Where's the "like" button for the banner at the top of the page?


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I don't understand people calling the win meaningless. I'd understand if we were like a couple games out of first place, but we're ONE game behind first place. I honestly wouldn't call getting a win over a division rival to pull one game back out of first place "meaningless".

I think the main reason for most is that it's nice that we won last night but if they turn around and get beaten in Greenbay then was this win really all that meaningful?

Of course if the rest of the division goes out and loses as well and keeps us within 1 game then yeah it still could be. It really depends on what the team does going forward from this.

I do believe this. If our offense plays as poorly as it did again last night, in Greenbay, we'll be down by 30 before the offense ever decides to do anything.


rock music matters
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First of all, whatever you drank with your breakfast, I need some of that. Diatribe much?

Second, I never have and never would root for a loss so your angst is lost and wasted in response to me. I was in the game thread rooting for the win the entire time. I have even defended the win in threads where people are bashing it.

All the banner would have to say is, "Dedicated to the Fans Who Are Happy We Won" and I would have no issue. As it's worded and done, it's a clear incitement and something that if posted in reverse, would get moved or deleted as a thread. I am all for sticking together as guys who want the team to win no matter what. I always have the back of those people. Poking fun at a sect of fans and egging them on is as childish as it gets and with the standard the moderators are trying to hold posters to around here, most recently in particular, it's out of place.

Then again, I just post here so what do I know.

hey - i just post here too. can't think of anyone on here who does any more or less than that.

the banner says what the site felt like saying. trying to live a life of not offending people gets more annoying than people who get offended by everything.

and sorry, i dedicate carly simon to you this am. :)


rock music matters
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I understand.

I just want what is best for the Cowboys long term.

Another year of Garrett and a worse draft pick is not the way to go.

I'm willing to set the forest on fire if everything grows back better than before.

what if it doesn't grow back? how do you KNOW it will? i can hope we can beat green bay and that has just as much merit as hoping we lose, hoping we get a high pick, hoping we pick the right guy and hoping that pick pans out.

just takes a lot less energy that way.

but there's no way to know that this fire will do more good than harm. could it? sure. could it backfire? to me, much more a possibility. just not worth it to me and i'd rather go down fighting than go down hoping to fight better with someone else on my team i can't name at this point in time.


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hey - i just post here too. can't think of anyone on here who does any more or less than that.

the banner says what the site felt like saying. trying to live a life of not offending people gets more annoying than people who get offended by everything.

and sorry, i dedicate carly simon to you this am. :)

Who's offended? I think you may be taking my first post, in which I even admitted I would probably have done the same thing if it were my forum, a little too seriously.

Meh, no thanks on the Carly Simon, how about some Paul Simon instead?


rock music matters
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Who's offended? I think you may be taking my first post, in which I even admitted I would probably have done the same thing if it were my forum, a little too seriously.

Meh, no thanks on the Carly Simon, how about some Paul Simon instead?

you can call me al. :)

and i honestly was talking in general, not "to" you or "at" you.


1st Round Pick
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what if it doesn't grow back? how do you KNOW it will? i can hope we can beat green bay and that has just as much merit as hoping we lose, hoping we get a high pick, hoping we pick the right guy and hoping that pick pans out.

just takes a lot less energy that way.

but there's no way to know that this fire will do more good than harm. could it? sure. could it backfire? to me, much more a possibility. just not worth it to me and i'd rather go down fighting than go down hoping to fight better with someone else on my team i can't name at this point in time.

I don't.. But I know where the Jason Garrett road leads and I want a high draft pick and a new coach.

I want to be excited about Cowboys football again. Garrett brings no excitement to this team.

Lineup, hope we can out athlete the other team, and when we can't it's either hope Romo pulls off a miracle or lose. Im so done with that approach.

PA Cowboy Fan

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I don't get it myself, saying it is dedicated to fans who are happy when we lose implies that fans are wanting loses every week.

I didn't see any fans being happy when we were losing 7 games straight, in fact this is the first game of the year that a large segment of fans were talking about not being upset if we lose because even with a win, we still have to leap frog all 3 teams with a hard schedule remaining. If we don't win the division, all any additional loses would do would hurt the team in terms of draft position.

That was the line of thinking, not fans openly rooting against the team week in and week out hoping for loses.....that banner takes things out of context since I do not believe most fans on this site openly root against the team, if they did they would not be members for years and years.

Just my .02

Exactly. I was rooting hard for the team on Thanksgiving. If we still had Tony playing it would be different. the Cowboys looked awful last night except for the last minute of the game. One win isn't going to help the long term success of the Cowboys.


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I understand.

I just want what is best for the Cowboys long term.

Another year of Garrett and a worse draft pick is not the way to go.

I'm willing to set the forest on fire if everything grows back better than before.

Losing last night, or the rest of the way, will not do anything about Garrett. He will be here next year regardless.

I don't see why anyone doesn't understand that. The fact that Jerry absolutely loves him is enough to save him for another year or two. The fact that he's lost Romo for the majority of this year absolutely punched him a free ticket this season.

I understand wanting the higher draft pick. I get that.

Then what? Does the higher one assure us of someone that everyone is going to be thrilled was drafted? Or will be pick in the top 10 only to take another Mo Claiborne?

Then what? Then you tanked, got your higher pick, and picked someone that within 2 years everyone is going to be absolutely pissed that they took. It's a risky slope, hoping thy tank just for the chance that they might, maybe, if we're lucky, and everything works out right wind up with another T-Smith with our top 10 pick.


rock music matters
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Exactly. I was rooting hard for the team on Thanksgiving. If we still had Tony playing it would be different. the Cowboys looked awful last night except for the last minute of the game. One win isn't going to help the long term success of the Cowboys.

and one more loss will?

people who want us to lose to get a better pick are making a TON of assumptions that the pick will be WHO they want, THE POSITION they want, THE VALUE they want and of course, the PERFORMANCE they demand.

winning or losing won't change a thing about that part.


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Oh and the banner...I immediately smiled and laughed. It's funny.

And I was one of the people in the game thread last night saying I thought we were going to lose, and I didn't have a lot of faith we'd win. I still found the banner funny.

Some of the people around here, who chip the most and the loudest about all the bad stuff and how they're just wanting this or that for the team, cause they understand so much more....those seem to be the people with the thinnest skin.

Dear Lord. I've never in my life seen so much crying, and whining, about the Cowboys beating the Commanders in my life.

Quite honestly it's pathetic. I don't care who that offends, or how much trouble it may or may not get me into. If you are a Cowboys fan and you can honestly say you're sad, upset, angry, or unhappy that we beat the ******* Commanders then you've got major issues. To be quite honest.

I miss the days when even when you're a bad team that the fans were happy and wanted to see us still beat dreaded division rivals. I guess those comments we saw last week about how rivalries only matter to the fans cause of FA. That's not really true anymore either. I guess rivalries don't matter at all anymore cause we've got a whole boat load of fans that would be happier this morning if the Skins had beaten us.

If I ever get the point where I'm actually angry that we beat the Skins, Giants, or Eagles will be the day that I quit watching football all together.


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Highly doubt it.............just like if we lose next week at Green Bay, will there be a message saying "cheer up, top 10 pick incoming"

Again, highly doubt it.
Y'all just don't get it.
Probably need your own forum. Constructive critique is one thing......but your constant misery in a entity of compete to win is depressing.


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How about agreeing that we all love the Cowboys which is why we're here, but have different philosophies on what will bring us the most success?

I want to build for the future and in a perfect world garrett would at least be on the hot seat. Winning just enough to keep us away from a premium pick and providing the delusional owner more of a reason to stand behind his extension of Coach Clap, doesn't fall in line with what I PERSONALLY believe is best for this franchise. To some I'm not a real fan, while others understand and agree with me. Not sure why there's all of this anger and tension and banners and calls for people to leave. It's football, and we are fans. Relax!!!!


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Tomorrow is promised to no one.

We are very much in the hunt to win the NFC East. Anyone saying last night's win was "meaningless" truly does not understand what that word means.

You play to win the game, every time. Especially when you're fighting for a division title.


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except it's more a "chance" at a better draft pick and a "chance" that player will pan out. there's a "chance" that someone won't trade ahead of us to take who we want...there's so much fail in this that i can't begin to describe how idiotic i see this mindset. if this is insulting sorry, i see it as idiotic. we've blown draft picks all across the board, high and low. there is NOTHING guaranteed about getting a higher draft pick except not having to make your pick around midnight and being able to go to bed sooner.

for THAT i would almost say lose a few games. :)

so if i'm reading your sarcasm correctly we agree. if not, then i make no sense here. but for the ADD crowd, at least this was a shorter post.

Oh I agree with you about last night. We're one game out and I love football . Let's keep playing ,that game last night was hilaribad,

However there IS a scenario where I can see me rooting for a loss. Like a week 17 game in a lost season wherein no cool players are even in the game and we can't even play spoiler.

I remember the Patrick Peterson draft had me conflicted. Even still how can you see dez Bryant make an acrobatic catch and ACTUALLY be cursing your screen,


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When people openly desire for the team to lose and they openly are arguing or belittling those that want the team to win...they are in the wrong forum.
It is really as simple as that.

People don't like it...I don't care.



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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Oh and the banner...I immediately smiled and laughed. It's funny.

And I was one of the people in the game thread last night saying I thought we were going to lose, and I didn't have a lot of faith we'd win. I still found the banner funny.

Some of the people around here, who chip the most and the loudest about all the bad stuff and how they're just wanting this or that for the team, cause they understand so much more....those seem to be the people with the thinnest skin.

Dear Lord. I've never in my life seen so much crying, and whining, about the Cowboys beating the Commanders in my life.

Quite honestly it's pathetic. I don't care who that offends, or how much trouble it may or may not get me into. If you are a Cowboys fan and you can honestly say you're sad, upset, angry, or unhappy that we beat the ******* Commanders then you've got major issues. To be quite honest.

I miss the days when even when you're a bad team that the fans were happy and wanted to see us still beat dreaded division rivals. I guess those comments we saw last week about how rivalries only matter to the fans cause of FA. That's not really true anymore either. I guess rivalries don't matter at all anymore cause we've got a whole boat load of fans that would be happier this morning if the Skins had beaten us.

If I ever get the point where I'm actually angry that we beat the Skins, Giants, or Eagles will be the day that I quit watching football all together.

I think this was pretty much the point of the banner in the first place. It wasn't meant to be spiteful. I think it was meant as a lighthearted jab after a big win and finally breaking through and stealing one without Tony Romo.

And, hey, everybody gets to self-identify with whether they're happy with a loss or bummed by it but looking on the bright side as far as draft position goes, anyway. If you're actually happy about the prospect of the Cowboys losing to the Commanders, well, I guess it's ok with me if they really don't like the banner that much.