What team will have the guts to draft Sam? What round

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Just sayin...

Now that's funny lol
There is a difference between being bullied and true hate crimes. The injustices towards black people were hate crimes. The injustices towards gay people are hate crimes.

You seem to have some issues with gay people. That's on you. I see intolerance as intolerance. And I hardly consider myself ignorant or disrespectful.

I really hate the term hate crime, all crime is rooted in hate and lets be real it is really an one way street. And actually many groups are trying to get bullying to fall under "hate" crime legislation.
I really hate the term hate crime, all crime is rooted in hate and lets be real it is really an one way street. And actually many groups are trying to get bullying to fall under "hate" crime legislation.

Me too. To emphasis the penalty of a crime based on who the victim is is discrimination.
Which goes back to my point. Why should gay people have to "conform" to what you think is normal to "fit in"?

In this case a guy wants to play professional football without having to constantly hide who he is or listen to perpetual rumors and innuendo. And considering there are already numerous people who know about this, eventually some reporter is going to put this on the front page whether he likes it or not. Why not put that information out there on his own terms? He is obviously in no way ashamed or embarrassed about who he is, nor should he be.

They should not and that was not my point. THe point was it was wrong to compare the gay rights movement to black rights. Closet gays had more rights in the 1900's than blacks did at the same time. Being gay was taboo but as long as you were in the closet no one knew or cared. Whereas blacks couldn't closet their skin. Lets be real here gays have been treated more fairly than blacks through most of recent history in the United States.
I long for the day when people could just keep their mouths shut about their personal lives. I don't give 400 rat's *** who, or what you like to sleep with. Just play football, be good at it and keep your private business to yourself.

I hate to be the one to break it to you, but it is only going to get worse.
With all this discussion imagine if he was one of the top 5 players in the draft?
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