What Is Your Unpopular Cowboys Opinion?


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I saw this somewhere and thought it would be fun to hear others opinions.

It can be anything, historical or current. I'll start:

I think Tony Romo might be the most talented Cowboys QB ever, but he was ruined by bad defenses, Jason Garrett, and injuries. I also believe that if we went back to him in 2016 we would've had a much better shot reaching the Super Bowl. I supported sticking with Dak at the time, because I was over Romo always missing time, but Romo was probably the best option that year looking back. It would have also gave Dak a great veteran QB to learn behind.
They should have gone with Romo. Streak or no streak.

john van brocklin

Captain Comeback
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I saw this somewhere and thought it would be fun to hear others opinions.

It can be anything, historical or current. I'll start:

I think Tony Romo might be the most talented Cowboys QB ever, but he was ruined by bad defenses, Jason Garrett, and injuries. I also believe that if we went back to him in 2016 we would've had a much better shot reaching the Super Bowl. I supported sticking with Dak at the time, because I was over Romo always missing time, but Romo was probably the best option that year looking back. It would have also gave Dak a great veteran QB to learn behind.
Tom Landry should have gracefully retired after the 1988 season instead of making Jerry fire him.

john van brocklin

Captain Comeback
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Here are some of my unpopular opinions:

  • Almost opposite of the OP…I think Romo was an overrated underachiever who was a really good QB but never seemed to work that hard at getting better. He was basically the same player in 2007 as he was in 2014, just with more injury baggage. Sadly, I also think Romo is overrated by many of our younger fans because they never saw Dandy Don, Craig Morton, Roger, Danny White or Troy Aikman play. Tony Romo was a very good QB. Great? No. He’s not even in my top 5 former Cowboys QBs.
  • The only time Jerry has been a good GM is when he hires a strong willed HC who can balance his sugar daddy tendencies. A la Jimmy. Jerry without a balancing influence of strength, discipline and a strong football mind is a below average GM. The last 25 years are the evidence. His best years were because he hired strong people not puppet pushovers like Chan, Wade and Garrett. The only saving grace for JJ and Stephen is having Will McClay.
  • Having your owner also be your GM is a really, really bad football idea. And 29 other NFL owners agree with that opinion. Including the winning owners of the last 25 SBs. Pretty obvious stuff.
  • Zeke’s days as a star RB are over. This should be his last year with the Cowboys. He’s nothing like what he once was and that contract kills us next year with so many big FAs coming up.
  • I would draft a LT early in the draft if a top one is available. Tyron Smith is almost done. I love the guy but we can’t wait until he’s totally done to make a move there. We need to make plans now for his departure.


Well-Known Member
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I saw this somewhere and thought it would be fun to hear others opinions.

It can be anything, historical or current. I'll start:

I think Tony Romo might be the most talented Cowboys QB ever, but he was ruined by bad defenses, Jason Garrett, and injuries. I also believe that if we went back to him in 2016 we would've had a much better shot reaching the Super Bowl. I supported sticking with Dak at the time, because I was over Romo always missing time, but Romo was probably the best option that year looking back. It would have also gave Dak a great veteran QB to learn behind.

Phil Costa was on his way to being an average starting C in the NFL before his body broke down.
What they did to Felix was a sin. He was a phenomenal talent in space who they ground out of the league by playing him injured for 2 years.

With all the oline healthy, we should go *7* olinemen in short yardage, and try it as a 20-20 personnel package as well. McGovern and Steele are decent starters. We've got more quality olinemen than defenses have quality DTs. Few defenses have starting quality DTs going 4 or 5 deep, and without rotation, the quality of guys they have would drop precipitously. If we played that offense against *our* defense, we'd crush us. Lamb and Cooper are both guys defenses would like to double, and you put more pressure on CBs in man if they're isolated on the edge against them. Clear the field. Give each a side of the field all to themselves, and see what teams can cover them. Note: I was saying this *before* the Jumbo Jumbo with McGovern became a thing.


Well-Known Member
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I saw this somewhere and thought it would be fun to hear others opinions.

It can be anything, historical or current. I'll start:

I think Tony Romo might be the most talented Cowboys QB ever, but he was ruined by bad defenses, Jason Garrett, and injuries. I also believe that if we went back to him in 2016 we would've had a much better shot reaching the Super Bowl. I supported sticking with Dak at the time, because I was over Romo always missing time, but Romo was probably the best option that year looking back. It would have also gave Dak a great veteran QB to learn behind.

Agree about Romo being the better option in 2016 for a SB run. Healthy in 2014, he was playing the best ball of his career, at an MVP level. It was colossal stupidity not to play him. A *chance* at an MVP level QB for a SB run. You take that chance. If he looks like Romo, we've now got 2 top QBs going into the next season, and can trade one for a jackpot to improve the team.

Playing Romo would have given us *two* bites at the franchise QB apple. Just dumb not to take it. Dak wasn't going anywhere.


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Not an unpopular one but a highly biased one. We need a horse mascot. Get Rowdy out and a horse mascot in. It'd be adorable, and a horse made to look like a cowboy would be a much more welcome sight.


Go Seahawks!!!
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The blue jerseys make for the best uniforms in sports.

While I loved Romo when he actually played, his fans have turned me into a hater afterwards. He’s the most propped up loser in the history of sports.