When did you stop watching?

It was third and one early in the game. They call a freakin time out.

Then.....wait for it....like the sun rising......FLAG!!!! Offsides and facing third and six with a wasted time out. Watched Open Range for the fifth time. Never looked back.

FTR - I don't reschedule picking up dog crap in my backyard to catch the game anymore. It really piles up.

I watched the entire game. But the majority of the 3rd quarter and all of the 4th quarter I watched in about 8 minutes fast fowarding to the end.
Became a fan in 1977, have watched every game through some difficult and disappointing seasons, some thrilling and wonderful seasons, suffered and celebrated, have followed every churn of the roster, for years have logged on here several times a day to read the minutae, cared about every player transaction, minor addition to the coaching staff, looked forward to September, to Sundays, but for some reason something inside of me has just stopped caring.

Rabid fan for 36 years, rabid fan up until a few weeks ago, then suddenly, unexpectedly, and inexplicably... it's gone. It's not anger, disappointment, depression, frustration. It's like all feeling is gone -- I just don't care one way or the other. Frankly, it has taken me by surprise.

Played football growing up, love the sport, had Cowboys posters on my wall as a kid, a Cowboys' cap on my head for decades, have hosted many a football or Super Bowl party, have hunched over online streams of the poorest imaginable quality, done all the normal fan stuff, but my interest in watching the Cowboys has disappeared -- from maximal a few weeks ago to nothing. Life is good, nothing else has happened, still rooting as passionately for my favorite teams in other sports but watching Cowboys' games has become deja vu. It's the same thing over and over and over. We've had bad stretches before and my love and preoccupation did not diminish amidst the frustration and disappointment, but this time something broke or snapped or something.

Because it was a national game I thought I'd tune in this past week because the Cowboys on Sunday Night Football has historically been incredibly enjoyable, even thrilling....... but play after play I just didn't care and thought of all the things I'd rather be be doing so got up and went and did them. The score was only 14-10 at the time but I felt no tension whatsoever -- it was like I was watching the second half of an exhibition game between two AFC teams.

I'm scratching my head at it all, but I guess I just had enough. I guess I'll pass the torch to better fans, and who knows, maybe my passion will come back again when the team has an identity that inspires me. Good luck guys.

Wow. This describes how I feel in a nutshell. I really just don't care like I used to. As i sit there and watch this team self-destruct, I cannot help but feel like there are other things I could be doing that would be much more enjoyable.

As for why the Cowboys look the way they do now, it should be obvious. Since day 1 of taking over ownership, Jerry Jones has always been reactive as opposed to proactive. Example? Players like Demarcus Ware, Jason Witten, Anthony Spencer should have been traded / released 2 to 3 years ago. Unfortunately, Jerry Jones waits until they prove to ever other team that they aren't worth anything and then has to release them and let their last ridiculous contract eat up cap room for the next few years. Rinse / repeat.
I watch every down of every Cowboys game. Maybe it's because deep down inside I feel like if I endure all this suffering, then the reward will be that much greater when my Cowboys finally get back to where they once belonged. I don't know.
I watch every down of every Cowboys game. Maybe it's because deep down inside I feel like if I endure all this suffering, then the reward will be that much greater when my Cowboys finally get back to where they once belonged. I don't know.

Don't hold your breath, or think that there is some guarantee that this will happen.

I'm pretty confident that it won't happen with Jerry in charge, .. our only hope is if Steven can figure it out.
i pretty much check out of this season when Detriot beat us ... Im gonna probably be done until changes are made at GM.
It was third and one early in the game. They call a freakin time out.

Then.....wait for it....like the sun rising......FLAG!!!! Offsides and facing third and six with a wasted time out. Watched Open Range for the fifth time. Never looked back.

FTR - I don't reschedule picking up dog crap in my backyard to catch the game anymore. It really piles up.

I didn't. I watched it till the last second ticked off. Just like I do every single game.
No matter how POed I get, I always end up following the team. I had intended to dump the team when Jones treated Landry like crap, but I just couldn't stay away. I still want with all my heart for the team to win and I still follow it. I just make sure to follow it without paying a cent for it. If it's not being shown on local TV, I'll watch it in a crappy quality stream or via a torrent after the fact. I'm sure some people don't like that technology, but I think it's given power to the consumer. I pissed my money down a hole last season on the NFL Ticket on Jones' crappy product. I've chosen not to enrich that zillionaire anymore until he starts doing quality management or hires a good GM or sells the team.

If I know the Cowboys are playing the Giants or the Commanders or the 49ers or whoever, it still tugs at my heart strings and I wan them to win. I just don't expect it anymore. Nowadays I expect the team to do enough to make it look interesting for a while and to make people think they might have turned the corner only to fold and end up 8 and 8 or worse and then watch the real teams duke it out in the playoffs. I used to know the Cowboys always had a shot at deep penetration into the playoffs and maybe a Super Bowl victory. Nowadays I don't expect them to be any better than the Cleveland Browns.

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