What's Your Favorite Scary Movie?

I enjoyed "Halloween III: Season of the Witch". I know a lot of others hated it, but I liked the contrast between it and the many slasher films that came out in that time period.

Another one I liked that most did not was "Blair Witch 2". It was so drastically different than the first (not too mention the huge plot holes) that it's easy to see why most hated it.
I don't really watch those kinds of movies anymore, probably because they aren't scary to me as an adult. But when I was younger, these movies I thought were pretty scary, so they're probably my favorites:

Trilogy of Terror
The Exorcist
Satan's Triangle






Jammer;4589506 said:
I watched that movie many years ago when it was still playing in movie theaters. I was so nervous before watching it because I heard so many stories of how people were losing their minds while watching it. I watched it and then thought it was only mildly scary. But I will admit I was a minority of my friends who thought that way who saw it with me.

My favorite scary movie is Halloween and Halloween II. It looks stale by today's standards, but in its day I loved it as a scary movie. Now, no movie scares me. It doesn't matter what they throw at me. I yawn and move on.
ur talking like 73 cause thats when it was out lol Exorcist was scariest movie for me as well. Blair Witch Project scared the poop outta me only cause I thought it was real lol
Alien Resurrection because it was really gross and gory and sickening. Cloverfield was pretty neat-o too.
Kristen82;4590395 said:
Alien Resurrection because it was really gross and gory and sickening. Cloverfield was pretty neat-o too.

Some like "Resurrection" because it was kinda quirky. Some don't care for the story.

Watch the whole series from the first one on, then judge. :)
Cowboys&LakersFan;4589457 said:
Mine is the original Nightmare on Elm Street whats yours?

Michael Myers >> Jason Voorhees and Freddy Kruger

Scary movies for the psychological aspects are worse like Black Swan and Sixth Sense. Made the hair on my arms stand up.
juck;4590288 said:
ur talking like 73 cause thats when it was out lol Exorcist was scariest movie for me as well. Blair Witch Project scared the poop outta me only cause I thought it was real lol
I was laughing so hard at Blair Witch that I started choking and didn't finish watching it in the theater. Don't know why I rented it after it hit DVD. My sides were killing me by the time the movie ended.
Sam I Am;4590004 said:
Definitely not slasher movies or anything like that. I just really don't get into those.

Twisted horror movies would definitely be the type that I like. To me Halloween 3 was the best Halloween movie. It had nothing to do with Michael Myers. As noted eariler, Silence of the Lambs or In the Mouth of Madness, or even several Stephen King horror movies.

Season of the Witch was not the best Hallowe'en movie although seeing that woman's face half burned off or the kid's head turn to snakes was pretty cool.
Rynie;4589969 said:

Nothing has or will ever top this one.

My favorite horror movie by far.
MichaelWinicki;4590429 said:
Some like "Resurrection" because it was kinda quirky. Some don't care for the story.

Watch the whole series from the first one on, then judge. :)

The Alien series is an interesting one. The first, third and fourth installments are all considered creepy "horror" flicks, whereas "Aliens" is regarded as a shoot 'em up space western known more for it's action than it's scare tactics.

Personally, Alien and Aliens stand head and shoulders above the last two. Alien 3 is a decent movie but doesn't measure up to the first two. Resurrection is just awful IMO. The plot was just slopped together for the sake of making another movie, they should have let it die where it should have after the third movie.
ScipioCowboy;4590212 said:

The commercials and trailers for Suspiria scared me so much as a kid that I was a little apprehensive to finally watch it as adult. The spell it once had over me has been forever shattered, though, as I found it rather cheesy and overly stylized.
The30YardSlant;4591510 said:
The Alien series is an interesting one. The first, third and fourth installments are all considered creepy "horror" flicks, whereas "Aliens" is regarded as a shoot 'em up space western known more for it's action than it's scare tactics.

Personally, Alien and Aliens stand head and shoulders above the last two. Alien 3 is a decent movie but doesn't measure up to the first two. Resurrection is just awful IMO. The plot was just slopped together for the sake of making another movie, they should have let it die where it should have after the third movie.

That's a pretty good description of the Alien series.

I couldn't get into #3.

#4 struck me more as a "Made for TV" movie. Today, we would call it a "Straight to DVD" movie.

I didn't like that they went to all the trouble of saving Newt in #2, just to kill her off right away in #3.

But I can understand the problems they would have had making her a central character in #3, since that movie was made 6 years after #2... "My Newt, my memory must be flawed, last time I saw you, you were a foot shorter and didn't have boobs." :laugh2:
The30YardSlant;4591510 said:
The Alien series is an interesting one. The first, third and fourth installments are all considered creepy "horror" flicks, whereas "Aliens" is regarded as a shoot 'em up space western known more for it's action than it's scare tactics.

Personally, Alien and Aliens stand head and shoulders above the last two. Alien 3 is a decent movie but doesn't measure up to the first two. Resurrection is just awful IMO. The plot was just slopped together for the sake of making another movie, they should have let it die where it should have after the third movie.

I love the whole franchise. I even like the AVPs.
AmarilloCowboyFan;4591691 said:
I love the whole franchise. I even like the AVPs.

The AVPs are good for mindless entertainment I suppose. But I think Ridley Scott's latest little effort, there at the very end of it, just blew a gaping hole through the entire AVP franchise.
Phoenix;4591700 said:
The AVPs are good for mindless entertainment I suppose. But I think Ridley Scott's latest little effort, there at the very end of it, just blew a gaping hole through the entire AVP franchise.
I haven't seen it yet, going later this week.

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