What's your gut feeling?


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I have a very calm gut feeling that Dallas wins and we see the Landry Hitch again this week.


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My gut feeling going into the Lions game was the Cowboys were going to pull it out in a fistfight. I posted I thought there was a good chance it would be a 3 point game in the final 7 minutes and nailed it. My calls were way off like most prior to the season but I've been pretty dead on during the season except for the Seattle game in which I thought like everyone else the Cowboys would lose. I feel too much favors the Packers in this game. They've been dominant at Lambeau this season and the Cowboys history playing at Lambeau is 1-5. The game time temps are suppose to be around 21 degrees and I can't recall the Cowboys winning a game under Romo in sub 30 degree temps. The Cowboys running game has stalled the past few weeks which has forced Romo to have to do more in the passing game. Romo has had over 30 attempts the past 2 games and had only 30 plus attempts once in his last 8 games prior. Murray has looked tired and if the Cowboys can't run the ball effectively it's going to put a lot on Romo's shoulders which could lead to some mistakes. He was sacked a season high 6 times last week and did say he was feeling sore. The cold weather could stiffen his back up if he's subjected to too many hits on Sunday.

The Packers D has 41 sacks and will come after him so it's critical the Cowboys get a solid running game going so he doesn't have to shoulder the load. Of Romo's 12 elimination game turnovers 11 have come on the road mostly due to the Cowboys getting behind and Romo being under a lot of pressure. He's been dreadful on the road in do or die games and although he's had a great 2014 season and has bucked a number of bad trends we'll just have to see if he can protect the football tomorrow. What worries me is the fumbles that pop up with him when he's being pressured. He had a fumble last week but fortunately the Cowboys got it back. Protecting the ball can be a problem in cold weather. I don't have a real good feeling about the Cowboys secondary which has continued to have coverage issues and with an ineffective pass rush this can lead to trouble facing Aaron Rodgers and his receiving corp. I posted earlier in the season I thought the Cowboys downfall will end up being their lack of a pass rush vs an elite QB. Although the Cowboys defense has improved over last season they still bend and Rodgers can break a defense with his lethal arm. He had 6 TD passes in one half this season we can only hope we don't see that Aaron Rodgers tomorrow.

Although I don't have a good feeling about tomorrows game I can envision the Cowboys winning based on the team they have this season and how they've refused to quit. This is one of the most resilient Cowboy teams I can remember having come from behind to win several games this season including last week. This team has overcome several 2 score deficits and one 3 score deficit but I can't see them overcoming a 2-3 score deficit tomorrow. There's a chance with Rodgers calf injury and lack of practice time this past week that he could be off his game some. No one is going to beat the Packers with Rodgers A-game but they're beatable if he's off. We've seen the blueprint for beating the Packers this season and it's applying PRESSURE on Rodgers. If he's off then I can see the Cowboys winning IF they can get some pressure on him. Even with his injury he can destroy a defense from the pocket so if the Cowboys can force him to have to ad lib and move laterally to avoid pressure it makes this game very winnable for the Cowboys. They have to keep the game close and not allow the Packers to jump out quick or they'll walk off with this game by the 3rd quarter. The Cowboys can't afford to get down by anymore than a TD or it's going to be a long day. I'm torn on this game because I can see the Cowboys winning but my gut says the Packers will find a way to pull it out against the Cowboys defense. Hope I'm wrong!


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I wanted Green Bay first because I thought we matched up better vs them and would have liked Detroit on the road. I feel much better vs the Packers.


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Packers and Cowboy played Lions in back to back weeks. The Lions never touched Rodgers except when Suh did his stupid antic yet the Lions got to Romo six times the following week. If the Packers o-line can keep the Lions off of Rodgers, there is no reason to think that Rodgers will have all the time in the world in the pocket against the Cowboys. The only teams that have beaten Rodgers over the past couple of years have been teams with great defenses and mobile QBs. The Cowboys have neither. Rodgers if familiar with Marinelli. It may take him a half quarter to figure out what they are doing, but once he does, The RainMan of QB will have his way.

Prediction 34-21 Packers. On to Seattle....


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I wanted Green Bay first because I thought we matched up better vs them and would have liked Detroit on the road. I feel much better vs the Packers.

Can't see how you would think the Cowboys match up better with Green Bay than Detroit when the Cowboys weakness is their pass rush and secondary. That's not a good match up facing one of the greatest QB's of our era who has a very good receiving corp that includes a 1500 yard receiver in Jordy Nelson. There's no NFC playoff team the Cowboys match up worse against than the Packers.


What is this, a crossover episode?
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
I feel better about the Cowboys against the Packers defense, but I am hella scared of what Rodgers will do.


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This is a game where the Cowboys are going to miss not having a Demarcus Ware someone the Packers have to game plan for who can help free up other players to the QB. If the Cowboys don't get pressure on Rodgers they'll lose by at least 2 scores unless he's off his game and not seeing the field the way he normally does. Rodgers injury gives the Cowboys a great chance because the Packers usually don't win when Rodgers is off his game but it's rare for him to be off his game.


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If Rodgers is on his absolute 'A' game the Packers win. Otherwise, I favor the Cowboys.


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My guy feeling is that the only way we win is..

if Romo has a career game against Rodgers.

This is huge moment for Romo..

and I hope the rest of the team is there to help him.

Too often this team has stepped back and been beaten just when it seemed a breakthru was at hand.

Romo forever has had to do it all himself.

I'm hoping that changes this time.

Not sure what you've been watching but they've stepped up all year long, thats how they've gotten to where they are today.


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Not sure what you've been watching but they've stepped up all year long, thats how they've gotten to where they are today.

They've stepped up all year but I agree with the poster you responded to that this is a huge moment for Romo facing an elite QB like Aaron Rodgers in a playoff game. Beating him at Lambeau would go a long way into changing the perception many have of Romo. QB's are like fighters they're judged by how they perform in the biggest games matched up against great QB's. What makes a great fighters career isn't the number of wins it's winning the big fights against great fighters.

Don Corleone

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I feel better about the Cowboys against the Packers defense, but I am hella scared of what Rodgers will do.

The Packers should be scared of what Romo can do. Oh and I'll take Dez and Murray over Nelson and Lacy any day and twice on Sundays.


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They've stepped up all year but I agree with the poster you responded to that this is a huge moment for Romo facing an elite QB like Aaron Rodgers in a playoff game. Beating him at Lambeau would go a long way into changing the perception many have of Romo. QB's are like fighters they're judged by how they perform in the biggest games matched up against great QB's. What makes a great fighters career isn't the number of wins it's winning the big fights against great fighters.

Others perception of Romo is completely irrelevant to me, i've watched him his entire career and know what he's all about. Again, this team has stepped up all year long. This is about the TEAM not Romo, folks who know the game know this. Lets go Cowboys!


What is this, a crossover episode?
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
The Packers should be scared of what Romo can do. Oh and I'll take Dez and Murray over Nelson and Lacy any day and twice on Sundays.

Nelson/Rodgers is a little better than Dez/Romo. That being said, Murray over Lacy any day of the week.


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All you have to do to see how much the Packers depend on Rodgers is go back to the 2011 season when Green Bay went 15-1 with the 32nd ranked defense. That defense was almost as historically bad as the Cowboys defense was last season. It's amazing a team could win that many games with a defense like that but it shows how hard it is to beat the Packers when Rodgers is on his game. He had an MVP year that season and his only off game during the regular season resulted in the Packers only loss to KC. Rodgers ended up having another off game in the playoffs vs the Giants and again they lost. I mentioned in another post that in the Packers 4 losses this season Rodgers was sacked 9 times and had 5 turnovers. Beating the Packers all comes down to pressuring Rodgers. In the Packers only loss during the 2011 regular season Rodgers was sacked 4 times and lost a fumble. In the Packers loss to the Giants a few weeks later in the playoffs Rodgers was again sacked 4 times and suffered 2 turnovers. The blueprint for beating Green Bay is to pressure Aaron Rodgers even the greatest QB's don't respond well to pressure.


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Others perception of Romo is completely irrelevant to me, i've watched him his entire career and know what he's all about. Again, this team has stepped up all year long. This is about the TEAM not Romo, folks who know the game know this. Lets go Cowboys!

His performance primarily in playoff/elimination games is what's given him the perception many have of him. The perception he has may be irrelevant to you but many Cowboys fans and FANS care how he's viewed. It's about the team and Romo tomorrow if the team doesn't play well and loses Romo will take a some of the blame even if he plays well. Playoff wins and losses go on his record because he's the QB and his W/L record in the playoffs is how he's going to be judged. FANS may not like it but it's the nature of the position he plays it's like that will all QB's not just Romo. He's had a great season and was clutch last Sunday let's hope it continues.


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I was more worried about the Lions game, I just felt they were a very physical defensive front and had a better chance of holding up vs Dallas OL. I like our chances vs GB

This is pretty much my gut feeling too. I did not have a good feeling facing the Lions, for the reason you mentioned. For tomorrow's game, I give us more than just a puncher's chance. Especially if Murray gets 30 carries and Randle also gets a handful- maybe 6 or 7. Man, that would be beautiful.


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I mentioned how fighters are judged and some hate when I use a boxing analogy with QB's but there's some parallels . Ali wasn't viewed as a great fighter because of all the fights he won it was due to winning the big fights against the likes of the Sonny Liston's, Floyd Patterson's, Joe Frazier's, Ken Norton's and George Forman's of the boxing world. Even in golf Tiger Woods didn't become a great golfer by winning a lot of tournaments his career was built on winning majors. QB's are judged by how they perform in the playoffs especially matched against great QB's.


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His performance primarily in playoff/elimination games is what's given him the perception many have of him. The perception he has may be irrelevant to you but many Cowboys fans and FANS care how he's viewed. It's about the team and Romo tomorrow if the team doesn't play well and loses Romo will take a some of the blame even if he plays well. Playoff wins and losses go on his record because he's the QB and his W/L record in the playoffs is how he's going to be judged. FANS may not like it but it's the nature of the position he plays it's like that will all QB's not just Romo. He's had a great season and was clutch last Sunday let's hope it continues.

TEAM TEAM TEAM and TEAM..... Lets go Cowboys!