The DLR autobiography is a regular read while sitting on the throne.
The story basically goes as follows......
The contract rider was filled with a bunch of techincal specs,electronic requirements as well as needed a floor strong enough to support VH stage show at the time.
Well in the middle of all this they put...."there will be no brown m&ms in the backstage area upon pain of forfeiture of the show with full compensation.
If they arrived backstage and found the brown M&Ms then that meant the hosting arena didnt read the contract fully and all of the requirements and such had to checked and rechecked again.
Well the folks in pueblo colo didnt read the contract because as well as the brown m&ms the stage sank thru the basketball floor in the arena.
Roth thrashed the backstage area and did no more then a 1000$ worth of the damage.
But the flooring had to be replaced to the tune of 80,000 and of course it came out in the press that Roth did 80,000 worth of damage himself.
Roth later said "well who am i to get in the way of a good rumour.