They don't numb the whole foot, firehawk...just a little spot about the size of a quarter or 50 cent piece where the injury exists...then tape it real good.
But, I for one am not going to commit suicide if he can't play for the first 4 or 5 games. If the TEAM cannot win without him, then they are not a good team to begin with...and I say that because what if he was lost for the whole season? There would be posters around here slapping their wives, beating their dogs, etc.!!
I've had a bad throwing shoulder during baseball where my right shoulder had a small tear and the doctor put in some cortizone and it healed up after a few weeks then I was good to go...(i know, this is not a fooball player, but the docs know what to do)...
What you are discribing about sitting on the floor and your foot or leg going numb is just a cause of lack of blood flow, whereas treating it with a small area, the blood is still flowing there...