Where are the Pac supporters now?


Kane Ala
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The bottom line is this is a troubled young man who needs help. I agree with the suspension and the time for coddling is over otherwise its only enabling. I don't think Jerry is abandoning him.

The sad thing is AJ may need to hit rock bottom before he can start to heal.


Active Member
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Define supporter.

I was always in support of taking a small risk on a talented guy with a lot of upisde. I kind of like the idea of a guy getting a second chance, although I also admit the hypocrisy by saying that I wouldn't take this chance on someone who had less talent.

In the end, Pacman didn't live up to his end of the bargain. He's got no one to blame for himself. Maybe he figures it out in Dallas. Maybe he figures it out somewhere else. Maybe he never gets it, and he just blew his last chance.

I thought it was a risk worth taking because it was a small risk. It didn't work. Next.

28 Joker

28 Joker
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I supported him, and despite what some of his critics said and continue to say, Pacman played some real good football out there. He played hard in a system that was completely new to him. Plus, his games against the Browns, Packers, Bengals, and Cardinals were very strong games.

Pacman gave up a touchdown to Larry Fitzgerald and a 16 yarder where he was hanging all over him, but your talking about Larry Fitzgerald. Fitzgerald was just making some great catches out there. Pacman did a good job on him, imo.

However, I don't really want him being a bad influence on Jenkins and Scandrick. The younger players need to look to players like Terence Newman as a role model on and off the field. If he doesn't play again for the Cowboys, I will not complain.


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Pac is FIRST CLASS. A first class water and vinegar bag that is. CUT HIM NOW....................


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Oh_Canada;2339861 said:
I was a supporter when they brought him in and still am. Personally I think Goddell is on a power trip and this is being blown way out of proportion.

Amazing that the New England Patriots as a team have had a multitude of transgressions that barely register a blip on the NFL radar screen but a player who gets into a little yelling match with his bodyguard gets suspended indefinately.

Not even close, at all. The Patriots don't have a player on their team whose been arrested and in trouble multiple times. They don't have a player on their team whose been suspended for a year who came back into the league for all of 6 weeks before he broke one of the rules of his reinstatement. Clearly the moron doesn't get it and probably never will.

Romo2Owens4six;2339896 said:
I'm still here. i just wish he would wake the **** up:(

I can't imagine there aren't people who don't wish he would. The problem is he hasn't and probably never will.


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I'm standing tall. Pac got a raw deal by the commish. I cannot wait till he gets back on the field. For US


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BHendri5;2341226 said:
I'm standing tall. Pac got a raw deal by the commish. I cannot wait till he gets back on the field. For US

Please explain to me how he got a raw deal. I'm curious, completely, how this is anything other than his fault.

The fact is that a condition of his returning to the NFL was that he comply, and stay within, the rules of his probation set upon him by the LAW. He didn't do that and he got himself suspended again. How is this anyone other than Adam Jones fault?


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Rack;2340819 said:
Hey look at me thumping my chest!


Dont worry, the chest isnt sore yet.

Quite simply I find it funny how very few people sided with me when I was saying the exact same things as Jerry/Godell last week, before the suspension.

Now he is suspended and I think it is funny how many people didnt think it was a big deal last week and were commenting on how there was no legal actions and that it's not his fault blah blah blah.

So yeah I am beating my chest saying I told you so because there was maybe 2 or 3 people who saw my logic and agreed with me.


New Member
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It's not about being a "pac supporter"...it's about supporting the risk/reward of the deal. Maybe it didnt work, maybe it still will, but either way, it was still the rt risk.

Jerry wins more than he loses on these deals. But that obviously means....he loses some. So great win DUDE. You win, as of this moment, this one hasnt worked. Good job. Sure you make all the right calls as it relates to the "business decisions" in your life boss.


The Boognish
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BraveHeartFan;2341221 said:
Not even close, at all. The Patriots don't have a player on their team whose been arrested and in trouble multiple times. They don't have a player on their team whose been suspended for a year who came back into the league for all of 6 weeks before he broke one of the rules of his reinstatement. Clearly the moron doesn't get it and probably never will.

The difference is that hes been arrested multiple times and has gotten no suspension whatsoever. If you don't understand the double standard then no one can help you.

What were the rules of his reinstatement? Do you even know?


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BraveHeartFan;2341221 said:
Not even close, at all. The Patriots don't have a player on their team whose been arrested and in trouble multiple times. They don't have a player on their team whose been suspended for a year who came back into the league for all of 6 weeks before he broke one of the rules of his reinstatement. Clearly the moron doesn't get it and probably never will.

I can't imagine there aren't people who don't wish he would. The problem is he hasn't and probably never will.


That comment is so ridiculous, I cant even attack it! A cheating coach that takes pride in running up the score and being absolutely classless, an NFL disrespecting reciever, an arrogant qb who yells and curses at one of the old true NFL gentlemen Marty Shot, wow....WOW...I dont know how to respond either Fuzzy, other than just direct a SSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH towards Braveheart.


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41gy#;2340886 said:
I supported him, and despite what some of his critics said and continue to say, Pacman played some real good football out there. He played hard in a system that was completely new to him. Plus, his games against the Browns, Packers, Bengals, and Cardinals were very strong games.

Pacman gave up a touchdown to Larry Fitzgerald and a 16 yarder where he was hanging all over him, but your talking about Larry Fitzgerald. Fitzgerald was just making some great catches out there. Pacman did a good job on him, imo.

However, I don't really want him being a bad influence on Jenkins and Scandrick. The younger players need to look to players like Terence Newman as a role model on and off the field. If he doesn't play again for the Cowboys, I will not complain.
I agree regarding his play.

I absolutely love watching him play. He is physical and agressive, i love that. I hate that he is a knucklehead and can't stay on the field.

Even though I know he dioesn't deserve another shot, I hope he gets it and makes the most of it because i really do enjoy watching him play.


No Quarter
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it's regretful he violated his terms but since he did i'm very glad he was suspended. Jerry should have given him a game last week just for making bad headlines and behavior requiring an 911 call

If it's for life i don't care.


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I still support Pacman, i don't really think he did anything wrong here, people argue all the time.

the kid 05

Individuals play the game, but teams beat the odds
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cowboyjoe;2339923 said:
I am a die hard dallas cowboys fan, and i will admit it, since 1966. I always believe in giving people chances, but now its all on adam jones, did you know this, i sure didnt;

Mickey's Ranch Report on KTCK (recap)
Adam Jones is a knucklehead and it was just a matter of time. You can talk about what he did or didn?t do or what the severity of what he did ? he couldn?t keep his name out of the headlines. That was the deal with Goodell ? keep your name out of the headlines, and he couldn?t do it. And reportedly Goodell has put such very, very strict requirements for Jones to even have the possibility of returning that the noose is so tight on him now that if he turns his head to sneeze he?s going to hang himself. And from what I gather, if he does get cleared by some miracle the Cowboys will have to consider whether it?s even worth bringing him back considering all the work and effort they put into him and he couldn?t even make it 6 weeks into the season. My guess is this aint going to be a 4 week suspension. I don?t think he?ll make it. I take ?indefinite? to men ?In four weeks we?ll just see where you?re at?. Just like he got the an indefinite suspension last year that everyone just assumed would only be a year, but then they evaluate it and he has a couple of more mishaps and he?s not even cleared until August the following year. This is probably just it for him, and I don?t know he?ll ever get it. I was told he has absolutely nothing, moneywise. Nothing. Did it turn your ears last week when Jerry said he was paying his finances? Jerry was paying his bills and giving him a stipend out of his own checkbook to help him with his finances. Now he forfeits 41k a week. If that doesn?t wake you up, I don?t know what will.

now its all on adam jones, its up to him sometimes people have to hit rock bottom before they change, i dont think adam jones actuallly hit rock bottoom, but after this he will read what is above,

sometimes people have to have their world ruined before they turn over a new life, now its all on adam jones, he has to learn the hard way

someone is going to complain about that noose analogy and play the race card


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TEUFELI;2341368 said:
It's not about being a "pac supporter"...it's about supporting the risk/reward of the deal. Maybe it didnt work, maybe it still will, but either way, it was still the rt risk.

Jerry wins more than he loses on these deals. But that obviously means....he loses some. So great win DUDE. You win, as of this moment, this one hasnt worked. Good job. Sure you make all the right calls as it relates to the "business decisions" in your life boss.

No I'm talking about all the people who called me out last week for saying that he needs to be suspended and that his actions are ridiculous and out of line. They all said that I didnt know what happened and that gave Pac the benefit of the doubt, when he had none left.

I said after his last incident that the supporters of him make me sick. (which may have been a bit much)

I fully supported him coming here, because he could help the team at minimal cost. I have no problem supporting brining him here to help the team.

What I dont get is after he screwed up this last time, everyone still had his back like it was no big deal and that it was "Just a misunderstanding". The guy had his last chance, yet people didnt want him suspended, or any discipline action. They failed to see my logic, which was he was on a probation period, and he screwed up by punching his own bodyguard, and not staying out of trouble. If he didnt get it that time, he never will. He let this team down with his actions (Newman is hurt, and we were counting on him to be our starting corner) and frankly I do not think he deserves to play in the NFL again.


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NextGenBoys;2341517 said:
No I'm talking about all the people who called me out last week for saying that he needs to be suspended and that his actions are ridiculous and out of line. They all said that I didnt know what happened and that gave Pac the benefit of the doubt, when he had none left.

I said after his last incident that the supporters of him make me sick. (which may have been a bit much)

I fully supported him coming here, because he could help the team at minimal cost. I have no problem supporting brining him here to help the team.

What I dont get is after he screwed up this last time, everyone still had his back like it was no big deal and that it was "Just a misunderstanding". The guy had his last chance, yet people didnt want him suspended, or any discipline action. They failed to see my logic, which was he was on a probation period, and he screwed up by punching his own bodyguard, and not staying out of trouble. If he didnt get it that time, he never will. He let this team down with his actions (Newman is hurt, and we were counting on him to be our starting corner) and frankly I do not think he deserves to play in the NFL again.

People have done worse things and haven't been suspended that should tell you what a joke Pacman getting suspended is......
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Im still Pro-Pacman.... and will be until he is suspended for life...

He is more talented than any DB we have....

Most Physical..

Isn't afraid to stick his nose in on a RB running full speed downhill...

Plays with an attitude..

And isnt scared of anyone on the field.

Too bad he cant stay on it.:bang2: