What qualifies a SPORT to skill and/or Hobby

ZeroClub;1525053 said:
This is an interesting criteria, but it has exceptions too.

Clearly downhill skiing is a sport. Bobsledding is an Olympic sport. Luge too.

I'd say that motorcycle racing is more of a sport than auto racing because motorcycle racing is more of a whole body sport (e.g., countersteering and correct body lean required in turns, etc.). It requires significant body control, similar to bobsledding and luge.


Fighter pilots aren't considered athletes and yet there is a good bit of overlap among the skills demanded of fighter pilots and NASCAR drivers. Fighter pilots have to account for more variables....

None of those Are Sports, Nice point,
jman;1525065 said:
Simple definition...

If you can do it while eat nacho's and drinking beer...not a sport.

If there is no score kept or is judged by a panel...not a sport.

So Olymipic skating is judged and there is a panel. No way that is a sport
jcollins28;1525167 said:
First off fat NASCAR drivers are the "first baseman" of race car drivers. F1 drivers and CHAMP CAR drivers are just as fit as any athlete that you will find. The strength that it takes to man handle a 850 hp CHAMP CAR around a road course with no power steering no traction control with very low down force is something I would love to see you 9-5 freeway fanatics take a stab at. Real race car drivers are every bit the athlete and sportsman that stick and ball guys are.

See I love the Nascar indy car debate, whose better wich is harder. I consider both non sports. I do think indy and F1 is or looks much harder but then again making lefts all day can be quite taxing:rolleyes:
ilovejerry;1525306 said:
See I love the Nascar indy car debate, whose better wich is harder. I consider both non sports. I do think indy and F1 is or looks much harder but then again making lefts all day can be quite taxing:rolleyes:

Come on now driving is not a Sport. What about hunting I swear If one of you guys say its a sport......:mad:

Now if you were hunting bears with your hands and no weapons, I would consider it, But hiding in a tree with camos and squeaking a duck noise maker and blasting a bird is really not that difficult. Staying in a tree all day and trying to stay balanced with like 30 40 beers in you thats a different story.
ilovejerry;1525322 said:
Come on now driving is not a Sport. What about hunting I swear If one of you guys say its a sport......:mad:

Now if you were hunting bears with your hands and no weapons, I would consider it, But hiding in a tree with camos and squeaking a duck noise maker and blasting a bird is really not that difficult. Staying in a tree all day and trying to stay balanced with like 30 40 beers in you thats a different story.

In my book racing is a sport so we'll just have to agree to disagree.

As for hunting, I have never done it and don't care anything about it.
jman;1525065 said:
Simple definition...

If you can do it while eat nacho's and drinking beer...not a sport.

If there is no score kept or is judged by a panel...not a sport.

All sports have some sort of judge or panel. There are refs in football who judge penalties, which have can have a big impact on the game. An umpire in baseball can be huge in determining a game. Maybe it is the degree to which a judge or panel determines the outcome of the sport or game or skill.

Take gymnastics for example. I heard them talking about Newman doing back flips at practice last week. He is probably in the minority of the great athletes in the NFL that can do a back flip. I doubt any of them can do the skills of Olympic gymnasts, which is a combination of power, strength, dexterity, agility, flexibility, balance and endurance. I am in awe at some of the things that gymnasts can do. It is unfortunate that their events are determined so heavily on the opinion of a group of judges. A refs bad call here and there can influence a football game, but in gymnastics and similar events that is are there is determining the winner.

There are really no judges or scores in track. The first one to cross the line wins. Pretty basic.

There are a few definitions to sport. I like the one that includes defense. A person in direct opposition of you trying to perform your sport. You try to shoot a basketball and someone is in your face. You serve a tennis ball and someone is there firing it back at you. You don't have that in golf or bowling. You don't have it in gymnastics. You also don't have it in track, either. Someone may be running next to you pushing you mentally, but no one is trying to hold you back physically. You do have that in auto racing. Some other car boxing you in or rubbing you. I am not a race fan and in particular NASCAR. If I am going to watch cars go fast, then I will watch Indy cars because they go faster. But I sure as heck appreciate the effort it takes to be in a car for 3 hours with no air conditioning, driving fast and making quick decisions in close quarters.

I also think of the Olympic motto when I think of sport. "Citius, Altius, Fortius" (faster, higher, stronger). Bowling doesn't meet that criteria. Most everything else does meet that to some extent.

Bowling and golf are ones that I would not consider sports by definition. Of course definitions change and due to the competitive nature of those events, they have become incorporated as such. I got no problem with that.
joseephuss;1525431 said:
There are really no judges or scores in track. The first one to cross the line wins. Pretty basic.
Not exactly. Someone has to judge false starts, fouls, lane violations, etc. The "field" events same thing... someone judges how far they threw the shotput, whether their toe crossed the line on the long jump, etc.

Know what I've learned? There is no singular definition for what is and what is not a sport. This is as good as I can put it.

sport --- /spɔrt, spoʊrt/ [spawrt, spohrt]
1.an athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often of a competitive nature, as racing, baseball, tennis, golf, bowling, wrestling, boxing, hunting, fishing, etc.
2.a particular form of this, esp. in the out of doors.
diversion; recreation; pleasant pastime.

peplaw06;1525453 said:
Not exactly. Someone has to judge false starts, fouls, lane violations, etc. The "field" events same thing... someone judges how far they threw the shotput, whether their toe crossed the line on the long jump, etc.

Know what I've learned? There is no singular definition for what is and what is not a sport. This is as good as I can put it.

sport --- /spɔrt, spoʊrt/ [spawrt, spohrt]
1.an athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often of a competitive nature, as racing, baseball, tennis, golf, bowling, wrestling, boxing, hunting, fishing, etc.
2.a particular form of this, esp. in the out of doors.
diversion; recreation; pleasant pastime.

Sure there is some judging going on in track and field. The judges just don't have the same type of impact in track and field as they do in other sports. It is easier to judge if a shot putter crossed the line than it is judging if a figure skater used proper technique. It is not an abstract judgment. There is a line and a competitors foot. Did it cross? Sure a judge can mess that up every now and then and change the course of events. Pretty rare and hard to do. A judge in figure skating or gymnastics has less solid boundaries to work with making their judgments more inconsistent. Judge 1 may like to see the toes pointed a little more than Judge 2.

You aren't really judging how far they throw a shot, discus or javelin, either. You are measuring it. Sure there is some judgment, but not really. Not on the scale of a ref in football or a judge in figure skating.

Track and field are just more pure at trying to eliminate judgment, but nothing is entirely pure. There is always some amount of influence of judgment. Someone posted to have judges or panels eliminates something from being a sport. That would eliminate pretty much everything.
ilovejerry;1525322 said:
Come on now driving is not a Sport. What about hunting I swear If one of you guys say its a sport......:mad:

Now if you were hunting bears with your hands and no weapons, I would consider it, But hiding in a tree with camos and squeaking a duck noise maker and blasting a bird is really not that difficult. Staying in a tree all day and trying to stay balanced with like 30 40 beers in you thats a different story.

Hunting is a Ball less...Gutless no way in Hell... a Sport.
peplaw06;1525453 said:
Not exactly. Someone has to judge false starts, fouls, lane violations, etc. The "field" events same thing... someone judges how far they threw the shotput, whether their toe crossed the line on the long jump, etc.

Know what I've learned? There is no singular definition for what is and what is not a sport. This is as good as I can put it.

sport --- /spɔrt, spoʊrt/ [spawrt, spohrt]
1.an athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often of a competitive nature, as racing, baseball, tennis, golf, bowling, wrestling, boxing, hunting, fishing, etc.
2.a particular form of this, esp. in the out of doors.
diversion; recreation; pleasant pastime.

My simple defintion: if someone has to tell me who won an athletic endeavor, then it's not a sport, it's a competition.

Swimming - sport

Diving - competition

Combat sports are the only asterisks because sometimes an official must tell us who won but that's not a requirement.
Yeagermeister;1525347 said:
In my book racing is a sport so we'll just have to agree to disagree.

Absolutely, I just wanted to see who thinks what. No problem

As for hunting, I have never done it and don't care anything about it.

Either do I but I know people will consider that a sport as well.
ConcordCowboy;1525528 said:
Hunting is a Ball less...Gutless no way in Hell... a Sport.

I concur, but I got into many heated debates over this issue thats why I'm throwing it out there.
StanleySpadowski;1525545 said:
My simple defintion: if someone has to tell me who won an athletic endeavor, then it's not a sport, it's a competition.

Swimming - sport

Diving - competition

Combat sports are the only asterisks because sometimes an official must tell us who won but that's not a requirement.

Semantics... football is also a competition. The definition I found for sport on dictionary.com included the words, "often of a competitive nature."

There are obviously different types of sports. Motor sports, extreme sports, team sports, etc. There are two reasons one goes hunting/fishing. One if for food, the other is for "sport."

ilovejerry... love ya bud, but refusing to consider something a sport simply because women can play is out there. You know as well as I do that there are some women who are probably more athletic than you are. Sure, they may not be as athletic as the most athletic of men, but it doesn't make them less of an athlete.

What if I started drawing lines as to who was an "intellectual?" If you don't do x job, or make x amount of dollars, or score x on a test, or didn't complete x amount of education, then you aren't "intellectual." Do you think it would be fair for one person to define what makes you an intellectual? Of course not.

Go ahead and do whatever it is you want to do. If you don't want to consider it a sport, fine by me. I'm not going to argue with you over it. What's the point anyway? Is it for ego? Is it so you can feel superior to someone?

Sorry I don't get my jollies off by creating definitions that place people below me. If you're a fan of something, be a fan. If you're not, don't be. But don't denigrate someone else because they're a fan or participant of something you don't consider to be a "real sport." I poured 4 years of my high school life into something you don't consider to be a "real sport," not to mention a portion of my college life and teaching lessons for a couple of years. So don't call it a sport, fine by me. It's not going to hurt my feelings. I know better.


sorry ilovejerry... i'm not meaning to aim my rant at you, that's just how it came out. ;)
peplaw06;1525620 said:
Semantics... football is also a competition. The definition I found for sport on dictionary.com included the words, "often of a competitive nature."

There are obviously different types of sports. Motor sports, extreme sports, team sports, etc. There are two reasons one goes hunting/fishing. One if for food, the other is for "sport."

ilovejerry... love ya bud, but refusing to consider something a sport simply because women can play is out there. You know as well as I do that there are some women who are probably more athletic than you are. Sure, they may not be as athletic as the most athletic of men, but it doesn't make them less of an athlete.

I agree, I never said a women can;t be an athlete hell I married one. But In the Sports I list, as what I deem a Sport until I see a woman contribute on any level and not just for propaganda and to sell tickets, I will stand corrected.

What if I started drawing lines as to who was an "intellectual?" If you don't do x job, or make x amount of dollars, or score x on a test, or didn't complete x amount of education, then you aren't "intellectual." Do you think it would be fair for one person to define what makes you an intellectual? Of course not.
Of course not.
That has nothing to do with Team sports. Its a question of Genetics. not intellect.Don't get me wrong I know you need both intellect and physical strength to play sports but women just don't have the strength men do.

Go ahead and do whatever it is you want to do. If you don't want to consider it a sport, fine by me. I'm not going to argue with you over it. What's the point anyway? Is it for ego? Is it so you can feel superior to someone?

No, just want to see what people think thats all. Don't get your dress all ruffled Judy;)

Sorry I don't get my jollies off by creating definitions that place people below me. If you're a fan of something, be a fan. If you're not, don't be. But don't denigrate someone else because they're a fan or participant of something you don't consider to be a "real sport." I poured 4 years of my high school life into something you don't consider to be a "real sport," not to mention a portion of my college life and teaching lessons for a couple of years. So don't call it a sport, fine by me. It's not going to hurt my feelings. I know better.


sorry ilovejerry... I'm not meaning to aim my rant at you, that's just how it came out. ;)

Again reread what I wrote who cares what people think is a sport or not. Its tennis and other non sports guys who are so insecure about what a sport is,
and I luv ya too buddy
ilovejerry;1524253 said:
I had a discussion yesterday with a few Bowlers and I told them its not a sport. I also was listening to Ferrell ( for those of you with Sirius Radio ) you know who he is, He's the man. anyway,I would like to see what peoples opinion is on here. So fire away

Soccer/football ( don't want my E.U friends mad at me )


(and anything else a woman can do!!!!)

OK I know I'm going to get killed for that but I don't care!!!
There you go let it begin.......

Here's the way this works, junior...

I played football, basketball and tennis in high school...

I was good at all three, but I was offered a tennis scholarship by a few universities...

Tennis, far and away, was the hardest to prepare for as an athlete...

I was a better football and basketball player as a result of my participation in tennis...

Tennis absolutely is a sport... without question...
ZeroClub;1525171 said:
I hope that we can all agree that competitive eating is not a sport.

that's news to me. And here I am thinking I was a playoff contender 8 times a year ;)
I stick to my 2 criteria.

As for Tennis, it meets both of those criteria. I don't care if it's 1 person versus another, or 5 on 5. It's a sport.
trickblue;1525754 said:
Here's the way this works, junior...

I played football, basketball and tennis in high school...

I was good at all three, but I was offered a tennis scholarship by a few universities...

Tennis, far and away, was the hardest to prepare for as an athlete...

I was a better football and basketball player as a result of my participation in tennis...

Tennis absolutely is a sport... without question...

Here's the way it works for me senior,;)

I played Football, baseball and hockey, I was offered a scholarship by allot of Universities.. So whats the point ( That you were good enough to have a school invest in you )

Tennis was hard for YOU to prepare for. Without question? To you because you found it hard. But to allot of people in this country its not a sport...

Thats what makes it the greatest country in the world we can all agree to Disagree..

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