Where are the Pac supporters now?


Dem Boyz
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NextGenBoys;2339837 said:
Please, stand up. I'd love to see it.

nice way to call our people.. anyways im a pacman supporter was before we got him and will continue to and what?? whats your point here??


New Member
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At this point, I think Pac should sue the NFL and Roger GODdell for lost income.

I don't get how he can be suspended over the bodyguard fight incident when he isn't guilty of anything. No charges were filed, no guilt was found by a court.


Makin' It Rain
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I think the Cowboys still made the right move taking a chance on him. It backfired, and he's the tool we all suspected he was, but we don't really lose much by taking the risk.

Also, having a contingency plan in drafting Jenkins was brilliant. Jerry's smartest thing was never to rely on Pacman. If he turned out, it would have been a bonus.


Makin' It Rain
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I don't think it's unfair for Pacman to be working under a different set of guidelines than your typcial player. This guy has more career police incidents than interceptions, doesn't he?

He'll still get another shake in the league too if he behaves himself over the next few weeks.

Besides, as minor as this incident was (and certainly any player with a clean past would not be suspended for this), how many players DO you see get in bathroom fights where the police are called to the scene?

Yeah, it's overblown because it was Pacman, but let's be real, we'd have heard about this no matter who the player was -- Romo, TO, Witten, Barber, anyone.


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I can't believe that fishing with Deion didn't turn his life around. :rolleyes:

Remember on Hard Knocks, when Deion said it might be a good idea for Pac to call the Commish and thank him, yet Pac resisted? That's when I knew he still didn't get it.


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I supported Pacman when he was a Titan and especially as a Cowboy. Pacman was railroaded out of the league. When you see a wrong, you have to stand up and say something.

Pacman has no felony convictions! What percent of NFL players have felony convictions in their background and are still playing? I can't remember the exact %, but I think it is like 70%. Whatever, it is really high.

How would you like to be fired from your job because you drank some alcohol and got into a fight with a friend after work hours at a hotel? I'm guessing you'd be calling a lawyer claiming unlawful firing.


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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NextGenBoys;2339837 said:
Please, stand up. I'd love to see it.

I supported Jerry Jones giving him another chance to get his life straight, and I continue to support that based on what Adam Jones did.

Although I think it is steep considering the offense, I also support Goodell's suspension of Adam Jones. Whatever it takes to possibly get this young man on the right course.

I know that might never happen, but we have to acknowledge that Adam Jones was doing better until making a lesser stupid decision than he has in the past. Without hope of ever playing football again, I think he would make far worse decisions, but with that hope, he might continue to make progress toward being a better person.

I think it's clear he has a ways to go before he truly understands what that means, if he ever gets to that point.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
BoysFaninBurque;2340411 said:
At this point, I think Pac should sue the NFL and Roger GODdell for lost income.

I don't get how he can be suspended over the bodyguard fight incident when he isn't guilty of anything. No charges were filed, no guilt was found by a court.
:welcome: to the forum.

Suing Goodell and the league will only bring more negative publicity on himself. Suing will be a BIG gamble on his part. If he were to lose, he will ship himself up **** creek. I doubt he's that stupid.


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Pacman is a person Goodell uses to scare others with.Meanwhile Angel marvin Harrison is shooting peeps and Larry Johnson just beat a girl up.


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juckie;2340490 said:
Pacman is a person Goodell uses to scare others with.Meanwhile Angel marvin Harrison is shooting peeps and Larry Johnson just beat a girl up.

Let's not forget Lynch's hit and run.....


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NextGenBoys;2339837 said:
Please, stand up. I'd love to see it.
Count me in. I was not a full supporter of bringing him in but I will stand by him. He needs this team to stand beside him now. Plus no chargers were filed, can't really nail him to the cross.


Makin' It Rain
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I don't object to Pacman being suspended.

But I will say this. I'm curious why we're not seeing more behavior-related suspensions.

I've seen all sorts of names cross the wire for assault this, drug abuse that. And I never hear of them being suspended.

Like I said, I personally think Pacman's history warrants this sort of tough law. But some others shouldn't be getting away with no penalty in the new, "strict" NFL.

Bob Sacamano

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PacMan is an extreme case, he's been in the police blotter at least 7 times

unlike those other guys, he's run up his chances


The Funcooker
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NextGenBoys;2339837 said:
Please, stand up. I'd love to see it.
I supported bringing Jones in. But I think some of my reservations have been proven. I wanted him here with the hopes that maybe surrounding him with quality leadership and a winning team can help him grow up.

But even I can admit I was wrong. Not about Adam Jones the football player. I think he was just starting to shake off the rust and show what he was REALLY capable of doing. Adam Jones as a person on the other hand is still a bratty little child. I mean for cripes sake, grow up already.

I wouldn't object to a life-time ban from the league and all its facilities as a player or a fan. *MAYBE* that can finally make it sink in that Adam Jones is the only person responsible for Adam Jones.

That being said...*IF* he only gets 4 games I'll be happy :) Because maybe it'll sink in *AND* if I understood correctly we'd still get our draft picks back from Tennessee. (correct me if i'm wrong though)


The Cult of Jib
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Right here.

Still am.

Still holding out hope he gets his **** together.


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links18;2340307 said:
He already said he was going to start punishing teams for the actions of their players and it seems like he has complete arbitrary authority to do whatever the hell he wants........
If he punishes this organization for going above and beyond what any other team in the history of the NFL has ever done for a player in an effort to help him turn his life around and not make the NFL look like third world dictators, his tenure as Commish will be short lived. He does, after all ,work for the owners. I have no dog in this fight, I support the Dallas Cowboys. That includes the drunken fool who sweeps the stadium and never shows up on Mondays and Fridays. If I had to live by the same rules as Pacman when I was young, I would probably not be where I am today. I've seen many a man who at the age of 40 still didn't get it. That doesn't mean they should be brushed aside and treated any less than the way I want to be treated. I would like to think that if one of my children ever went astray and I was not there to help, that someone would always be there to try. I'm a product of the sixties so maybe I just don't get the My way is ONLY way, look at me I'm better than you society that we have become today.


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I just want to know why a grown man needs a team hired bodyguard aka babysitter to begin with.The fact is Pac is a thug.How many chances does one person get. He has been getting away with stuff since high school probably just because he has talent. The fact is he will end in prison or dead once his money runs out. He will never learn till somebody stands up to him.Some of what has happened to him is societys fault because most teams have the attitude win at any cost.Now Jerry has been embarrased:eek:: by him so we probably want have to worry about him much longer. If Jenkings steps in and makes plays:pray: I bet Pac will get cut. Just my opinion.


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ndanger;2340593 said:
If he punishes this organization for going above and beyond what any other team in the history of the NFL has ever done for a player in an effort to help him turn his life around and not make the NFL look like third world dictators, his tenure as Commish will be short lived.