What team will have the guts to draft Sam? What round

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Bigotry is bigotry, yes, in this universe. Black men had to cross that boundary. Women have had to cross that boundary. Gay people are now attempting to cross that boundary.

When gays can't drink out of the same water fountain as straight people let me know, when gays can't go to school with straight people let me know, when gays can't eat at the same lunch counter as straight people let me know, should I go on?
I just don't understand why he put it out there in the first place, I don't care to know what people choose to do with their lives and I'm sure you don't care either. He should have done what he did at Missouri, which is let his team and the people that he is close to know and keep it in house. It's not my business or anyone else's.

Why should he live his life in secret? Why should a person he is with be kept in the shadow. NFL players do not do that to their wives. Also the reaction should this come out from other sources the media would really be all over it. I don't mind this guy coming out now at least he can live his life open and focuse on the task at hand of playing football.
If he's not playing center, it shouldn't be an issue.

OK, can't believe I just said that. It's a slow Monday :cool:

Back to the OP; I think most teams will have no issue at all with taking him.
When gays can't drink out of the same water fountain as straight people let me know, when gays can't go to school with straight people let me know, when gays can't eat at the same lunch counter as straight people let me know, should I go on?

How about when gays can't play on the same football team as straight people?
Bigotry is bigotry, yes, in this universe. Black men had to cross that boundary. Women have had to cross that boundary. Gay people are now attempting to cross that boundary.
Translation: "Please stop telling me things that are true that I don't like."

That is my opinion, .. and having black users on the board agree with me, and thank me for saying it, and for understanding their feelings, .. makes me think I will stick with my opinion on that matter.

Surprised that people can't see how that offends a black man/woman.
That is my opinion, .. and having black users on the board agree with me, and thank me for saying it, and understanding their feelings, .. makes me think I will stick with my opinion on that matter.

Surprised that people can't see how that offends a black man/woman.

I can't see it because I'm not a bigot. There's nothing wrong with being black or gay. Period.
Only if he or the media feels he is getting a fair shake, will it fade. If the media or the player himself feels he is getting unfair shake or targeted for bullying or something will it grow and could be detrimental to a team depending on his draft spot. If he sucks is he man enough to accept that or will he run to the media and state he felt he was cut too soon?

The guy is at best a mid round pick he is not an overly big guy to be playing on the DL and his skills as a player will show or they won't.
Why should he live his life in secret? Why should a person he is with be kept in the shadow. NFL players do not do that to their wives. Also the reaction should this come out from other sources the media would really be all over it. I don't mind this guy coming out now at least he can live his life open and focuse on the task at hand of playing football.

He doesn't have to, he could have just shown up with his boyfriend and let the media discover it for themselves, there is no need to let the world now what kind of lifestyle you live, just live it and let that speak for itself.
When gays can't drink out of the same water fountain as straight people let me know, when gays can't go to school with straight people let me know, when gays can't eat at the same lunch counter as straight people let me know, should I go on?

When gays cannot marry one another in many states ... oh wait
Bigotry is bigotry, yes, in this universe. Black men had to cross that boundary. Women have had to cross that boundary. Gay people are now attempting to cross that boundary.

I condemn bigotry of any kind, I also live in Hollywood where about a quarter of the city is gay. But that analogy completely breaks down because the treatment of the black community in 1947 was totally, widely different than the treatment of the gay community is today, 67 years later.
When gays can't drink out of the same water fountain as straight people let me know, when gays can't go to school with straight people let me know, when gays can't eat at the same lunch counter as straight people let me know, should I go on?

Gay people live in fear of their lives in some places. Afraid to really be themselves.

They have been murdered, beaten, ridiculed and humiliated. They have been disavowed by their families. They have been made to feel guilty for what they are.

Black people were judged by white people. All races hate on gay people. As disgusting as it is.
That is my opinion, .. and having black users on the board agree with me, and thank me for saying it, and for understanding their feelings, .. makes me think I will stick with my opinion on that matter.

Surprised that people can't see how that offends a black man/woman.

and gays are unfairly treated. Treating people will respect should be a given but you have people saying well Dallas should not get him why? the media will make a big deal or players would not like them. How is that not wrong? He is a person and should not have to live in the shadows to make you or anyone else feel alright. And yes there was a time blacks were made to feel the same why where other players did not want to share a room with them or have them on the team. That was wrong and this is just as wrong.
Gay people live in fear of their lives in some places. Afraid to really be themselves.

They have been murdered, beaten, ridiculed and humiliated. They have been disavowed by their families. They have been made to feel guilty for what they are.

Black people were judged by white people. All races hate on gay people. As disgusting as it is.

Many people live in fear for different reasons, but there is no need to compare everybody who gets picked on to black people, it's really disrespectful to do so.
This comment is against the rules, and you know that so I'm not about to go there with you.

So you can claim gay people aren't discriminated against. But I cannot point out how they are?

That's a ridiculous rule if it exists as it allows you to promote a view that is clearly incorrect.
The discussion thread is devolving...

Let's keep it about the man, football, and the lockeroom.
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