Quitters quit it’s what you do easily.Fool me once shame on you.
Fool me twice shame on me.
Fool me 26 times in a row? Nope.
You got big eyes!Pleased to meet you. I'm Abby Normal.
All of us feel the same way. The difference is that you expect the worst and some of us hope for the best.This team has been all talk for 20 years
I’m a Show me don’t tell me fan at this point
Definitely a 10.....Cowboy fan since the beginning. Always optimistic. I love football but don’t get emotionally wrapped up in it like many on here. It’s an entertainment venue for me...one of many
Puro Cowboy
All of us feel the same way. The difference is that you expect the worst and some of us hope for the best.
win the division maybe conference and saying 11 games.Positive? We're winning the SB that's a 10
Negative? We suck case Jerry and Dak suck! That's a 1.
I'm at about an 8....what are you?
im curious why your here?You know, the longer I have hung around Cowboys message boards, the more this kind of question bothers me.
There is no special designation that any "fan" has to have.
If you are wasting your time on a message board, you kind of care.
How has no one put your teeth down your throat? I mean you really are a POS. I would pay to see you face-planted.Quitters quit it’s what you do easily.
Positive? We're winning the SB that's a 10
Negative? We suck case Jerry and Dak suck! That's a 1.
I'm at about an 8....what are you?
All of us feel the same way. The difference is that you expect the worst and some of us hope for the best.
Rockport blind homerism - 500,000
Ranching 1000
You know, Rock, I don't see you as a 'hope for the best' type. That's what a realist is, we know (see more than know to be honest) the team has deficiencies - the defense is a huge question mark and the QB leaves a lot to be desired. But we 'hope for the best' because we are fans, even when the product is a poop show in the making.
You, on the other hand, strike me as a blind homer type who sees hall of famers at every position and thinks the super bowl is a given. When they fail you are absolutely stunned and start the blame game, but you direct the criticism in all the wrong places. If there was a meter for blind homerism I would put you at 500,000.
Pappy, I added Rock to your list.