fans.

While I'm sure some will disagree, I think that one of the ways to mesaure the worth of a MB is it shows through the frequency with which opponent fans engages, and interacts with the host fandom. I can get football savvy as needed, and I can take it where you want to go (as long as it's within the policy guidelines ...otherwise I'll just let it go).

Anyway, I'd like to say thank you to those classy fans (both of you ...just kidding), all the moderators, and the "boss" ...Reality, for your gracious hospitality. I think I'll stay for another 3,000 posts!:rolleyes:

Go Eagles!

It means you got more posts than me... you greenbird you


JK, you're all right with me dude...:D
Phoenix-Talon said:
Now there you go again with the Comedy Central act.... you're a hoot!:rolleyes:

Ah....it's fine.

You were better off without Derrick Burgess anway. He wasn't anywhere near as "key" as one Torrin Tucker.:eek:
i hate to pat myself in the back but i guess it means by the most part we're ok and you're ok. how's that?
Phoenix-Talon said:
If it was, looks like your sig pic could use a handbag or two.

Whoever heard of bridesmaids toting handbags? Silly rabbit....

The Philadelphia Handbag exchange.

It should be fabulous.

This thread is so funny!

It's like everyone is congratulating PT because he finally lost his virginity!

So, PT gets 3,000 posts and this is what we do?

Damn, wait till he DOES lose his virginity! Oh the celebration! :lmao2:

I wonder if we can put this day on the "calendar"? :eek:

5Stars said:

This thread is so funny!
It's like everyone is congratulating PT because he finally lost his virginity!
So, PT gets 3,000 posts and this is what we do? Damn, wait till he DOES lose his virginity! Oh the celebration!

I wonder if we can put this day on the "calendar"?

I've been On the calendar since November 2004 ...where were you?
Phoenix-Talon said:
An Eagles fan reaching a milestone ...3,000 threads/posts here at the Zone is probably a trivial thing for some of you, but it is a big thing for me! With all of the hazing, heckling, and flamming that I get, it's worth it to know when I get a PM or someone says "you are alright PT ...even though you are an Eagles fan!"

Sure, I don't agree with you, more often than not, I'll argue a point (especially, when it's against my team), but I know when to fold-em. I've been checked for pushing the envelope, or for saying something too strong to a troller (regardless of their fandom affiliation), but the bottom Line is I've respected the rules of the Zone.

I have learned a tremendous amount of information here, by being baptized by fire, than I have on any Other board (except the Eagles board). I realize too that there are some hardcore football savvy fans; who just happen to be Cowboy fans.

While I'm sure some will disagree, I think that one of the ways to mesaure the worth of a MB is it shows through the frequency with which opponent fans engages, and interacts with the host fandom. I can get football savvy as needed, and I can take it where you want to go (as long as it's within the policy guidelines ...otherwise I'll just let it go).

Anyway, I'd like to say thank you to those classy fans (both of you ...just kidding), all the moderators, and the "boss" ...Reality, for your gracious hospitality. I think I'll stay for another 3,000 posts!:rolleyes:

Go Eagles!

u have no life......

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