When did you stop watching?

To me that sounds like a bandwagon fan. Only watch when everything is going great, run for the hills when it goes bad. For me, the actual act of watching the Cowboy game is what makes me a fan. Not chatting on message boards or wearing Cowboys apparel. Fans that sit through every brutal second earn my respect as a fan. Just my opinion. Everyone can have their own definition of a true fan and they would probably be correct.

I can appreciate that. I've been doing that for alot of years. A true fan lives and dies with his team. That's what I did. Days to get over a loss especially the last 7 years due to the product on the field. Not believeing that performance was The Dallas Cowboys.

I don't mind losing if Dallas plays football. I don't mind a 8-8 season. Just not 3 years running. They are an absolute embarrassment at this point.

On that note, I don't need the stress and the pain of losing in the fashion Dallas does and does well. I will not give jerry the satisfaction anymore. He wants to keep on keepin on.........have at it. I got kids that love to be outside.

I ain't going anywhere either. 37 years of Dallas committment I deserve to be a fan. It's mine. He won't steal that from m. I just can't stomach the ineptness of this franchise and it's sickly culture, year after year.

What I really, really want is simple. Improvement. They can't even pull that off.
Fantastic post Seven.

More and more, I am finding other things to do on Sunday. I just don't see the point with this team. I am actually losing interest as a fan
I stopped watching (the live games) after the KC loss. After that it was clear to me that this team is medicore and will go nowhere near a Chamipionship.

The Giants game was already bad, but i wanted to wait another week or two to make up my mind.

This is where I was as well. I saw the writing on the wall but bleeding silver and blue.......I had to give it another chance.
Fantastic post Seven.

More and more, I am finding other things to do on Sunday. I just don't see the point with this team. I am actually losing interest as a fan

Thanks, Gaede.

This is where I'm at as well, as of late.
I can appreciate that. I've been doing that for alot of years. A true fan lives and dies with his team. That's what I did. Days to get over a loss especially the last 7 years due to the product on the field. Not believeing that performance was The Dallas Cowboys.

I don't mind losing if Dallas plays football. I don't mind a 8-8 season. Just not 3 years running. They are an absolute embarrassment at this point.

On that note, I don't need the stress and the pain of losing in the fashion Dallas does and does well. I will not give jerry the satisfaction anymore. He wants to keep on keepin on.........have at it. I got kids that love to be outside.

I ain't going anywhere either. 37 years of Dallas committment I deserve to be a fan. It's mine. He won't steal that from m. I just can't stomach the ineptness of this franchise and it's sickly culture, year after year.

What I really, really want is simple. Improvement. They can't even pull that off.

I agree!

I do have to admit i put the game on mute in the 4th quarter and helped my daughter with her spelling B words.
Became a fan in 1977, have watched every game through some difficult and disappointing seasons, some thrilling and wonderful seasons, suffered and celebrated, have followed every churn of the roster, for years have logged on here several times a day to read the minutae, cared about every player transaction, minor addition to the coaching staff, looked forward to September, to Sundays, but for some reason something inside of me has just stopped caring.

Rabid fan for 36 years, rabid fan up until a few weeks ago, then suddenly, unexpectedly, and inexplicably... it's gone. It's not anger, disappointment, depression, frustration. It's like all feeling is gone -- I just don't care one way or the other. Frankly, it has taken me by surprise.

Played football growing up, love the sport, had Cowboys posters on my wall as a kid, a Cowboys' cap on my head for decades, have hosted many a football or Super Bowl party, have hunched over online streams of the poorest imaginable quality, done all the normal fan stuff, but my interest in watching the Cowboys has disappeared -- from maximal a few weeks ago to nothing. Life is good, nothing else has happened, still rooting as passionately for my favorite teams in other sports but watching Cowboys' games has become deja vu. It's the same thing over and over and over. We've had bad stretches before and my love and preoccupation did not diminish amidst the frustration and disappointment, but this time something broke or snapped or something.

Because it was a national game I thought I'd tune in this past week because the Cowboys on Sunday Night Football has historically been incredibly enjoyable, even thrilling....... but play after play I just didn't care and thought of all the things I'd rather be be doing so got up and went and did them. The score was only 14-10 at the time but I felt no tension whatsoever -- it was like I was watching the second half of an exhibition game between two AFC teams.

I'm scratching my head at it all, but I guess I just had enough. I guess I'll pass the torch to better fans, and who knows, maybe my passion will come back again when the team has an identity that inspires me. Good luck guys.
Became a fan in 1977, have watched every game through some difficult and disappointing seasons, some thrilling and wonderful seasons, suffered and celebrated, have followed every churn of the roster, for years have logged on here several times a day to read the minutae, cared about every player transaction, minor addition to the coaching staff, looked forward to September, to Sundays, but for some reason something inside of me has just stopped caring.

Rabid fan for 36 years, rabid fan up until a few weeks ago, then suddenly, unexpectedly, and inexplicably... it's gone. It's not anger, disappointment, depression, frustration. It's like all feeling is gone -- I just don't care one way or the other. Frankly, it has taken me by surprise.

Played football growing up, love the sport, had Cowboys posters on my wall as a kid, a Cowboys' cap on my head for decades, have hosted many a football or Super Bowl party, have hunched over online streams of the poorest imaginable quality, done all the normal fan stuff, but my interest in watching the Cowboys has disappeared -- from maximal a few weeks ago to nothing. Life is good, nothing else has happened, still rooting as passionately for my favorite teams in other sports but watching Cowboys' games has become deja vu. It's the same thing over and over and over. We've had bad stretches before and my love and preoccupation did not diminish amidst the frustration and disappointment, but this time something broke or snapped or something.

Because it was a national game I thought I'd tune in this past week because the Cowboys on Sunday Night Football has historically been incredibly enjoyable, even thrilling....... but play after play I just didn't care and thought of all the things I'd rather be be doing so got up and went and did them. The score was only 14-10 at the time but I felt no tension whatsoever -- it was like I was watching the second half of an exhibition game between two AFC teams.

I'm scratching my head at it all, but I guess I just had enough. I guess I'll pass the torch to better fans, and who knows, maybe my passion will come back again when the team has an identity that inspires me. Good luck guys.

And here we all are...........Great post.

I hope the fire comes back for those of us who have lost it. It was a BLAST!
I started watching Casino on another station at halftime, despite seeing that movie a thousand times. Decided I wasn't going back to that nonsense on NBC, but of course I did because I can't help myself.

Watched it until the end, but unlike even 1 year ago, I wasn't even angry. I'm apathetic anymore because there appears to be no hope for the franchise.
To me that sounds like a bandwagon fan. Only watch when everything is going great, run for the hills when it goes bad. For me, the actual act of watching the Cowboy game is what makes me a fan. Not chatting on message boards or wearing Cowboys apparel. Fans that sit through every brutal second earn my respect as a fan. Just my opinion. Everyone can have their own definition of a true fan and they would probably be correct.

It's not a bandwagon fan at all. It's just the way the market works. I've been a fan since 1971, but I'm not buying any merch until this team gets better and I'm not obligated to sit through crappy play. I can shut off the TV and go do something productive like write in my plays or study foreign languages. Is Jones is going to waste my time with a crappy product, I'm cutting both the time and money I spend on him. It's market economics. If he can't field a quality product, sooner or later it's going to hit him in his pocketbook. I'll turn on the next game if they're showing it. I cut my subscription to the NFL Ticket because I didn't like shelling out my money to a zillionaire who keeps the product crappy. I did the same thing to Cabala's Mexican Restaurant. I used to love their food, but it got lousy at one point so I quit eating there. There isn't anyone here who's obligated in any way to patronize a lousy product. At some point when Jerry's pocketbook finally gets hit maybe he'll realize he has to hire a real GM to be able to put a quality team on the field.

A bandwagoner fan bails at the first sign of trouble and goes off and roots for the 49ers or the Chiefs or whoever happens to be hot at the moment. Just because you don't bandwagon like that does not mean that you have to excuse the same dumb mistakes over and over. This isn't the first sign of trouble, and I'm not running off to root for another NFL team. Jones has been making the same dumb mistakes repeatedly for years. Taking away our dollars and our time is the best possible thing for the team because it's the only thing that has any chance of making Jerry see reality. If not, the economic reality could at least force him to sell the team.
What's troubling to me is he is not going to be able to evaluate the defense this year and somewhat the offense outside of the film room. There's just not a proper sample. And that might delay some decisions that would have been more evident had the defense stayed on the field.

Yes!! That is what should concern all of us.
I cant believe some of you guys stopped watching your cowboys!! I dont mean during the Saints game, I mean the ones that gave up on the team overall. Hey you have that right and all that. At times I wish I had that will power. lol. I get suckered in and watch every week....but at least I am not expecting a lot.
I stopped watching when we failed to score after the onside kick...stopped recording the game and deleted game from TiVo and went on to watch The Walking Dead...it was a fun night
I watched every stinking play. I always do, I have to.

But in the middle of last season, I changed how I watch them.

I now watch them the way parents of the uncoordiated, chubby little "Little Leaguer" watches their kid.

They love their kid, they come and watch every game, they cheer him on, they hope he does good, but deep in their heart they know he is not going to rip a triple to RF in the last inning to win the game. They watch but they expect nothing.

That is how I watch Dallas now. Sad and embarassing, but true. I don't cheer when we do something good, I don't get mad when we do something bad. (I still roll my eyes at Garrett sometimes still, .. like when he was all bubbly and happy that he called the onsides kick and it worked. He acted like his brilliance might flip the momentum. He was so proud!)

But for the most part I just sit and watch it like a movie. They have stolen all of my emotions as I watch. I used to get fired up before games. Now it's like, .. whatever.

I used to get upset when announcers would talk bad about us, .. not anymore.

I used to argue and defend them to fans of other teams, .. not anymore.

For the most part I agree.

We are far far far from getting back to the top. And nobody in charge knows how to get there.

I watched every miserable play for the entire game, .. and I was just numb throughout.
I had the DVR the same. After a while, I just watched it in fast-forward. The Saint's Score reminded me filling up my gas tank.
I kept on it but mostly as background noise after halftime. Fired up the 360 for a bit.

I don't let losses bother me like they use to. I guess that is both good and bad.

It helps that I wasn't expecting much going into the game. It just felt like a bad match up.
I went to bed at half time, first time I have ever just not watched a game through to the end.
It's not a bandwagon fan at all. It's just the way the market works. I've been a fan since 1971, but I'm not buying any merch until this team gets better and I'm not obligated to sit through crappy play. I can shut off the TV and go do something productive like write in my plays or study foreign languages. Is Jones is going to waste my time with a crappy product, I'm cutting both the time and money I spend on him. It's market economics. If he can't field a quality product, sooner or later it's going to hit him in his pocketbook. I'll turn on the next game if they're showing it. I cut my subscription to the NFL Ticket because I didn't like shelling out my money to a zillionaire who keeps the product crappy. I did the same thing to Cabala's Mexican Restaurant. I used to love their food, but it got lousy at one point so I quit eating there. There isn't anyone here who's obligated in any way to patronize a lousy product. At some point when Jerry's pocketbook finally gets hit maybe he'll realize he has to hire a real GM to be able to put a quality team on the field.

A bandwagoner fan bails at the first sign of trouble and goes off and roots for the 49ers or the Chiefs or whoever happens to be hot at the moment. Just because you don't bandwagon like that does not mean that you have to excuse the same dumb mistakes over and over. This isn't the first sign of trouble, and I'm not running off to root for another NFL team. Jones has been making the same dumb mistakes repeatedly for years. Taking away our dollars and our time is the best possible thing for the team because it's the only thing that has any chance of making Jerry see reality. If not, the economic reality could at least force him to sell the team.

It’s ok to become less and less of a fan of the Cowboys. It makes complete sense and there is more than enough reason to. I think all of us are frustrated and getting to a point where the games don’t matter as much anymore. I am not to the point where i turn off the tv. I think if i get to that point, i would just stop following the team. Stop wasting time on message boards and reading about the Cowboys.
, but this time something broke or snapped or something.

I actually physically felt something break or snap or something when I read that Tom Landry died a Giants fan.

It did something to me.

I love all of the kids playing for the Cowboys, but there is nothing else down in Dallas that I care for anymore.
Not Jones, not Garrett, not Callahan, not the Death Star stadium, not the offensive philosophy of throwing it 40-50 times a game, not the total lack of commitment to the running game. (only Marinelli)

Watching the unkempt Rob Ryan (son of Buddy) laugh, mock, cuss, dominate, and embarrass us after finding out about Landry has zapped me. Something has changed.

I could never never cheer for a different team, but I can't continue to give my heart, love and energy every week to what is represented down in Dallas now.

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