What Does Reaching my 3,000th Post Here at the Zone Mean?!

Phoenix-Talon said:
5Stars said:

This thread is so funny!
It's like everyone is congratulating PT because he finally lost his virginity!
So, PT gets 3,000 posts and this is what we do? Damn, wait till he DOES lose his virginity! Oh the celebration!

I wonder if we can put this day on the "calendar"?

I've been On the calendar since November 2004 ...where were you?

I just became a Cowboy fan the day I joined here... :rolleyes:

This is such a SPECIAL DAY! If I could bake you a cake I would! If, if, if...if I could let you pet the SuperBowl Trophys that the Cowboy have, I would!

This is HISTORY in the making! An event that should NOT go unnoticed!

RING THE BELLS! HIGH AND LOW...around the land! Break out the Champaine...smoke a cigar...

Do a little dance...
make a little love..
get down tonight...

What does three thousand posts for Phoenix Talon mean?


a) You troll a whooooooooooole lot!


b) You'd rather spend your time online with Cowboy fans as opposed to "classy"(yeah, it's sarcasm) Eagle fans.

or perhaps, maybe,

c) You are a professed Eagle fan with Cowboy envy and can't stay away, "You like us! Yeah, you really like us closet Cowboy fan!"


d) You realized that posting on an Eagle board is so easy that even a caveman can do it!


e) You actually want to talk about football instead of simply choosing sides in a flame war

Congrats on 3,000. Stick around and maybe something good can rub off on you after all.:starspin :p:
BeWare94 said:
What does three thousand posts for Phoenix Talon mean?


a) You troll a whooooooooooole lot!


b) You'd rather spend your time online with Cowboy fans as opposed to "classy"(yeah, it's sarcasm) Eagle fans.

or perhaps, maybe,

c) You are a professed Eagle fan with Cowboy envy and can't stay away, "You like us! Yeah, you really like us closet Cowboy fan!"


d) You realized that posting on an Eagle board is so easy that even a caveman can do it!


e) You actually want to talk about football instead of simply choosing sides in a flame war

Congrats on 3,000. Stick around and maybe something good can rub off on you after all.:starspin :p:


:starspin :starspin :starspin :starspin :starspin for BeWare94...

and one Star for PT! I can't forget that, right! Damn..

:suxiggle: Here's your Star!
Phoenix-Talon said:
An Eagles fan reaching a milestone ...3,000 threads/posts here at the Zone is probably a trivial thing for some of you, but it is a big thing for me! With all of the hazing, heckling, and flamming that I get, it's worth it to know when I get a PM or someone says "you are alright PT ...even though you are an Eagles fan!"

Sure, I don't agree with you, more often than not, I'll argue a point (especially, when it's against my team), but I know when to fold-em. I've been checked for pushing the envelope, or for saying something too strong to a troller (regardless of their fandom affiliation), but the bottom Line is I've respected the rules of the Zone.

I have learned a tremendous amount of information here, by being baptized by fire, than I have on any Other board (except the Eagles board). I realize too that there are some hardcore football savvy fans; who just happen to be Cowboy fans.

While I'm sure some will disagree, I think that one of the ways to mesaure the worth of a MB is it shows through the frequency with which opponent fans engages, and interacts with the host fandom. I can get football savvy as needed, and I can take it where you want to go (as long as it's within the policy guidelines ...otherwise I'll just let it go).

Anyway, I'd like to say thank you to those classy fans (both of you ...just kidding), all the moderators, and the "boss" ...Reality, for your gracious hospitality. I think I'll stay for another 3,000 posts!:rolleyes:

Go Eagles!

"If Woody would have gone straight to the police... none of this would ever have happened" -- eh eh eh-ah-hoo, eh eh eh-ah-hoo, eh eh eh eh eh eh
it means you have way too much time on your hands

I wonder, what is your post count on your Eagle forum?
Vintage said:
Well, of the 3000 or so....

I've probably seen 500 or so.

Of that 500 or so...

Probably 400 have dealt with TO, alluding to TO, trying to steer conversations to TO, in reply to a TO topic.

Of the 100 remaining, you probably started 10 threads.

I have yet to see one of those threads turn out to be legit questions, comments, or concerns.

So what I am trying to say is.....


:lmao2: props to you my man
summerisfunner said:
it means you have way too much time on your hands

Look who's talking about having "time on their hands!" You've been a member here as recent as April 2005; yet, you have 7,498 posts. Right about now, I'd usually say, don't quit your day job ...but this is your day job!

I wonder, what is your post count on your Eagle forum?

Actually, I've been at the Eagles MB since 1993 ...getting ready to break another thousand posts milestone there as well.

I hope you don't mind if I get real with you for a quick moment summerisfunner. Writing posts, writing e-mails, writing reports, writing! That's something that I've enjoyed doing for quite a while. Creating threads and posts, responding to comments and having dialogue fits that enjoyment level quite well ...add some football to the mixture and that's my forte.

Unless you share this passion for writing, you wouldn't Understand the satifaction one gets in creating words from a junk pile of nonsensical meaningless thoughts and phrases. Goodness knows that I'm no English teacher, and I've made my share of typographical errors. But when I'm writing free, I can write for hours nonstop. The words flow to me like an ocean wave finally reaching its final destination on shore. I've taken time to tell you all that because I wanted you, my other opponent fans, and my one Eagle fan brother to know why I'm here. I enjoy writing and creating different ways to communicate.

I hope writing your next post is as enjoyable as it's been for me writing this one.
summerisfunner said:
it means you have way too much time on your hands

Phoenix-Talon said:
Look who's talking about having "time on their hands!" You've been a member here as recent as April 2005; yet, you have 7,498 posts. Right about now, I'd usually say, don't quit your day job ...but this is your day job!
Well DUH!!!

SummerisFunner is a Cowboysfan so I would expect them to have MORE posts than a GREEN with Envy Eagles fan posting in CowboysZone.....

Sheesh! Do you ever make sense.... one word =glutton
YoMick said:
Well DUH!!!

SummerisFunner is a Cowboysfan so I would expect them to have MORE posts than a GREEN with Envy Eagles fan posting in CowboysZone.....

Sheesh! Do you ever make sense.... one word =glutton

thank you! PT, by too much time on your hands, I mean you are seemingly on here every, other day, on a Cowboys forum, and have over 3,000 posts

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