What kind of fan are you?

Positive? We're winning the SB that's a 10

Negative? We suck case Jerry and Dak suck! That's a 1.

I'm at about an 8....what are you?
I’m a Cowboy fan first and foremost. Been a fan since I was old enough. For me that was 63. I’m always hopeful going in to every season. I’ve seen teams that finished 4-12 the year before win the Super Bowl. There are negatives with every team in the NFL going in to a season. But why live your life dwelling on those negatives? If you’re going to give up and quit then give up an quit and don’t come here *****ing day in and day out about it. No team wins the SB every year. I love watching the Cowboys and will always be hopeful no matter the circumstances. Will never be a negative Nancy like so many here.
I'm 52 and been pretty much a huge fan since I was five years old. That being said I would say.....

5 right in the middle, don't expect much and seldom disappointed
Ranchy on a roll and it isn't even Friday...:thumbup: https://encrypted-tbn0.***NOT-ALLOWED***/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTCAh5baxbZrdojhIYCPbyJtzJhiqEDRzK73A&usqp=CAU Vanilla with blue berries.. Put me down for about 7.5.
Add some peaches and you are a 9.4325587777888999
As you get older, you may appreciate where the team falls on your emotional hierarchy.

I used to be ruined for a day or two after a loss.

And spend emotional capital being upset about it.

Now I am like, well, here you go again.
Now that I'm retired losses are not as bad dont have to Piz of coworkers that like to rub it in But there are fans here that love it when we lose.
I’m a Cowboy fan first and foremost. Been a fan since I was old enough. For me that was 63. I’m always hopeful going in to every season. I’ve seen teams that finished 4-12 the year before win the Super Bowl. There are negatives with every team in the NFL going in to a season. But why live your life dwelling on those negatives? If you’re going to give up and quit then give up an quit and don’t come here *****ing day in and day out about it. No team wins the SB every year. I love watching the Cowboys and will always be hopeful no matter the circumstances. Will never be a negative Nancy like so many here.
I have poured a lot into this team over the years.

And frankly, being told I am less of a fan because I am negative about reality, that is offensive.

It all dwells down to life perspectives.

We all deal with life in our own way.

You are uber positive. K. Got it.

Totally separate issue.
Now that I'm retired losses are not as bad dont have to Piz of coworkers that like to rub it in But there are fans here that love it when we lose.
I refuse to discuss this team with co-workers.

When you try to, you will be amazed at the "fans" that have absolutely no clue whatsoever what is going on right now about this team and what changes every year.

I honestly think we really have the most uneducated fan base in the league.
I have poured a lot into this team over the years.

And frankly, being told I am less of a fan because I am negative about reality, that is offensive.

It all dwells down to life perspectives.

We all deal with life in our own way.

You are uber positive. K. Got it.

Totally separate issue.
I'm still an Uber driver every now and then only do uber eats now though no one is riding in my vehicle ever again except for family. Uber riders are rude as he double hockey pucks
Add some peaches and you are a 9.4325587777888999
I have some. Was saving them for hand turned Ice-cream tomorrow.https://encrypted-tbn0.***NOT-ALLOWED***/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSyt-Q1bVfBxPfx9Pu128QxFrlW2JUpL-OZZw&usqp=CAU

https://encrypted-tbn0.***NOT-ALLOWED***/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT36olty-Bi9aO8OkFph6Qcgl4COKzfBuJqNA&usqp=CAU Just better when you earn it..:flagwave:

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